Weight-Loss Biggest Loser Show Watch along Challenge Starting 01/19/10

Heya everyone, as you have probs realised iv been a bit inactive this week! Unfortunetely, my fiance's brother was rush to hosp and only two surgeons in the whole of the UK can do the much needed life-saving op, which meant he's 130 miles away from home, so you can imagine the travelling and stresses this past week so I do aplogise for not giving my weigh in on time!

On a good note, congratulations to everyone this week on weight losses!

I was 211 pounds last week and same this week, depressing but not a gain, need to step it up now!

Good luck everyone x
Honestly: ....I was getting lazzzzzzzzy this week...:blush5: But I just inspired...my own ass to get up!! hahahah!!!!:smilielol5:!!! ...doin' it!! ;)!!

(I say each and every one us inspires their OWN ass this week! ;)!! hahah!!) ...whatcha say!?!?! huh??!

Nike said it best..."JUST DO IT!"

Hear Hear Sista Pink!! LOL

I am doing good over here in Hawaii this week!! Can't wait to get home and see what the scale has to say. I have been dodging the free donuts and pastries every morning at the free breakfast buffet. I don't even look at them anymore. Eating more fruit instead.

Let's go Pink!!
Heya everyone, as you have probs realised iv been a bit inactive this week! Unfortunetely, my fiance's brother was rush to hosp and only two surgeons in the whole of the UK can do the much needed life-saving op, which meant he's 130 miles away from home, so you can imagine the travelling and stresses this past week so I do aplogise for not giving my weigh in on time!

On a good note, congratulations to everyone this week on weight losses!

I was 211 pounds last week and same this week, depressing but not a gain, need to step it up now!

Good luck everyone x

No Problem Jader! I hope your family member heals quick! Hope your week gets better. I used the same week as the week before so you're all good with the scores!
Thank you everyone who sent the Pink Team some love and Congrats this week! It sure helps when you get recognition! I love it!

Now lets see some of the rest of you teams make #1 if you haven't already! You all have it in you and we are rooting for you.
How does everyone feel about adding a few more people to the challenge? We've lost a few people it seems.... and I've had a few people ask to join in.

I think some fresh blood would do this challenge good. Seems like a ghost town in this thread during the week, and it would be great to get some motivating people in here to help cheer us all on and support the teams.

Let me know what you all think...
Thanks MIssJellyBelly and Risty, he seems to be on the mend so just got my fingers crossed.

And yeah new flesh seems like a good idea to me, might spice the competition up a bit lol! Haha yeah, where is everyone? At the gym i hope =D

Good luck this week x
I think it would be good to add some other people. I mean, the point of this is to help motivate and keep people accountable with a little bit of competitiveness but also support. So if we have spots open then I say go for it!

Good luck on the weigh in tomorrow! :hurray:

EDIT: Also, I think its a great idea to add people in. The more, the better! I know this club has really given me a lot of motivation, and if more people use it to be successful, then its ALL good!
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An hour cardio this morning and an hour in the pool this afternoon. Nowthats a last chance workout.

I have a feeling the scale won't budge but I'm definitely smaller and fitter and that's what counts. Still the scale is a bitch!!
I haven't been feeling so good since yesterday, I did 2 workouts yesterday though and today I'm just working up to making myself do it, lol.
Glad to see you all working hard on your ends!

I'm now on my 8th day of vacation and I feel amazing!! I've put in some pretty good workouts on my end this week. I feel stronger already!!

I'm hoping to have a good number on the scales this week!!

I hope you all do too!!

News bulletin!!

Ok Teams!

I opted to add some fresh people to this challenge since we've lost a few members.

I just posted this thread to add more people: http://weight-loss.fitness.com/club-challenges/39035-biggest-loser-challenge-adding-more-teams-interested.html

I'll wait a few days to see how many people want to join in.

I don't plan on switching up teams, but will add a person to the teams who are left with only 1 posting member at this point.

If anyone has any special requests, please feel free to PM me.

I was wondering what your thoughts are:

Let me know..

Should we add a person to everyone's team, to make it a threesome? (That would be if we get a lot of sign ups)


Should we just add on new teams of two people? (This would be if we just get a few sign ups)

Doesn't make a difference to me. Let me know your thoughts Teams!

Let the competition continue & begin (again)!!!

Time to spice it up in here and light a fire up under these teams!!

Whoo hoo!!!! :cheers2:
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I think we could just do new team members with 2 ppl and not change up the teams in effect now, unless of course a lot of new people want to join then I don't see the harm in having teams of 3, it'll make things interesting!
*jumps into the crowd* A BIG TWIST HAS COME INTO THE BIGGEST LOSER CHALLENGE! All new contestants have joined the battle against the other teams! :hurray:


Well hopefully it becomes official for the people that want to join part-way into this awesome challenge, looking forward to talking to you all regardless! :)

Howdy People!

Feeling a bit under the weather as I have flu! Cheated a little bit and didn't do any exercise. So very small weight loss this week :-(

16/02/10: 82.5kg (182lbs)
23/02/10: 81,5kg (180lbs)
Weight loss: 1kg (2lbs)

I wouldn't mind some new blood in the challenge. We are after all a little family supporting each other on our weight loss journey. The more support the merrier.

Looking forward to meet the newbies. Don't mind new members in the team.

Keep well!!
I'm down 2lbs today :) Yay, brown team :)

New blood sounds great! I love this challenge, and would hate for anyone to miss out :)
Hooray for Isabel!

My results...

18 feb 91.6kg/201.94lbs
23 feb 90.8kg/200.18lbs

weekly loss: .8kg/1.76lb or .87%. Sad effort but I really did work hard!!

I had really hoped to get under 200 this week but at least this means I've lost over a stone! 14lbs is a stone!
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