Big Brother All Stars

LOL Boogie thought he could have a summer shomance with Diane hahahahaha. Now that is funny!

I'm glad that Diane didn't get voted out...I hope Jase and Diane are working together, that would be cool.

Marcellas and his blondes :rolleyes:
I think it would be hillarious to see Boogie without Will...I think he wouldn't even know what to do.

Will & Boogie are the only ones I really don't like and are annoying to me.

James getting HOH...OMW I was sooo suprised. I bet he puts up Will and Boogie, and then Jase if there is veto.

Any1 agree?
I was hoping Danielle woulda won HoH because she wears her heart on her sleeve. Wouda been a spicy week with her carrying the hammer. The 6's are safe one more week *yawn* The 6's have great odds of winning the veto.

Boogie backdoor Will ?? Am I missing something here ??
OMGoodness...BB is crazy right now! You will never believe the noms and veto...craziness (hopefully they show it on tv)
Everyone is getting ear aches...Howie, Boogie, and now Kaysar.

Kaysar is going around saying f*** because his ear hurts so bad. He was supposed to go to the Diary room to get some medical attention. Poor him.
I saw the nomins. I called one of them. I knew James would put up Will, but Chicken George. Say good bye chicken George unless you somehow get the veto. I highly doubt the other side is going to kick will out. They need him.

Atleast the houseguest don't have to eat slop this week.

I can't wait until tomorrow night!
*YAY* Chicken George!!!!!!! *BOOOOOO* James.

I hope they send Will home because I really like Jase and I hope he stays and then takes out BB6 alliance! I'm hoping that one of the BB6 players goes next week!
LOL I love the "jase face" that is soooooo funny and they just finished saying last week that he doesn't primp as much as season 5.... LOL.
Ugh !!! the 6 is unstoppable !!

Ciao Jase Face .In a vote of 9 to 0.... OUCH !!

Will has a clever strategy. He's using himself to let the house take out who they want out using him as a free pass. Wonder how long that will play out ??
This season is tooooooooo predictable....Erica and Marcellas are complete morons to me right now :blah: Why would they not take out season six first....hello if you want to make it to the end, you'd better get rid of them sooner or later.................arg..I really wanted diane or danielle to win HoH this week.
I agree Kallie. The sad thing is the producers should have only allowed X amount from each season for balance. 6 had the advantage from day one and still have it. This is going to end up being BB 6.5 *yawn*

It's going to get more boring unless an anti-6 pact assembles NOW !!

Good riddance Jase.
I agree on the limit thing. I guess though, that the only reason the bb6 alliance is tight now is because they were a tight alliance not that long ago. They could have ended up like Danielle and Marcellas hating eachother.

I've been saying since day one that the "floaters" should have ganged up together and started dismanteling (sp??) BB6 from the start....Will obviously threw tonights HOH comp, as well as please...chicken shits.
chunky_soup said:
I am so ready for a big BB twist!

I totally second that! It's time to break that bb6 alliance up!

On another note...holy crap is Will smart and I can't believe how dumb the rest of the house is acting... especially the floaters...
Hey all! I didn't watch BB6 at all - due to schedule limitations, but just started with the all stars last Tues and Thurs. Was there a show on Saturday night? I will miss Saturdays if it is on due to racing, but Tues and Thurs I shouldn't miss. I love Will - - - it's hilarious the way he plays the game. I am glad that Jase is gone.....sorry.
What happened Saturday? (if there was a show?)
BB is on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Sundays is nominations, Tuesdays is Veto Competition, and Thursdays is eviction and HOH.

This Sunday Janelle put up Boogie and Erika.
Tonight is the veto competition.