Cathy, don't be too hard on yourself! I went off the track last week, before my period, I think it hpapens to us all!
As for motivation to exercise...why don't you buddy up with someone on the thread for motivation?
Tomorrow's my day off, but on Wednesday I'm gonna go running---if you promise you'll go running or whatever exercise you do too, I promise I'll push myself that extra bit further!!! Knowing someone else is in it too should motivate us! Are you in??
I'm feeling good today guys after a tough few days last week. Going dress shopping tomorrow (yikes) which I'm scared about, but I need a dress, goes!! Just home from the gym, did a spin class, phew, my legs are a good way!!
Blancita, keep up the good work, get guzzling that H2O! ;-)
How are you all getting on?
Have a nice day, guys!