Big Brother All Stars

I wonder why Boogie isn't using his power?!?! Maybe he can only use it on thursday evictions???

Go James, it's Your Birthday!!!! Man he rocks at Vetos.

After George didn't put Janelle up instead of Howie, I'm sorry (cuz I like the guys as a person) but he can go home now right after Janelle and then I would not care!!!

Howie is all fine and stuff until something happens that he doesn't like and then he acts like a brat (like from season 6 and April). Not sorry to see that poor sport go home!

This is my list of who I want to go home in order until the final 3:

1. Janelle
4. Boogie

MY final 3 are: Danielle, James and Will *drool**sigh* LOL LEGION OF DOOM TO THE END WOOT!

Hey, do you think they will be voting anyone back into the house like all the other seasons????????

IF they do, I'd love to see any of these 3: Jase, Diane or Alison.
I really don't think that they will bring anyone back because they are using the evictees too much. Usually if they are bringing them back they are in sequester and not allowed to know anything that is going on in the house. it James or Chicken George???

I sure hope it's James his whining is getting on my last nerve!

Who do u hope wins HOH tonight?

I hope Chicken George gets it again...that'd be funny and unpredictable

I'm really sad that James is going to go tonight. There would have to be a miracle for him to stay :( I really really really like James.

Will lost major points with me *shakes head* Not so charming anymore.

Ironically, I'd love to see Janelle get HOH because I think she'd be going directly after Will and Boogie and I want to see Boogie OUT!
Boogie's time is surely coming to an end I hope...yet I know that Erika will NEVER put him up. I'm thinking she will probably put up Janelle, but not quite sure who else. She supposedly has an alliance with Chicken George, then there is Chill Town, and finally she really likes and trusts Danielle. I guess we will see in a few short days...
Cool room.

I have a feeling Erika is going to put up Boogie and will. Doesn't Erika have an alliance with Danielle? Danielle will so ANYTHING to get rid of chill town now that James is gone. So I think Danielle is going to BEG Erika to put them both up, but I guess we will find out next Thursday. I Want Boogie, Will or Chicken George to win Big Brother. I mostly want George to win, hes SUCH a nice guy in my eyes. But I haven't seen the full season, I started to watch the show about 4 episodes ago or so.
I agree...I bet CG and Jani will go up.

I started out all for BB6ers, then Kaysar left! Now I want CG or Jani to win it all. I would be able to stand it if Will gets second place (Kallie I think ur breaking me down), but really don't want him to win big $$$. C'mon he's a doctor and already won the show once...he don't need the money. CG needs some extra money and deserves it, he's worked hard his whole life and deserves a little break to spend time with family.
Miss_Kallie, How can will lose any points with you?

chunky_soup, It really doesn't matter who needs the money. If the people on the show are so dumb, to keep a past winner on this long he deserves to win. May I also say someone that is right up front & says you can not believe anything I say, Then all the house guests believe him & make alliences with him. By the way I do not like Will at all. I just think the rest of the players are dumb as dirt. Or dumber than dirt.


James was my number one choice to win it all and then Danielle and Will lost points with me until I saw how well James took it. Then I saw tonights show and I can't help but love the the Doctor. AHhh he is the entertainment.

Thank you Erika for keeping my main girl Dani safe for now! I sure hope she gets HOH next week and gets Boogie out!

Will, yah better wake up and realize that you have met your match in Danielle in game stratigizing. She's catching on real fast, so yah better think of some new tricks cuz season 2 tricks aren't going to get yah to the final 2.

Boogie and Erika make me wanna barf. Gross. Janelle and Will on the other hand, well, they'd have some cute kids. LOL.
Erika and Boogie.... HA HA HA HA!!! Gross is right. I missed Thursday's show and started watching last night - - they showed the clip of them making out!! I almost crapped! It will definitely be fun to see what she does. Did you see the 'bubble' over Boogie's head that said "oh shit" when she said she wanted to put up Will? Finally, something interesting might develop.
Happy Monday everyone!
On feeds it is totally disgusting! However I was watching some clips on youtube of Will from his original season and my heart melted...I am starting to become a Will lover
There is some misinformation happening on this page.
Let me set some things straight for everyone

1. Will is by far the best player
2. James is a baby.
3. Dani is a baby.
4. Erica is the most disgusting smoker face ever.
5. Will is a pasty disgusting man.
6. CG is actually my Dad. I didnt realize it until recently
7. The show goes on too long. It should have ended, or tonight been the finale.
8. Janelle is indeed smoking hot, but only in the body area. Her eyes are super far apart.
9. Neil Patrick Harris is awesome.

I am in a funny mood.
James is NOT a baby. He took his eviction extremely well! :p

Will is definately the smartest. I spoke too soon for Danielle. She caught on a little too late to save herself.

Will is a hottie! :p :p :p :p I love him. He's sooo funny. "I'm not making love to camera. I'm making love to you, America" (or something like that LOL)

Boogie makes me want to throw up everytime I look at him. GAWD I can't stand him! He's more stupid than Chicken George. If he's planning on taking Will to final 2, than he's been playing for a 2nd place finish this whole season. He should have taken this chance to get rid of his sidekick with Erika.

Danielle was rightly upset with Erika. Erika is a dumb ********* ! I wouldn't give her my vote either.

Erika is the got to be the dumbest person in the house by far!!!!!!!!! She's got to know that Boogie is playing her. She's said it how many times??? She's the Diane of All Stars.

I can't wait to see the two evictions in one hour tonight!
I wonder how exactly they are going to do the double eviction tonight. If they will have an HOH evict someone or what...
Yea I'm wondering how they're going to do it too! Maybe the evicted person gets to take one person with them MUAHAHAHAHa!
Happy Friday 2 more bit the dust last night. I decided I'd like to see Janelle and Will in the final 2. I don't like Janelle at all. I think it would be hilarious if Will won again. Would the jury let him win???
Like the houseguests were wondering last night - there is a lot of time left, is someone coming back? Did you see when Erika saw Jase's picture was where hers was? Whutup with dat?
I was reading an article online somewhere talking about how boring this season of all stars has been......playing the same competitions, the same strategies....etc. I suppose it's been a little dull - but when you get to know the characters it's hard to let go, right?
Anyway - - I hope you all have a good long weekend - - talk atchya'll next week!!