Big Brother All Stars

After tonights show Janelle (whom I usually like) was totally minipulated by stupid can she get?!?!?! The smartest thing for her would have been to put up Chill Town...they are the ones who are after her. Stupid Stupid Stupid!

How did you like the latest BB6 drama with James saying that he wants to backdoor Janelle. All week he has been talking to Danielle...I think he may actually go through with that plan.

We'll See
OMG this is what I've been waiting for. I thought it would take a heck of a longer time though!

I Love her veto choice. It was the best thing to do....(I think I'm inlove with Will LOL) Janelle is actually growing on me now....

I can't wait to see the James, Diane, Dianelle alliance vs the Will, Boogie, Janelle alliance.

I can't wait to see what the other BB6'ers do and the rest of the house.....

I hope Erica goes home. She's boring.
I'm really excited to see who's going home and then to see who gets HOH. I kind of hope that Dr.Will gets it...I don't know why, but I find ithard to resist
I think many of the people on the show lose their mind. Like Janelle what is she thinking. I could go on about some of the others, but we all see & yell at them.

Miss_Kallie, Whats with you & other women about the doc. I think its all about his looks & him being a doctor. He could not tell the truth if he wanted to.

troutman said:
Miss_Kallie, Whats with you & other women about the doc. I think its all about his looks & him being a doctor.

Will is WAY too pale, he was soo much better looking with a tan! But Will can't hold a candle to KAYSAR!
I think Will is hilarious.....yea, he's handsome and he's a doctor - but that doesn't seem to be the big draw. He's vain, cocky and manipulative. NOT the kind of qualities I'd like in my 'real world' man, but on the show it works and it's so fun to watch, knowing he's bullshitting everyone on the show, yet they still don't get rid of him. I don't just makes for good entertainment. Can't wait for tonight. I don't really want to see Diane go yet, she's boring, but I liked her from her season with the twin! By the way, I wonder what ever happened to him. He was SO dang good looking! I thought he'd end up on a soap opera somewhere....................l8r
Hmm why I'm in love with the Evil Doctor......

Well first, I love his sense of humor LOL he cracks me up every episode. He is the smartest player in the whole house. He's cute, but not really good looking. I were going to like a guy player based on looks it would have been Jase. I don't care what he does outside of the house, it is on the inside where I like him. I just have emense respect for his game from season 2 and from this season....gahhhh *drools* :eek:
I wasn't surprised by the nom's. I thought that she should have nominated Kaysar and James and then backdoored Janelle. I am excited to see the veto king and queen go at it tomorrow.

Danielle's speech was ok. She said she based her nom's on last weeks nom's and what was best for her. She didn't really address the individuals. Everyone was shocked to see James put on the block and he really put on a good show of looking hurt and betrayed. It was pretty awesome.

Can I say I love Will again LOL. :cool:
Like I think she did a good speech for her. It wasn't one that would make either of the nom's like super pissed at her, yah know. It was frank and direct, but not rude.
I think that he really thought that he was safe. I thought it was hillarious how Dani was totally mad at her alliance and crying...she is so trying to play the crying tactic to win over least America's vote