Bodybuilder scarred from steroids

I <3 i_love_muscle :luxlove: I like gals who can take care of themselves in a forum fight. I don't know many of the members but there is another tough one called Derwydon.
Hamburger. That guy looks awful. I can't imagine androgens making a person's skin fester like that, though.

I know a lot of athletes who have taken steroids, and none of them had any side effects other than a decrease in sex drive and a shrinkage issue. When they stopped taking them, the side effects reversed completely.

I'm not condoning the use of steroids but if you're going to take them, make sure you know EXACTLY what you're doing.

I've heard the opposite, the sex drive doesn't change or increases. More testosterone = hornier
I've heard the opposite, the sex drive doesn't change or increases. More testosterone = hornier

It depends on what anabolic substance you are taking. Synthetic testosterone is one of many androgens. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Deca and Anadrol are a couple of androgens that cut into a guy's sex drive and ability to perform. I think it's called "Deca D ick" in the BB circles.

The bottom line is you really have to know how to cycle the androgens to get the maximum effect and to keep the side effects minimized.

However, increased anabolic substances for women definitely equals to increased horniness. When I was on an androgen-based birth control pill, I was like a deer in rut. I actually wondered how men could concentrate long enough to hold down a job because all I thought about was sex. All the time. Couldn't get enough of it.

I'm not sure they make androgen-based birth control pills anymore. Probably for a good reason.
i'm agaist taking steroids.
some powerlifters (not weightlifets) in some country seem to take steroids toooooo much.
i'm agaist taking steroids.
some powerlifters (not weightlifets) in some country seem to take steroids toooooo much.

How do you determine that its "some powerlifters" and not "some weightlifters" who take steroids? Looks alone? If it was based on looks then Marion Jones didn't look like someone who was on roids, was she? Personally I'm against roid usage but its unfair to cast a slur on people because they are big or have put in a lot of training.
How do you determine that its "some powerlifters" and not "some weightlifters" who take steroids? Looks alone? If it was based on looks then Marion Jones didn't look like someone who was on roids, was she? Personally I'm against roid usage but its unfair to cast a slur on people because they are big or have put in a lot of training.

Well, then I should have said more top-level power-lifters seem to rely on steroids than top-level weight-lifters.I know that there are many drug-free power-lifters out there.But the thing is that there are some fundamental differences in how the drug tests are conducted between weight-lifting competitions and power-lifting competitions held across the world.

As for weight-lifting, there is a unified international association authorized to take control of all the major weight-lifting events held across the world including the Olympics where very strict drug tests are given to the lifters. I would not say all the events held in the Olympics are drug free as it’s still sometimes found that some athletes including weight-lifters test positive for steroids or some other kinds of drugs in there. But the association tries to make all the weight-lifting events as fair and clean as possible by giving strict drug tests to the competitors. Once he tests positive for some drug in there, he’s just out losing everything including his records and reputation.

But that’s not the case in power-lifting. While there are many power-lifting associations or federations (like IPF and APF which are in USA) across the world which have their own rules, there is NO unified international association authorized to take control of all the major power-lifting events held across the world, which I think is one of the reasons why power-lifting has yet to be added to the Olympic program although there seem to be as many power-lifters as weight-lifters in the world.That is also why NO drug tests are conducted at all in some power-lifting events, and quite a few of “self-claimed” power-lifting world records have been made in such events even if the records are drug-enhanced ones. One of the reasons why I say such world records are suspicious is because of the strangely huge gaps between the world records claimed by APF and the "other" world records claimed by other federations like IPF.
I just think that, for clean power-lifters’ sake, there should be some unified international power-lifting association to make every power-lifting event as fair and clean as possible.
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