Buddies? Any out there for me?

Thanks DariQueen. You are absolutely right. At least i'm not gaining and with my past... that alone is something to be proud of. I guess I had kind of forgot about that. It's easy to get so wrapped up in wanting to lose that you forget to be happy about what you've already acheived. It'll probably happen in time, I just need to be more patient. Stressing out over it isn't helping me at all.

Thank you!
it's ok... we're stressed at one pt or other.

which reminds me....i suddenly hv 3 weddings to help out in before 2006 ends?!?!?!?!?:(
the only thing I can think of is that maybe your body needs more consistency. Like maybe it reacts adversely cos you jump from one technique to another. Maybe if you just stick with one method, you might see a difference after a while?

Also, you have to remember that the more and more you lose, the less and less your calorie intake should be...so eating the same as you have been up til now won't do the trick. You'll have to re-evaluate your bodies needs to continue losing. Did that make any sense? :p

I agree with what everyone is saying. You do have to increase works to 5x a week but they don't have to last an hour. 30-40 minutes is all that is needed. I read that more intense works don't show anymore results.

I also think going to a nutritionist will be a great help. Have you tried a flush program? This is where you eat nothing but fruits and vegetables for one week to cleanse your system. It can really kick start your program again.

Also about the tea - black tea is regular tea and has caffine. Green Tea also has caffine but not that much and it is good for you so if you like it keep drinking it. You are right if the package doesn't say caffine free then it is not.

Best of luck and we are all here for you.
Well..... I figured out my problem. I've been writing down what I eat for a couple weeks now so that when/if I go see a nutritionist I could show her. I've never counted calories before. It's a pain for me to do because I don't hardly eat any packaged foods. Two days ago though I sat down and decided to see what I could come up with. (Now take in mind that I eat about every three hours and I pick at food all day long so I feel that I eat a lot of food.) From what I can figure I only had about 700 calories that day... TOPS! Sooooo I probably haven't been losing weight cuz my body is in starvation mode. I eat a ton of food BUT everything I eat is so low in calories that they don't add up to much. Forty calories here and eighty there isn't anything, really!

So now i'm really working on getting my calorie intake up. It's almost hard for me to do because of the kind of food I eat. I've got to eat a butt load of food to reach 1200 calories. Now that I have to get all this food in I am making myself eat breakfast. I'm doing two eggs and one slice of toast.

Before, any time I would start eating more food I would gain weight and i'd freak so I would stop eating so much. THIS TIME I took my scale away. I've got to stop weighing myself daily. I know that I am going to have to gain some weight in order to get my body back to where it should be and then I will start losing again. I'm taking my scale away because I don't trust myself to give this a fair chance. I struggle with eating enough food as it is, I don't need the scale there making me depressed. I will weigh myself again in two weeks.... unless I feel like i've gained ALOT...lol... then I might wait! I am going to stick with eating my healthy foods but more often. I am also going to try eating small amounts of normal food. NOT junk food but like... chili, "beef" hamburger, a taco, maybe even a little pasta, ect.

I hope I can do this without gaining much weight. It is really upsetting to know that I am probably going to gain weight. It's scary! What if I lose control like in my past, ya know? What if I start slipping?

Wish me luck!
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Toxins and animal fats (Dairy)

Hello Jess

Check your diet for any toxins (additives in food e no's etc) they get stored in your fat layer so for example if you had a high toxin diet you would think you were overweight through overeating but it was actually the toxins that made you overweight. Any dairy products our bodies cannott process and digest them properly the mass of them is mostlt stored in our fat layer so if you ate a 100 gramm piece of cheese 90grammes would be stored in your fat layer. Exercise I don't beleive in going to the gym if you dont enjoy it thats how gyms survive signing up loads of people who they know won't keep going to the gym. Try and excercise that you enjoy walking tennis golf anything that you find fun you are more likely to keep doing.

Good Luck


So, how is everyone losing their weight? I changed my lifestyle about a year and a half ago and started focusing on living a "healthy" lifestyle. I've lost my weight naturally. I eat mostly healthy food (whole grain, sugar free, fresh produce, ect.) but I do allow myself to eat whatever I want... but in small amounts. The trick to the whole thing is portion control! I eat small amounts but I eat them often... like six times a day and this has worked great for me... until recently. I'm beginning to have problems now. Over the last SEVERAL months my weight lose has slowed WAY down.. to pretty much a stop. Everyone told me that I need to change something so I started eating a little less. I still eat often... just less. I also really started getting picking about what I would eat and NOT eat. I used to eat a ton of veggies and I felt great back then. Over time I began to get addicted to fruit and before ya know it I had replaced veggies with fruit. Well, i'm on the go alot so protein meal replacement bars have been my savor... that and fruit salads. I started losing weight again but I also slowly started losing all of my energy and ability to stay focused on anything. I've had blood work done but they didn't find anything (of course). I started writing down what all I ate everyday and was surprised at what I found. I thought I ate sooo healthy and it turned out I didn't. In fact, I was eating horrible. Without even realizing it I was basicly living on protein meal replacement bars, yogurt, walnuts and fruit... lots of fruit! Where was the rest of the food groups? All this time I thought carbs were bad for ya but it turns out that you need them...lol. I guess carbs are what gives you your energy. Soooo I started eating more food.... from all the food groups. Within two days I felt much better. I also put five pounds on in ONE week. I stopped gaining and was able to lose most of the five pounds I gained but now I am right back to where I was before..... STUCK! I can not lose for nothing. It's like my body is on strike. It's hard to not eat less when you want to lose so bad, ya know.

Does anyone have any ideas for me to start losing again... in a healthy way? I've been working out and it doesn't seem to be making any difference. Granted i'm only working out three times a week but that is three times more than I was before. Do I need to be working out more often? I've cut back on fruit and started eating more veggies. Is there anything else I should cut out of my diet? I normally only have one slice of rye bread a day. I will admit that I love cheese and probably eat too much of that. Who doesn't love cheese though, right...lol.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Nice to meet you Beth. The toxin thing you talk about is new to me so I don't know anything about it. It sounds interesting though. Is there a good way to check food to see if there are toxins in it? I know they say that if you look at the ingredients and if there are words on there that you can't say then it's probably not very good for you. Is that maybe what you are talking about?

I don't eat a whole lot of that kind of food anymore. I used to eat more packaged foods than I do now. When I stopped losing weight I started eating basicly all "diet" food. I eat mainly fruits, veggies, chicken, tuna, yogurt, nuts, and South Beach protein meal replacement bars. Now that I think of it.... I should check out those protein bars. Who knows whats in those.

I do eat cheese often. Is there a cheese that is better than others? What should I stay away from?

I'm trying to talk my husband into working out with me, at home. See he wants to quit smoking but he's afraid of gaining weight (cuz he gained 35 pounds last time he quit). I keep telling him that if he lets me help him I PROMISE he will not gain. He's finally got all his weight off and looking all good and actually feeling good about himself so he's not excited about wrecking that. I think it would be fun to workout together. I think he'd feel real good about himself, too. Besides, i'd really like him to quit smoking. His dad died of lung cancer and that scares me. Don't get me wrong... i'm not one of those annoying anti-smoker people. I smoked for many years myself. I had to quit four times before I finally quit for good. It is incredibly hard to quit and YES everytime I quit (except this last time) I gained weight. This last time was after I had changed my life style so I actually lost weight. He's just got to believe in himself and know that i'm here to help him.

Does anyone have any encouraging words to help him?

Sorry to take so long to get back to you Jessica I was making dinner.

I got alot of my diet info from miracle diet its the .co.uk one not the .com one you can download most of the information free.

Watch out with the eggs and toast if the toast is made from white bread its full of toxins and adds weight without giving you any nutrition.

The egg yolks are absolutely full of fat but the whites are ok they are full of low fat protein.

The bars you are eating I suspect they will be full of toxins. How you recognise a toxin is if its something you dont recognise as a natural food. For example zanthian gum is not natural monosodium glutomate is not natural. Orange juice is natural and so on.

I suspect the reason you want to eat cheese is that your diet is short of nutrients you are constantly hungry so you are attracted to high fat high carb food. Though thinking about it cheese is high fat high protein so maby you dont have enough protein in your diet?

Hope thats useful Beth
Sorry I forgot to add.
Don't be so down on yourself what you have achived so far is fantastic.
I am sorry to hear abour your money worries but they tend to go in cycles if you are on a down just now an up could be just around the corner.

On excercise the best excercise I found for loosing weight has been golf (I know that sounds a little crazy) Walking round 18 holes pulling clubs is the best excersise I have found. I used to go to the gym and it worked whilst I kept going but as soon as I stopped going the effects wore off.

I also found that cutting down on alchahol speeded up my weght loss when I had plateaud
Toxins in Body

Hi agree that you have to watch out for things that have toxins. There is this great book "Fat Flush" that talks about what different foods do to our bodies. Some people have food alergies and don't know it that makes them seem like they are fat. If I were you I would check it out from the library or but it.

One important thing in the book though is although egg yolks have fat they contain a very important mineral/enzyme (can't remember which) that actually flushes toxins from your liver. The author talks about the mistake people make by taking them out of thier diet.

Good luck with the weight lose.
hey guys, I had a horrible weekend when it came to food. I felt really upset because of a few things that happened and I went back into my old habits and I didn't really stop until today. My trip is in a couple of days though, so I'm trying to look on the bright side.
Hi everyone, long time I havent been on the forum, been very busy. Todaty I just need to vent out myself, for I am in a very sad mood.:(
My best friend has been diagnosed with a really high level of bad cholesterol and she runs the risk of getting arterial problems because of that. She has been put on a strict diet and has to take this drug-pravachol.I got very little information on this drug (), for I have never heard of it before. If anyone can share info about it please do. She has to follow a very strict diet also, as advised by the doctor and together we have been going through so many weight loss sites and forums and found one discussion about how we cnt -how is that possible?:confused:
Is there anyone who would like to explain us a bit more about this and clear our confusion.... your help would be much appreciated.
greenpeas - The reason you can't eliminate fat completely from your diet is because your body needs a small amount of fat to maintain hair and skin health just to name a few. But you can eliminate bad fats and like I said we really only need a small amount. Plus if your friend consumes the right (good) fats she can actually lower her cholesterol.

My husband has an exteremly high level of triglycerides and has a very serious heart condition. Rx drugs did not work to lower his triglycerides and so his cardiologist recommended taking fish oil pills. But not just any fish oil pills. The main problem with the fish oil pills on the market is that they are not very pure. Anyway the doctor recommended Res-Q 1250. You can only buy them online. They are not cheap but they lowered his tricylycerides by 300 points. Plus they have no fishy after taste like a lot on the market.

Sorry to ramble but this site has a lot of information on heart health. It is worth checking out. I know it can be scary but keep up your spirits. Three years after my husbands cardio issues the doctor uses my husband as a success story for all his other patients. (He has fully recovered):D

Good luck!
Hi, I was wondering if i could join your buddy circle as well?
my name is sam and im from sydney australia.

Im new to the website i just joined today
It sounds like you have all come a long way and should be very proud. you are all very inspirational.
After some inital weight loss i aim to lose another 50 or 60 pounds and i have slowed right down so im looking for that extra help and motivation from people who understand and are going through similar experiences.
Welcome! I too have 50-60lbs to lose and it can be overwhelming, but I take it in slow doses not the large long term goal. If you have had a slow down you should try adjusting or increaseing your workouts. Our bodies tend to get use to the calorie intake and calorie burn so to push passed that we have to trick it with changes.

Keep up the good work:D
yeah my big bowl of spicy soup and 2 slices of white bread at 930pm shd be a trick alrite......:(