Weight-Loss Burger Lake to Lettuce Lake Walk

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Are you exercising your stress and frustrations and thoughts off ??? Damn good time nad miles - shit you make me look like i do nothing - LOL


Your elliptical workouts are FAR from "doing nothing":)
That's pretty exciting. Your morning walk will be so satisfying you may never want to walk again because they'll just be disappointing after that.

Ya it totally is exciting!!! What sucks Is I usually do at least 10 or 11 miles in an elliptical round but oh well - ha ha ha - I was expecting you to post some exercise before me agian :)

Im just glad that we are pretty much done!!!
OMFG - Im soooo excited I get to actually post the last miles - sweeet!!!

2.5 miles Elliptical this am:)I was to antsey and couldnt wait to go on my walk - I want this walk done and over with - it has been a long walk and challenege but hte sence of accomplishment is great - I contritubted 677 miles towards the lake and Im pretty proud of that...

Thanx everyone for your help and your added miles - this has been fun...I now step aside for Griff to take over - :D:D:D

New Total = 2354.25

aaahhh ok now after all that it isnt over yet - 2358.0...so 4 more miles ? 3.75 - I wont be finishing the walk off - LOL...it's you and griff , penny or Lena - if she posts :) The excitement was worth it!!!
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No Kaitie said she rechecked it on Mapquest and it was 2354 miles...so we're done. Congrats! Time for a picninc and skinny dipping!

Good job Cinderelly!!!

I'll post the next road trip challenge today.
No Kaitie said she rechecked it on Mapquest and it was 2354 miles...so we're done. Congrats! Time for a picninc and skinny dipping!

Good job Cinderelly!!!

I'll post the next road trip challenge today.

ooohhh ok - I obviously missed that!!! Thanx Cutie:) SKinny dippin hey - LOL...well it was cool to clock the last couple of miles:)
Wahoo! We made it!

I've been busy with my Harry Potter obsession but I'm so glad that we all made it!! Congrats!
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