bluehats diary

I would never manage with the amount of food you normally have, but this seems more like a "normal" day's eating. Are you getting your appetite back, blue?
That looks like more food than you'd normally have. Did you struggle today?
A medication change and it
made me hungry last time too.
Not sure what I'm going to
do yet.
I would never manage with the amount of food you normally have, but this seems more like a "normal" day's eating. Are you getting your appetite back, blue?
Had to go back to using a
medication that makes me
Not sure what I will do yet.
I don't want to regain my weight.
No exercise today. Need a rest
before the Monday song increase

Was informed by my pharmacy that
I have to use the other insulin I was
using and it makes me very hungry.
I'm not sure the ozempic can override
it. It was. But with a different insulin.
Everything was going along smoothly
even though I didn't see it that way.
This change means changing a lot
so I'm still thinking on it.
What to do and what needs changed
to prevent weight lost return mainly.

I know it's not been a lot of food. Likely
under normal recommendations and
mine. But I used to believe we had to follow
the 'recommendations' until I realized I
just wasn't going to lose weight or having to
eat food I hated etc.
As hard as it is my body just gains on them.
We have to do as our body dictates.
And with a limited budget that doesn't increase
with food prices less and less gets bought.

But one good thing now with the medication change.
I can choose when to eat and how much. It doesn't
have to be tied in with the 2 injections at a certain time.
Still have the fight the horrendous hunger tho.

Anyway onward I go.
Thanks for listening.
Being hungry all the time sucks. Soup is actually pretty good for that of course, since it tends to be a lot of volume for not very many calories. I hope the side-effects of the new med lessen as you get used to them.
So tomorrow is 7 songs.
I get the music from utube.
Use the same music group but sometimes
it's a different album so there might be
different songs so not always the same amount
of minutes.
That's why it's easier for me to go by number
of songs. So I don't need a timer or to remember
what songs.
Since they do list the songs so far I've been able
to use the one same song to end on.
Like for example that same song was in
different positions. I found it at the 2nd song, the fifth,
Sixth and now the 7th song.
Hoping next week, if I do 8 songs. I can find
it in an album as the 8th song.
This way when I'm exercising I only have to
go til I hear the end of the same song everytime.
I hope I didn't confuse that explanation too much.
I understood your music explanation.
You seem to be doing well at the moment, Blue. I hope the side-effects of the new meds lessens soon too.
Exercise -
7 songs

3 cups canned pea/ham soup
3/4 cup small pieces of cheese
Way way too full
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Still having food volume issues.
Maybe if there was something
light but high calorie to add
in less of an amount of the
So it can be the 1 or 2 cups
but not be so low in calories.
I don't want to regain weight but
I want at least 1200 calories.
Without having to count them
or obsess over them.
I tried mixing a small can in
a bigger can but that just increases
the volume too much.
And I don't like crackers.

What can be added but not increase
the volume by much?
Keeping in mind I'm toothless.
Exercise -
? Songs (the video messed up
And I wasn't counting them)

Organic lentil soup(on sale)
Tiny tiny cheese pieces put in while
it was hot
Tasted the cashew butter I was making

Weight -
256 (I will only log losses)
Well I guess it's time to start setting
a timer and just putting on the music.
I just don't like that because I don't know
how close I'm getting.
But I guess I don't know with the songs
either cause even if I know the 7th ones
title I still don't know the titles leading
up to it. And I tried counting but I lose track.
So it seems that with the different videos
I've been using it seems that they all are
about 20 minutes for the 7 songs.
So set the timer to 20 minutes for now
And on Monday for what?
20 minutes? You're really getting there! I'd say add 2 or 3 minutes on Monday.