Weight-Loss BLS Challenge Eliminated Players 2nd Chance Thread

Hi MyOwn,

Those spinning classes are fun. I've been wanting to do one again but just haven't made it there yet. Maybe I'll really make the effort to make next Sunday's class. Keep up the good work.

-------------Weight--------Mins Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight: 156
Week 1:------155.5---------240-------------------XXXXXXX
Week 2:------155.0---------180-------------------XXXXX
Week 3:------155.0---------340-------------------
Week 4:------155.0---------360-------------------XXXXXXX
Week 5:------157.0---------180-------------------XX RAWR! PMS
Week 6:------156.8---------150-------------------XXXX
Week 7:
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Ah, yikes guys I had a very bad day today, I woke up feeling awful+ for some reason felt very frustrated+just gave into my cravings....subsequently I ate waay too much and feel bad now!

AGH, I'll try make up for it tomorrow, I really can't fail this time I must keep trying to shed these lbs!!!!
MyOwn, I'm sorry you had a bad day and I hope things are going better for you now. Its great that you decided to get right back on the horse again! Let us know how you're doing if you have a chance.

I'm visiting my sister down in FL right now so I'm out of my element and away from my usual [bad] habits and the gym (which I avoided last week anyway). I've been eating far less even though she's got a cabinet full of junk food. It just doesn't get wolfed down around here, sis likes her junk but she never ever binges. She'll snack on 1 cookie, and that's all she wants. I wish I had her habits (which are generally natural and not too forced, though she's trying to shed some baby weight so maybe she'd have 1 cookie rather than 2). I'd usually want 10 he he.

So I took a nice walk around their estate (development or whatever). Its so beautiful around here and very peaceful, lots of palm trees and hot weather. I've already done 40 minutes and will try to get in another 30 minutes to an hour later if I can.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone on the Second Chance Challenge!
Well I really pushed myself to get all my bonus points this week and I'm proud of myself for having accomplished that, despite "not feeling like it". Yay me, for once I've done what I set out to do!
Hey, good job! I know I'm not going to get them all in. I'll do what I can today, though. I've just been really tired and (extra) lazy this week...lol.
Good luuuuck! :)
Hello folks! Glad to join the 2nd chancers!
Thought I had a good week, but appearantly not good enough. No worries, will kick tail with my new "team"!
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-------------Weight--------Minutes Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight: 168.6 lbs.
Week 1:-------167.4,1.2loss---F 30min, ST 30min, SN 30min, M 0min, T 40 min W 30min, TH 40min=200minutes Exercised---XXXXX-X
Week 2:-------170.0,2.6 gain----F 35min,S 60min,S 0min,M 45min,T 35min,W 35min,Th 45min=255min-----------XXXXXXX
Week 3:-------168.2,-1.8 loss--------F 0,S 0,S 0,M 75min,T 45min,W 35min,TH 75min=305min---------XXXX
Week 4:--------169.4,=1.2 gain------F 30min,S 0min,S 0min,M 0min, T 30min,W 30min,TH 30min120min---------XXXXX
Week 5:--------169=.4 loss--------F 45min, S 0,S 0,M 45min,T 30,W 0,Th 30=150min---------X(tues)X(thur)
Week 6:-------171.2 !!!+2.2gain--------F 0,S 30,S 0,M 0,T 0,W 35, Th 0=64min---------XXXXX
Week 7:-------Weight-------F 35,---------F 1169/S 1296(2465/9550)

Week 1 Results: weight points (1.2) + exercise points (18) + bonus points (24) = TOTAL points (43.2)
Week 2 Results: weight points (-2.6) + exercise points (22) + bonus points (14) = TOTAL points (33.4)
Week 3 Results: weight points (1.8) + exercise points (24) + bonus points (20) = TOTAL points (45.8 )
Week 4 Results: weight points (-1.2)+ exercise points (12) + bonus points (15) = TOTAL points (25.8)
Week 5 Results: weight points (-.4) + exercise points (12) + bonus points (20) =TOTAL points (32.4)
Week 6 Results: weight points (-2.2) + exercise points (6) + bonus points (15) =TOTAL points (18.8)
Week 7 Results: weight points (_) + exercise points (_) + bonus points (_) =TOTAL points (_)

1. You’ll get 1pt for every pound you lose and -1pt for every pound you gain. If you lose .5lbs you’ll get a half point. If you gain .5lbs you’ll lose a half pt. If you gain .8lbs you’ll lose .8pts and you’ll get .2pts if you lose .2lbs. If your weight is the same from the previous week you’ll get 0pts
2. You’ll get 3pts for every 30min that you exercise each week for a max of 21pts per week. For every 30min you exercise beyond 210min, you’ll get 1 pt for a max of 3 additional pts. So 24pts total are available for exercising 5hrs each week.
3. Each week there will be 1 additional bonus that will be announced the Wednesday prior. The pts for these bonuses will vary from week to week.
WEEK1 BONUS=So that's why this week's bonus is to NOT eat any junk food. That means sweets, deep fried food, fast food, chips (crisps), etc. I think this is going to be a tough bonus, so for every day you behave, you'll get 4pts
WEEK2 BONUS=This week's bonus is to eat at least 25g of fiber each day. You'll get 2 pts for each day that you do this.
WEEK3 BONUS= 5pts for every 30 min of exercise you do beyond 180min. 300 min/20pt max
WEEK4 BONUS= drink at least 1oz (29.5735ml) of water for every 2lbs of your weight. 3pts for each day84oz
WEEK5 BONUS= do at least 2-30min sessions of strength training. 10pts for each 30min session—max 20pts.
WEEK 6 BONUS=to consume less than 2500mg of sodium per day. 3pts each day.
WEEK 7 BONUS= This week's bonus is to set a 1,000 calorie range for the week and eat within it.You'll get 20pts for staying within your range 9550 target

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-------------Weight--------Minutes Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight:----186
Week 1:------180(-6 lbs)---------245 min----------XXXXXXX
Week 2:------178(-2 lbs) --------274 min--- ----29/37/34/29/26/26
Week 3:------177(-1lbs )--------294 min--------------
Week 4:------ ------120min-----xxx
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
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-------Weight--------Minutes Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight: 161

Week 1: 159.5------------------------315------------------------XX0XXXX
Week 2:158--------------------------150------------------------XXXXXXX
Week 3: 155.5----------------------300-------------------------
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:

here we go!!!
-------------Weight--------Minutes Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight: 183
Week 1: 180.5 (-2.5).................330 minutes...................XXXXX TOTAL POINTS: 46.5
Week 2: 179.0 (-1.5).................330 minutes...................XXXXXXX TOTAL POINTS: 39.5
Week 3: 178.5 (-0.5)....................330 minutes...................20 points TOTAL POINTS: 44.5
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
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Ha! Good one Claudia. :D

She's a funny girl, isn't she? Now, who mentionned chocolate???? ;-)

Welcome girls, good luck for the next 3 weeks!

I've got a big party next weekend which I want to look extra good for, AND another big event the next weekend so I am officially going GUNG HO for the next two weeks, woooo!! Gonna have a small bar of choc tonight+then wave goodbye to it for 2 weeks... and by typing that here, I hope I'll stick to it!! It'll feel amazing to have lost, say 4 lbs in 2 wks time!! :willy_nilly:
I have come to join my fellow eliminated teammates.

-------------Weight--------Minutes Exercised---------Bonus Pts
Start Weight: 216.8
Week 1: --------215.2------------------------240--------------------XXXXXX
Week 2: --------214.2------------------------305--------------------XXXXXXX
Week 3: --------216.0------------------------240--------------------60 minutes above 180
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
A warm welcome fat2fit :).

Well I was a lazy cow this weekend and ate a lot. So I'm up 2 lbs from Thursday. Not one bonus point yet for the water (though I went out and bought it on the 2nd day). Worked out for a total of 35 min since Thurs. But now its Monday and its TIME TO GET WITH THE PROGRAM. I am not coming in last on the 2nd Chance Challenge!

Good luck ladies :).