Weight-Loss Burger Lake to Lettuce Lake Walk

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yesterday 1 hour aerobics = 2 miles

new total: 2033.25 miles
Thanks Griff!!!

Where are we going to walk after we finish this one?

(maybe something shorter?)

Well now that we have less than 300 miles to go to Lettuce Lake I'll divulge the top secret information. Our next Road Trip Challenge will be from FAT to SLIM, 1686 miles.:D

FAT is an airport designation for an airport in California, that works since we'll be there anyway. SLIM is a small town in Oklahoma.

Once we get to lettuce lake and have our picnic and skinny dip in the lake, I'll make a new post with the next road trip details so that everyone can join (and hopefully not quit this time).
Once we get to lettuce lake and have our picnic and skinny dip in the lake, I'll make a new post with the next road trip details so that everyone can join (and hopefully not quit this time).

Ha Ha Ha - your a cutie - skinny dipping - and a picnic - hee hee hee - sure what the hell...
well i did yesterday 5 miles on the elliptical and then did 45 minutes of crunches, lunges, weight lifting etc :D so that would be total of 6.25 miles

new total: 2087 miles
2.75 mile walk this am - I walked my first 1.75 miles in 45 mins:D:D:Dand by 60 mins I was at 2.25 - Im very proud of myself...

New Total = 2089.75
Back from camp for one night! I'll be going back tomorrow for another week so if you get to lettuce lake before I get back, have fun and I'll see you on our next journey.:) Here's what I did this week.
Hiking for 4 days, 14 miles total
swim, .5 mile
new total 2104.25
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