I'm sure you'll be successful JR long-term.
All this dieting is totally new to me, never needed to diet before in my whole life, so I may know less than anyone.
But when I asked around it just amazed me how many told me they had been on many diets before, often lost weight, but it usually eventually all ground to a halt at some point or other and then ended in failure.
All of them followed "diet plans" that for one reason or another they got bored with. Some had been to some sort of classes such as Weight Watchers or Rosemary Connelly. When they stopped the classes the weight went back on. All are franchises making money and the more often their customers fail and come back the more money they make. It's a huge industry that wouldn't survive if they didn't make people fail or become forever dependent on their services.
Worse still, they too often make dieting sound like rocket science and the idea that you need to weigh, record and count every calorie must encourage that view.
I've heard it said that "Dieting makes you fat" which surely can't be true but following rules that are so difficult to follow forever possibly does.
It really isn't that complicated surely? Sure, people need to know what food contains and which could make them fat. They also need to know which are the "good fats" and the cholesterol building "bad fats" because being skinny yet eating bad food isn't good for anyone either.
But I can't see it's helpful to encourage the idea that it's so difficult and complicated. It really isn't.
I've got back down to a reasonable weight in about 3 and a half months without any hassle or tears. I've just cut out the foods that are obviously high in calories and reduced a bit overall. No pain, no drama. I know what's fattening and can see with my eyes what's too much without weighing it.
With so many people going on "diets" only to fail there must be something amiss and a better way. Let's keep it as simple as it really is.
Calorie counting is not a diet. Not to me. I am not on a "diet" because I count and restrict my calories. I am on a lifestyle change, a journey, a beginning with NO end. Diets have an end, and I am NOT on a diet. It's not my job to say what people should do, especially so with my limited knowledge, but the methods I use are based on the methods other people have used - not diets, lifestyle changes. It works for me and countless others. It is all about what works for you.
I don't weigh myself meticulously, I don't record everything to the calorie, I don't keep a detailed journal. I don't need to. I don't want to. I do monitor my calorie intake with some brief notes so that I am aware of what is entering my body, and if it is too much or not enough for healthy weight loss. Just because someone counts calories, it does not mean they are journal-writing, record keeping, obsessive people - it simply means WE TRACK WHAT WE EAT. That's all there is to it. Some like to keep journals and keep detailed notes because they need to, because it helps
Again, counting calories is far from difficult. Every package of food - bread, cereal, most meats, cookies, popcorn, everything - they all have detailed nutrition information. It isn't difficult at all to keep track of your intake. Coupled with brief research on the internet, maybe even utilizing tools such as which has all the information for food, and bang on - you're set.
I am a little bugged that you are on a hard course of telling people that they shouldn't count calories, yet you are on a calorie reduction yourself, even though you don't track it.
You said it yourself - it isn't complicated. When you eat, you consume calories. When you breathe and do activities, your body expends those calories. Expend more than you consume, then there is weight loss - thats all there is to it. If you are like the majority of people, you need to in some way track what you are consuming, sometimes simply to ensure you are expending more than you consume.
If it is simple for you to cut away crap and eat less, and it works, then roll with it.
I think that's all I'll say... cheers and good luck