Brag on

No buts :) don't negate the positives with a but... you've done e xtremely well -celebrate that :) and be proud of yourself.

How long has it taken you to drop that amount? :D
maleficent,thank you and i am pleased with myself. its also good to know that in some shops i can now go and look at clothes in the normal size section, rather than being limited to a small outsize one (if im lucky) shoved at the back of the shop.i said i wouldn`t buy anything much until id lost the weight, but already the jeans i bought a month ago are getting too loose :) and need a belt. so i see a visit to the shops coming up in my crystal ball...tomorrow.good for motivation.
its probably taken just under 4 months so far. havent seen my family since i started and am going up on holiday in june with them. cant wait to see their reactions. slim
Miss Lena had a bragworthy event and went shopping in what she called a "regular size" store :) way to go youong lady, nice to see your efforts are paying off and you're helping the economy too :D
Ok, I'd like to brag on a bit. I am no longer (according to BMI standards) "morbidly obese", just "obese" lol. This may not be that big of a deal since its just what the BMI calculator tells me, but it means a lot to me. I have lost 41.3lbs....thats big to me :)

Also, I can now buy shirts in the regular section of a store (as long as they have size XL- but I am no longer 2XL for shirts. My size 20 jeans which I just started fitting into about a month ago are getting loose, and I am really starting to feel better and thinner (some days)

Ok, well that was my fun little brag on :)
Great progress Lisa!
It's very cool to start seeing the changes in a non scale related way!
Oh....all the bragging I promisede myself I'd never say to another human being, as I hate people who brag all the time.

Well, for starters I've lost 40 LBS!!!! WOOT! That's amazing, as when the weight started coming off it was unplanned. I feel amazing and people tell me I'm looking good.

My size 38 jeans, which use to be considerably tight are now insanely loose. They fall to the ground. lol. Now I fit snuggly into a 32 and a belt for 34's.

My BMI, which people say not to go by, went from a 29.5 to a 24.3! I'm in the normal class.....not overweight. That in itself made me feel amazing.

About three months ago I got called skinny for the first time *tear*. ME SKINNY?!?!!?! That's when I felt incredible joy.

I have faith in you all! If I can do it, so can you....If any of you need some help I hope I can be here for you.

And believe me, food could never be as rewarding as losing weight is.
Way to go bethann - for passing the halfway mark this morning - what a great achievement - and yo should be proud of youorself :) congratulations
Well i was at 352, 44% of fat, and a sz44 in jeans, now im at 265-268, i got a 27% body fat and im a sz 38 or 40 depending on the kind of jean i use, and i also got to say that im in the best shape of my life, i run 2 or 3 miles daily, im pretty muscular and i got so many girls to choose from LOL, to all those people out there trying to do this, let me tell you that it is SOOOOO worth it, its a lot of hard work, but it is the best thing that can happen to you... God Bless!
I'd like to brag on a little! I need to buy some new trousers because they're too big.

Simple but it put a smile on my face. There's a pic on my blog.
way to go shed - also giving the economy a bit of akick shop on with your skinny self :)

MissJellyBelly needs a little bragging -she cardio'd her way into one-derland this week - wway to go MissJB :)
I'd hate to brag on myself, but I was a soda addict and today marks my fourth week of being soda free! Yeah!!!!!!! H2O is the formula for a new me!!!!
i've read it takes 28 days to build a habit - so looks like you've created an H2O habit for yourself... that is totally bragworthy - Congratulations :)
Okay i need to brag.
My resting heart rate has gone down from 90-100 to 48.
My blood pressure is down from 145/85 to 106/60.

I can now cycle for 4 hours non stop and run for 45 mins !
The weight loss thing isnt perfect yet - im not at my goal, but i can tell everyone that i KNOW im a damn sight fitter than most people my weight :D
The lovely SlimMom has broken the 200 barrier and is throwing a party in one-derland this morning - way to go!!

The perky Miss SunnyDee is but a sneeze and a pee away from her goal weight - what a remarkable accomplishment that will be...
I've been struggling with my weight going up and down for the past week, and it's finally down a full pound from my last "weigh in." DBf and I were jumping all over the place last night. :jump: It may not be such a big deal, but it is for me!
Thanks Mal! Thank you :jump: thank you :jump: thank you :jump:
and good job royalroseblue!