bluehats diary

I´m not sure if this is helpful at all, but could one option be to keep it at someone else´s place? If there´s someone you can trust about it. I´m really sorry that you are having a hard time. :grouphug:
No one.
My only hope I guess is the heat to continue to keep me so nauseated.
I'm purging my food out next week when my family goes out on one day.
I have a place to donate it.
Then I can be more strict. And no binges. But I have read that for every diet there's a binge. Maybe that's true.
So we see on Monday the damages. Weigh day.
I'm purging my food out next week when my family goes out on one day.
I have a place to donate it.
Then I can be more strict. And no binges. But I have read that for every diet there's a binge. Maybe that's true.
So we see on Monday the damages. Weigh day.
I think that for every extreme restriction there is a binge, not necessarily for every diet if "diet" means something sustainable. Well done thinking ahead. Take care!
How do people know they really lost weight? I've read that we can fluctuate up to 8 pounds a day!
I also read that up or down by 6 pounds in 6 months - before you do anything.
How do people know they really lost weight? I've read that we can fluctuate up to 8 pounds a day!
I also read that up or down by 6 pounds in 6 months - before you do anything.
I don´t remember what your possible eating disorder history is, so just ignore this if necessary. I used to restrict and I had gotten really scared of the scale. Took me a long time to decide that I want to know my weight because the anxiety was just as bad not knowing and knowing. So I took my scale out and put it in my living room and started to weigh myself a few times a day to get used to the fluctuations. Then I focused on eating high protein high veggie and quit drinking alcohol, and told myself that even if the weight doesn´t go down, I know I´m doing something right with my diet. And the weight started to go down. For me personally I think it was important to get used to daily fluctuations first and with time, I could see the overall trend to be that the number kept getting lower.

By the way. When I quit alcohol and got serious about weight loss, I went to SMART Recovery online meetings for a few months to keep my resolve strong. Those groups are intended for any type of addictive behavior and there are folks with eating disorders there, not just folks with substance issues. The groups are free, and they have a lot of online groups. I quit going because there was some transphobia from a few people there but I also learned a lot during the time I went. Maybe this could be helpful for you, but everyone is different. Here´s a link for finding meetings in US and Canada.
Bloated and sad.
Pasta was my favorite food. Not going to be able to have it anymore. I thought maybe I still could but not with the gum pain I have from trying it. Or the bloating.
I know worse things happen to people but we all still need hope.
Don't we.?
Guess I better suck it up and eat the liquid foods I only deserve.
It's not your fault you need a soft/liquid diet. Dental issues happen to people all the time and it doesn't mean you are any worse as a person for that. You deserve nutrition and to not be in pain. I hope the bloating will pass soon.

Maybe soups with pasta in them could be soft enough so you could enjoy the taste of pasta again without hurting yourself? I know it's not the exact same thing. The pasta you had was what was already available so it made sense to try it, don't be mad at yourself for that!
I may as well quit banging my head against the wall.
Because until I have the funds I need to eat healthy I will remain fat and sick. Not even my weight lost helped.
Nothing will while having to eat bad foods.
So it's time I stopped stressing about it and accepted what is.
Hi Bluehat, I am sorry that it sounds like you are going through such a difficult time. I am not sure what the situation with your teeth is, it sounds to me like you are missing some or all of them? Is this something that will be long term or is your mouth healing for a bit before the next stage of things? I couldn't believe how long some folks have to heal before the next stages of mouth reconstruction, I was fortunate that I didn't have a long time.

I think most of us have no easy answers to all the various issues, but for me I do what I like to call 'self talk.' Like before I do something I try to talk myself out of it. So if you are worried about having a lot of food around you and binging on it...I would do something like: "Jenefer you know that if you eat all of this, not only will you physically feel bad, you also will not be able to easily find a way to get more". Maybe also having a list/inventory of what you do have and then using a calendar to plan on what you will eat so that it will last? I think having a plan is really helpful. I'm sorry I don't have more helpful advice.

"And I know ppl have posted about sitting down exercise to me but I feel that when I resort to that just shoot me. No offense meant to ppl who do that." This to me sounds like something you just are going to have to mentally get over a bit. Because resorting to this is better than resorting to nothing. I think at times we are all resorting to something on this journey that we are not happy about, but it is a step in the long journey and 1 tiny step forward is better than staying where we are
😊 I have felt the same way at times, so I do understand what you mean, but try to push past that mind set. :grouphug:
Hi Bluehat, I am sorry that it sounds like you are going through such a difficult time. I am not sure what the situation with your teeth is, it sounds to me like you are missing some or all of them? Is this something that will be long term or is your mouth healing for a bit before the next stage of things? I couldn't believe how long some folks have to heal before the next stages of mouth reconstruction, I was fortunate that I didn't have a long time.

I think most of us have no easy answers to all the various issues, but for me I do what I like to call 'self talk.' Like before I do something I try to talk myself out of it. So if you are worried about having a lot of food around you and binging on it...I would do something like: "Jenefer you know that if you eat all of this, not only will you physically feel bad, you also will not be able to easily find a way to get more". Maybe also having a list/inventory of what you do have and then using a calendar to plan on what you will eat so that it will last? I think having a plan is really helpful. I'm sorry I don't have more helpful advice.

"And I know ppl have posted about sitting down exercise to me but I feel that when I resort to that just shoot me. No offense meant to ppl who do that." This to me sounds like something you just are going to have to mentally get over a bit. Because resorting to this is better than resorting to nothing. I think at times we are all resorting to something on this journey that we are not happy about, but it is a step in the long journey and 1 tiny step forward is better than staying where we are
😊 I have felt the same way at times, so I do understand what you mean, but try to push past that mind set. :grouphug:
All my teeth needed removed and this will be this way forever. No dentures.
I guess I can go for the lowest I've ever seen recommended- 4 cups daily.
(Using the easiest plan I understand).
If I gain on that oh well.
Can't do better than that.
Maybe exercise someday if can.
Was looking back here in my earlier diary entries. Seeing that I could actually log things like 10 mins. on my bike and then list my foods.
It would be nice to be able to do that again. My diary that way.
I feel like my body fights me tho. Especially on the activity.
I mean if my legs already hurt every day now y cant I do just 1 measly song? Be happy with it and see where it goes. They are swollen and red and hurt but will anyway. May as well earn it!!
Chocolate bars
Cottage cheese