Broken Heart

Dead right...

Don't even get me started on the bedroom part...its my 3rd job...


Men are either really into a girl or they're not. You're not into your present GF. I'm assuming the reason the bedroom is your third job is not because it's really happening as opposed to spending so much time making out that you're exhausted :D

Now that you've answered your own questions, you know what you have to do. That's the hardest part of realizing a relationship just isn't working. However, if you have already had a few separations, this probably won't come as a shock to your present GF.

Believe me, you won't enjoy your holiday nearly as much as you'd like to if you stay with your present GF. Don't prolong the inevitable.
You're a smart man, firefreak ;)

yes. as long as I provide my parents with a grandchild before they die all is well. haha.

Men are either really into a girl or they're not. You're not into your present GF. I'm assuming the reason the bedroom is your third job is not because it's really happening as opposed to spending so much time making out that you're exhausted :D

Now that you've answered your own questions, you know what you have to do. That's the hardest part of realizing a relationship just isn't working. However, if you have already had a few separations, this probably won't come as a shock to your present GF.

Believe me, you won't enjoy your holiday nearly as much as you'd like to if you stay with your present GF. Don't prolong the inevitable.

I wouldn't enjoy the holiday either way. I'd either be with my parents the whole time...lame...or with my brother and his gf...unlikely and awkward.

She spent $500 on non-refundable tickets...oy...i just don't know...and with the one year mark approaching...why do i get myself into these messes?
yes. as long as I provide my parents with a grandchild before they die all is well. haha.

I wouldn't enjoy the holiday either way. I'd either be with my parents the whole time...lame...or with my brother and his gf...unlikely and awkward.

She spent $500 on non-refundable tickets...oy...i just don't know...and with the one year mark approaching...why do i get myself into these messes?

Because you're human. Don't beat yourself up about it.

I'd be tempted to give your present GF her walking papers (don't perseverate about the one year thing -- let her go), and if you can afford it, reimburse her the $500, and then opt to stay at home and celebrate New Year's with somebody special ;)
Because you're human. Don't beat yourself up about it.

I'd be tempted to give your present GF her walking papers (don't perseverate about the one year thing -- let her go), and if you can afford it, reimburse her the $500, and then opt to stay at home and celebrate New Year's with somebody special ;)

can't afford the $500...and my mother would cut my throat if i dropped out of the family trip to stay home....
can't afford the $500...and my mother would cut my throat if i dropped out of the family trip to stay home....

Alrighty then :) So your New Year's will blow. Find a laptop or an internet cafe and tell us all how much fun you're not having. Chances are half the people on this forum are staying home on New Year's Eve anyway :)

Perhaps your GF should quickly become your female friend without fringe benefits. Explain to her the situation and what's going on with you -- something like I'm just not into this relationship the way you are -- this is just bad timing, and it's not going to go anywhere right now because you want more than I'm able to give and I don't want to lead you on -- that type of thing.

Then she'll cry and try to make you feel guilty. Don't. It takes two to tango. I'm assuming that this relationship feels like a one-way street for you already, so don't let her guilt you into falling for her again. That's straight out emotional manipulation/abuse and you don't want to go there. That's a dead end street.
Single for New Years and its an issue? :grinning:

No better time to get your freak on.

Under normal circumstances, I agree :D

But firefreak is with his family and soon to be ex-GF.

Maybe firefreak could breakaway and find a cool beach party to get his freak on, but I think firefreak knows exactly who he wants to get his freak on with, and unfortunately, she won't be in Florida :(
Alrighty then :) So your New Year's will blow. Find a laptop or an internet cafe and tell us all how much fun you're not having. Chances are half the people on this forum are staying home on New Year's Eve anyway :)

Luckily I have an iPhone. ;)

Perhaps your GF should quickly become your female friend without fringe benefits. Explain to her the situation and what's going on with you -- something like I'm just not into this relationship the way you are -- this is just bad timing, and it's not going to go anywhere right now because you want more than I'm able to give and I don't want to lead you on -- that type of thing.

Then she'll cry and try to make you feel guilty. Don't. It takes two to tango. I'm assuming that this relationship feels like a one-way street for you already, so don't let her guilt you into falling for her again. That's straight out emotional manipulation/abuse and you don't want to go there. That's a dead end street.

Why do you think we got back together? The break-up lasted about 36 hours. It was inevitable that it would be reconciled because she was at my place on a Friday night (doesn't have a car of her own) and the fight came about because of my reluctance to commit to a vacation to Mexico next year. She demanded to know why I didn't want to go (and ironically wanted to know if the Florida plans ever got solidified) and the conversation led to me telling her that I didn't think we should continue. There were tears, there were expressions of love, and of course I felt bad because in the end she only said good things about me which made me wonder what the hell I was doing.

Then came the Fire Department Pig Roast that Saturday night, where we had an absolute blast and we had an absolute blast because everything was on the table and there was no emotional baggage. We were enjoying the one last weekend together and that was that.

Then came Sunday morning, and in a display of ignorance I told her I didn't want to be apart because of how amazing a girl she is and that I didn't have a valid reason not to be together. So I've been on probation since...yet despite her continued desire to get more from me in terms of the relationship and the previous threats that were made if I didn't step things up, we are still together.

Its a bad time of the year...1 yr anniversary, my birthday, xmas and the trip all compacted into 1 months time...oy...

Under normal circumstances, I agree :D

But firefreak is with his family and soon to be ex-GF.

Maybe firefreak could breakaway and find a cool beach party to get his freak on, but I think firefreak knows exactly who he wants to get his freak on with, and unfortunately, she won't be in Florida :(

And in Disney World. Not many placed to get your freak on from within the grounds. Haha. Except for Pleasure Island, which last I checked may not be open anyways.
Perhaps you guys should sit down and read His Needs Her Needs. Then sit down and read The Five Love Languages. The problem is neither of you are meeting each others needs because you have different needs that neither of you are recognizing. You express love one way that she doesn't find gratifying and she expresses love to you in a way that you don't find gratifying but yet she would like to receive.

Now if you just don't want to be with her for incompatability, then that's one thing. But I hear you saying she's essentially the perfect girlfriend aside from you guys being on different wave lengths or speaking different love languages.

Also, you cannot compare your GF to other girls for appearances she cannot change. If one of your needs is to have GF that looks a certain way and it's a deal breaker that she doesn't look that way, cut it off immediately and stand your grand.

Remember that all new 'romances' all honkey dorey until time sets in. Then you're left thinking maybe she's not the one. You then spy that hawt chick across the room, strike up conversation, and everything seems so wonderful at first. Then the newness wears off. Then you're back to thinking she's not for you. I've seen men/women marry and divorce over and over again because of this. The only commonality in all the marriages was that person.
Luckily I have an iPhone. ;)

Excellent. We'll be waiting for your updates :D

Why do you think we got back together? The break-up lasted about 36 hours. It was inevitable that it would be reconciled because she was at my place on a Friday night (doesn't have a car of her own) and the fight came about because of my reluctance to commit to a vacation to Mexico next year. She demanded to know why I didn't want to go (and ironically wanted to know if the Florida plans ever got solidified) and the conversation led to me telling her that I didn't think we should continue. There were tears, there were expressions of love, and of course I felt bad because in the end she only said good things about me which made me wonder what the hell I was doing.

Then came the Fire Department Pig Roast that Saturday night, where we had an absolute blast and we had an absolute blast because everything was on the table and there was no emotional baggage. We were enjoying the one last weekend together and that was that.

Then came Sunday morning, and in a display of ignorance I told her I didn't want to be apart because of how amazing a girl she is and that I didn't have a valid reason not to be together. So I've been on probation since...yet despite her continued desire to get more from me in terms of the relationship and the previous threats that were made if I didn't step things up, we are still together.

I get the picture.

You're the one on probation? Give me a break. What a pile of dung. Any female that gives men ultimatums, threats and puts a guy on "probation" is a douche bag. Plain and simple. She has to stop being a manipulative $@#*&.

It sounds to me like she has a dependent personality and she's latched on to you because you are her pillar of strength, which is why she gets so upset when you want to break up. That's not how good relationships are built. Don't allow her use you like this.

Its a bad time of the year...1 yr anniversary, my birthday, xmas and the trip all compacted into 1 months time...oy...

I understand exactly what you're saying here. But don't you want to be happy for your birthday?

Screw the one year anniversary, firefreak. After what you just said, your present GF is not worth a 1 month anniversary let alone a one year anniversary. Her behaviour pisses me off. It's infantile and wrong.

Your GF is banking on the fact that she can manipulate you and keep you as long as she wants because you've enabled her to do that already. Just like NBS, you have to get your power back. It amazes me how many men relinquish their power in relationships and end up p*ssy whipped and unhappy. It doesn't have to be that way, you know ;)

And in Disney World. Not many placed to get your freak on from within the grounds. Haha. Except for Pleasure Island, which last I checked may not be open anyways.

I hope it's open ... for your sake, firefreak :)

I hate to say this, but if your GF doesn't get the hint, you can always make sure she catches you with another woman. It's kind of a crappy way to make your point, but chances are, she'll be so pissed with you, she'll break up with you. Then you don't have to do the dirty deed, and essentially, you're off the hook.

For the record, I did NOT give you that advice. If anybody asks if I did, I will deny it!
For the record, I did NOT give you that advice. If anybody asks if I did, I will deny it!

Latex pics or I'm going to the press. :cheeky:

I don't think it's just his GF that has issues in the relationship. The OP seems to be wishy washy with his GF and at times has given her hopes that things would be fine, only to turn around the next day and pull the rug out. I think both of you need to sit down, read the books I suggested, and go fresh on the relationship. Or YOU need to break it off now and that's taking anyone back, stand your ground, and move on.
Latex pics or I'm going to the press. :cheeky:

It would be my pleasure, Evo :D

I don't think it's just his GF that has issues in the relationship. The OP seems to be wishy washy with his GF and at times has given her hopes that things would be fine, only to turn around the next day and pull the rug out. I think both of you need to sit down, read the books I suggested, and go fresh on the relationship. Or YOU need to break it off now and that's taking anyone back, stand your ground, and move on.

Although I hesitate to speak on behalf of firefreak, my gut feeling is that he has had enough of this crap. I figure there is always a reason for a man seriously flirting with another female: it's because he isn't happy with what he has at home. They've already broken up a few times, and I just don't think the dynamics are very healthy. In fact, they're dysfunctional and it's wearing him down. He's torn. If she was the right girl, he wouldn't be torn. He'd know it.

There is no point in investing a lot of time and emotional energy on a relationship that isn't working, especially within the first year.

Two people have to "click" to make it worth their while. I really don't think firefreak has clicked with his present girlfriend. She's just better than what he's had in the past.

Firefreak is young and has a lot of time to find the girl of his dreams. He doesn't have to settle for mediocrity. He's a good looking man with a good heart, good sense, and a lot to offer a woman. He shouldn't have to settle for less than what he's worth.
Although I hesitate to speak on behalf of firefreak, my gut feeling is that he has had enough of this crap. I figure there is always a reason for a man seriously flirting with another female: it's because he isn't happy with what he has at home. They've already broken up a few times, and I just don't think the dynamics are very healthy. In fact, they're dysfunctional and it's wearing him down. He's torn. If she was the right girl, he wouldn't be torn. He'd know it.

Same here...I'm not judging. However, I highly doubt that he's been the perfect BF either. Typically when a relationship is disfunctional, it's a pair of faults. This isn't true of every relationship but most. There's usually 3 sides to every relationship story-his, hers, and the truth. A person's story is almost always subjective and rarely objective.

Firefreak is young and has a lot of time to find the girl of his dreams. He doesn't have to settle for mediocrity. He's a good looking man with a good heart, good sense, and a lot to offer a woman. He shouldn't have to settle for less than what he's worth.

I will agree with this. I think they're both settling and unless they resolve to fix the relationship, they're both suffering and settling for less than what they're worth. She sounds insecure but I think he brings this out in here. She sounds needy, but I think it's due to the fear by his continually breaking up with her and then getting back together again. I think girls more than guys like stability (for the most part) in a relationship and I don't see him giving that to her and prob. visa-versa.

Again, I have no true idea as I don't know either of them. But neither of them are emotionally satisfying each other. I think it's either break up and move on or buck and fix the relationship.
Same here...I'm not judging. However, I highly doubt that he's been the perfect BF either. Typically when a relationship is disfunctional, it's a pair of faults. This isn't true of every relationship but most. There's usually 3 sides to every relationship story-his, hers, and the truth. A person's story is almost always subjective and rarely objective.

Absolutely. But if one party is unhappy, the other is bound to be unhappy, too. It's not a good sign.

I will agree with this. I think they're both settling and unless they resolve to fix the relationship, they're both suffering and settling for less than what they're worth. She sounds insecure but I think he brings this out in here. She sounds needy, but I think it's due to the fear by his continually breaking up with her and then getting back together again. I think girls more than guys like stability (for the most part) in a relationship and I don't see him giving that to her and prob. visa-versa.

Me too. I think the basic problem in most relationships is that in the beginning stages, each individual somehow allows the other person to get away with certain things or to do certain things that, over time, wear thin.

I'm in the minority in that I'm not that needy, and I derive stability from within myself. I'm certainly not going to put my BF in a position where I have to depend on him for stability or anything else other than what we all want to have in a relationship: good communication, lots of fun and being able to kid around alot (because life is far too short to be serious), a mature attitude towards resolving disputes (no mind fooks or game playing!), sharing of thoughts, dreams, aspirations, goals, etc., ultimately revealing your soul to the other person, and, of course, having great sex (I couldn't leave that one out, could I?).

Again, I have no true idea as I don't know either of them. But neither of them are emotionally satisfying each other. I think it's either break up and move on or buck and fix the relationship.

That's what I think, too.

Evo, are you also on the same fee structure as I am with psychological advice? First consult is free, each consecutive consult is $150/hr? :D
Evo you are correct, I do have a hand in all that is going on. I had my break up attempt back in September and the almost break up attempt in October. She had her "fix yourself or I dump you" attempt back in April which I forgot to tell you all about. I never said she was the perfect girlfriend. She complains about most things that don't go her way and has the inability to bite her tongue when the situation calls for it. Example is we had a situation 2 weekends ago where we were in the car with her father driving and he was doing something not so safe, Lauren then chose to start yelling at him which I felt was entirely inappropriate in terms of everyone's safety in an already dangerous situation. I turned to her said "stop" and went to put my hand on her mouth. In retrospect it was disrespectful but I felt the situation warranted it. Needless to say she slapped my hand and we didn't talk for a long while.

Right away she doesn't show due restraint or respect to her elders which bothers me A LOT, she also doesn't know how to be grateful for what she has, like such a loving family and a job while her company is laying off 500 employees.

I know I cannot compare my gf's physical features to those of other girls I find attractive. Problem is the girl I started dating last year is now 12 lbs lighter this year and being that she's 5'7" and was only 127 lbs and is now 115. She was already skinny and now she's a twig and I don't find it attractive.

ILM I do agree that she's dependent on me. She's actually expressed that very thing to me. She refuses to go to family functions if I am not going because I give her a break from her family and act as a shield at times. I will not put myself in the position to be called a cheater. That would do more harm that good, make me look like a ****head and absolutely break her heart which will more than likely happen anyways but that just adds a whole new layer to things.

Lauren is better than any other gf I have had in the past, aside from my first gf from HS whom I dated for 3+ years. Lauren is very generous to me and does love me dearly, but she has her issues with me being a firefighter. She thinks that me being a FF is meant as a jab against her because of the risk and time commitments it requires. She is definitely a pretty girl, and has a lot going for her in terms of where she will go with her career. Her family also likes me which, after the previous relationship was a much needed change. I just don't think we click like ILM said.

In reference to the last post at the time that I started typing this, yes I think we are both settling. She is insecure and part of that might be that I am very non-commital and don't give her the affection she expects (as she puts it, makes her uncomfortable and scared to death). I unfortunately still have some baggage after my last relationship despite the 2 years its been since it ended. I spent a long time unhappy during those 2 years with her, and afterward while I was reflecting and going through the 5 stages of a break-up (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) I realized how much was wrong with it for so long and how it should have ended a long long time before that. It also ended right around this time of year too, but was after i spent money on gifts and the plane ticket to go visit for new years.

Sigh...I'm going to the gym to kick my ass.
Firefreak, I know that nobody's perfect, and I realize that you had your part in this as well because it does take two to tango.

ILM I do agree that she's dependent on me. She's actually expressed that very thing to me. She refuses to go to family functions if I am not going because I give her a break from her family and act as a shield at times. I will not put myself in the position to be called a cheater. That would do more harm that good, make me look like a ****head and absolutely break her heart which will more than likely happen anyways but that just adds a whole new layer to things.

I actually wasn't 100% serious when I wrote that, but I know that some guys resort to doing that simply because it "fixes" the situation without them having to be the person doing the dumping.

I certainly wasn't suggesting you were a d!ckhead and I'm very relieved to learn that you aren't :)

Your GF's cup sounds as though it is perpetually half empty, and that being said, she will always be looking to you to fill it up for her. That's an unrealistic onus to place on anybody.

Lauren is better than any other gf I have had in the past, aside from my first gf from HS whom I dated for 3+ years. Lauren is very generous to me and does love me dearly, but she has her issues with me being a firefighter. She thinks that me being a FF is meant as a jab against her because of the risk and time commitments it requires. She is definitely a pretty girl, and has a lot going for her in terms of where she will go with her career. Her family also likes me which, after the previous relationship was a much needed change. I just don't think we click like ILM said.

Why would your GF have issues with you being a firefighter? That's weird ... most chicks dig it. I actually had to read that paragraph twice just to make sure I read it correctly the first time.

I know there is risk and time commitment, but in my opinion, one person cannot try to change the other to be the way they think they should be. You have to take that person the way they are and appreciate them for what they are, not take their choice of career personally and b!tch and complain about it. That's absolutely bizarre.

If you haven't clicked, and you just aren't feeling it, don't think it's going to get any better with time. It won't. It will only get worse.

In reference to the last post at the time that I started typing this, yes I think we are both settling. She is insecure and part of that might be that I am very non-commital and don't give her the affection she expects (as she puts it, makes her uncomfortable and scared to death). I unfortunately still have some baggage after my last relationship despite the 2 years its been since it ended. I spent a long time unhappy during those 2 years with her, and afterward while I was reflecting and going through the 5 stages of a break-up (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) I realized how much was wrong with it for so long and how it should have ended a long long time before that. It also ended right around this time of year too, but was after i spent money on gifts and the plane ticket to go visit for new years.

Sigh...I'm going to the gym to kick my ass.

Sounds like a pattern here, firefreak ;)

You are non-committal for a variety of reasons. There are things about your present GF that you find offensive, like her lack of respect towards her family (she sounds a bit like a prima donna). That's got to be a huge turn-off for you because how your GF treats her family is probably a good indication of how she will eventually treat you and your family (if you stayed together). Her behaviour waves all the red flags for me. Respect is a HUGE part of any relationship.

Moreover, if you have some baggage from your last relationship, you're probably not ready to give anybody your heart quite yet.

Firefreak, you're still young. You have lots of time to find that special someone to spend the rest of your life with.

I hope you had a good workout :)
To the OP. Very sorry for hijacking like this.

I also apologize for hijacking your thread.

Guys....Jacobaboba hasn't been to this thread since his first posting it. He may have started the thread, but he's like the dinosaurs....with the excepting that he hasn't become a petroleum product just yet....but when he does, ILM has first rites to drill him :D