New member
8.25 miles Elliptical in 55 mins
New Total = 2031.25
New Total = 2031.25
4 mile walk (56 minutes)
New Total = 2039.25
2039.25 + 10.5 + 2049.75 miles!
2039.25 + 10.5 + 2049.75 miles!
6 miles elliptical
New Total = 2055.75
Thanks Griff!!!
Where are we going to walk after we finish this one?
(maybe something shorter?)
Once we get to lettuce lake and have our picnic and skinny dip in the lake, I'll make a new post with the next road trip details so that everyone can join (and hopefully not quit this time).
Ha Ha Ha - your a cutie - skinny dipping - and a picnic - hee hee hee - sure what the hell...
We will have earned it...
22.5 miles tonight!!!
New Total = 2080.75
Total personal miles for the week = 100