Weight-Loss Biggest Loser Show Watch along Challenge Starting 01/19/10

Hey guys! Damn...going to weigh in today at my lunch hour @ the gym. Last night was way too busy...:(
It's been a busy week for me! Sorry for the delay.

Will have the results posted later today. Stay tuned......

Who will come out on top this week???
Hey everyone! Sorry I've been AWOL but I'm still sick as can be :( But I did manage to lose a pound! I ate lots of soups to compensate for the lack of exercise! So mark me down at 192 this week! Almost into the 180s yeah!!!:party:
Did you mean to weigh in at 182?? I have you at 183 last week. Let me know.
Boooo pretty much no loss this week.

P.s what happens if it appears our partners have disappeared of the face of the earth/forum/challenge?

Hi Boslo, I see your partner rhearay skipped weigh in last week and this week too. I assume they are out of the challenge at this point.

I can try to find you another partner, or you can be a team of one. There is also the red team that looks like they lost a partner.

Perhaps you two can pair up on the red team. Let me know!
Just noticed that MJB has been MIA since 03/02/2010 on the WL forum.

She may be experiencing computer problems or perhaps that dang cookie login problem, or whatever may be, so in the interim I am suggesting waiting until either thursday or friday, and then making an update myself using the formulas she provided in hyperlinks.

I'd like to get some feedback from the rest of the BL club before posting any results though.

Hey Andy!

My birthday was last week, was busy with company and all. Also I did have problems logging in!! Tried several times, I see I wasn't the only one not able to log in. I knew I didn't forget my password!

Thanks for keeping an eye out!
Update to last week's team scores

Here are the stats as of Week 6 (03/02/10) for the Individual Biggest Loser Challenge.

WEEK 6 RESULTS!!! (03/02/10 Weigh In)
01. Green Team (-13.1 lbs) (-2.08%)
02. Yellow Team (-7.2 lbs) (-2.07%)
03. Silver Team (-6.2 lbs) (-1.66%)
04. Orange Team (-2.9 lbs) (-0.69%)
05. Brown Team (-2.1 lbs) (-0.61%)
06. Blue Team (-2.8 lbs) (-0.60%)
07. Bronze Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.41%)
08. Gold Team (-1.6 lbs) (-0.34%)
09. Pink Team (-1.2 lbs) (-0.32%)
10. Red Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.23%)
11. Purple Team (-0.4 lbs) (-0.11%)
12. Grey Team (+0.2 lbs) (+0.05%)
13. Black Team (+2.0 lbs) (+0.42%)
14. White Team (+4.0 lbs) (+0.59%)

Total Pounds Lost Week 6 (-39.5 lbs)

Total Pounds Lost To Date (-225.8 lbs)

Feel free to double check the math!

Hey Teams! In light of the login troubles, I added in the missing weigh in's from last week to the scores for LAST WEEK.


WEEK 6 RESULTS!!! (03/02/10 Weigh In)
01. Green Team (-13.1 lbs) (-2.08%)
02. Yellow Team (-7.2 lbs) (-2.07%)
03. Silver Team (-6.2 lbs) (-1.66%)
04. Blue Team (-4.4 lbs) (-0.94%)
05. Gold Team (-3.8 lbs) (-0.82%)
06. Bronze Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.74%)
07. Orange Team (-2.9 lbs) (-0.69%)
08. Purple Team (-2.4 lbs) (-0.67%)
09. Brown Team (-2.1 lbs) (-0.61%)
10. Red Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.45%)
11. Grey Team (+0.2 lbs) (+0.05%)
12. Black Team (+2.0 lbs) (+0.42%)
13. White Team (+4.0 lbs) (+0.59%)
14. Pink Team (+3.8lbs) (+1.02%)

Total Pounds Lost Week 6 (-44.1 lbs)

Total Pounds Lost To Date (-230.4 lbs)
Here are the stats as of Week 7 (03/09/10) for the Individual Biggest Loser Challenge.

See your ranking below!

(Individual) (Weight Loss) (% Weight Loss)
1 Mands -19.1 -10.21%
2 glenns angel -31.0 -8.67%
3 Andy -24.4 -8.31%
4 Isabel -10.0 -6.80%
5 Veronica -12.3 -5.59%
6 Chubbygirl -8.6 -5.26%
7 ChefAshley -12.0 -5.13%
8 20to10 -10.2 -4.97%
9 Risty -7.0 -3.65%
10 Monique01 -6.5 -3.54%
11 DMR -8.4 -3.39%
12 BrittAH -5.8 -3.16%
13 MissJellyBelly -6.2 -2.79%
14 Frances -5.0 -2.700%
15 lostnfound -6.0 -2.699%
16 Jess393 -7.0 -2.64%
17 whiskeytangofox -4.4 -2.34%
18 mizzie -4.6 -2.17%
19 Jericho -7.8 -2.06%
20 lilbrat40 -6.0 -1.76%
21 Camy -2.0 -1.46%
22 Smurf -3.4 -1.35%
23 mstia -2.4 -1.02%
24 Boslo -1.0 -0.74%
25 *Chantelle -1.0 -0.43%
26 Alta 1.5 1.03%


Teams (Pounds Lost) (% Weight Loss)

WEEK 7 RESULTS!!! (03/09/10 Weigh In)
01. Black Team (-6.5 lbs) (-1.357%)
02. Orange Team (-5.7 lbs) (-1.356%)
03. Silver Team (-4.7 lbs) (-1.28%)
04. Purple Team (-3.0 lbs) (-0.84%)
05. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.78%)
06. White Team (-5.0 lbs) (-0.74%)
07. Yellow Team (-2.4 lbs) (-0.71%)
08. Green Team (-3.1 lbs) (-0.50%)
09. Grey Team (-1.8 lbs) (-0.43%)
10. Red Team (-0.4 lbs) (-0.18%)
11. Brown Team (-0.5 lbs) (-0.15%)
12. Bronze Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
13. Pink Team (-0.0lbs) (-0.00%)
14. Gold Team (+0.4 lbs) (+0.09%)

Total Pounds Lost Week 7 (-36.7 lbs)

Total Pounds Lost To Date (-267.1 lbs)

Feel free to double check the math!

Wow! Great job last week Teams! 36 pounds is amazing!

Way to go Black Team sliding into first place week 7!! :hurray:

Great job Mands for holding the lead at #1 on the individual challenge. Well done!! :hurray:
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Damn we tied for first place and still got in second... but well since it is a tie we get a first place in a way too. So GO ORANGE!!!!!!!

Also MJB I am nto on the list of weight % lost at the beginning of the post, I am nto sure if we newbies are nto on it or if I am the onnly one missing (didn't check that thoroughly, just saw that for the second week in a row I am not on it). Maybe for next week you could add me, I am aiming for a massive 27.3% of weight loss once I am done... almost a third of me gone... I am today at 18% gone. pretty amazing to imagine that, huh?

Anyhow, we had an excellent week weight wise and I want to send huge hugs to Andy for managing to lose the weight that pulled us to the front. He is the best partner I could have got!

Damn we tied for first place and still got in second... but well since it is a tie we get a first place in a way too. So GO ORANGE!!!!!!!


Took it to the next decimal so you can see why you came in 2nd!

01. Black Team (-6.5 lbs) (-1.357%)
02. Orange Team (-5.7 lbs) (-1.356%)

Wow!! Soooo close!
omg GURL...:( so sorry! I have been super swamped and haven't taken a lunch. I rush from here to see clients, and then FINALLY @ night, I have time to weigh in!! Arggggg...

How the hell do I keep putting myself at LAST place!!! :cry:!!!! :( SUPER SUCKS!!!! MORE WORK! :D!!!! I'm STILL IN THE FIGHT!!! SORRY TEAMIE!! I love you!!! :beating:!
omg GURL...:( so sorry! I have been super swamped and haven't taken a lunch. I rush from here to see clients, and then FINALLY @ night, I have time to weigh in!! Arggggg...

How the hell do I keep putting myself at LAST place!!! :cry:!!!! :( SUPER SUCKS!!!! MORE WORK! :D!!!! I'm STILL IN THE FIGHT!!! SORRY TEAMIE!! I love you!!! :beating:!
157.25 new weight.
last week..158.5

....surprised I even lost. I broke down with buffalo wings, and pizza and drinks during the weekend, plus Tom
Woop Woop Yay Go Blue Team! :D
Great Job Everyone!!!!!!!
Congrats Black and Orange Team Way To Go!
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D'uuurrr...I'm down loads now, finally! But it's not weigh in day today! Let's hope i keep it off for next week.
Same here 20to10 - drank gallons of water and no high sodium stuff and the TOM water weight dropped! Too late but in time for next week. We still did ok though because Monique01 did amazingly well!

Go Monique01!
Congrats Everyone...Job well done!!!

Thank you so much whiskeytangofox...next week may be a little tougher where I just had 2 really good weeks...so hoping you can help me out next week. lol But we are still in 3rd place holding our own. Yeah!!

I love coming on here and seeing everybody's progress it really helps motivate me. Perfect example was last night my husband and I had errands to run and we weren't home for supper. We were at a food court and while he got McDonalds I got subway (that's a huge step for me..I'm a fast food junky) So thanks to everyone for helping me see we really can lose this weight. :)
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Currently 21h45 in SA and I'm watching TBL UK season 2 episode 6 that I recorded this afternoon.

Really like Lee at this stage - he's such a teddy bear. Alexis - hmmmm she needs to change her attitude a bit. She's such an angry person. Maybe she'll still change but I don't like her at the moment.

Looking forward to Tuesday's weigh in - I cheated yesterday for the first time in 10 weeks but hit the gym double the time to make up for it.

So hopefully I'll still be tops on Tuesday.

Happy losing everyone!!
Was 196.3lbs on the 11th but haven't weighedin that light since then. Official weigh in tomoro and had no last chance workout today! Hmmmm...