Best thread ever.....possible NSFW!

Who's a hypocrite here? There is no hypocracy in me saying she's ugly. The fact is that girl was ugly. I'd be lying if I didn't say that she was. That doesn't mean she isn't a nice person, but there is no way anybody can ascertain that from the photos, is there?

All I can say is that she shouldn't quit her day job because she'd never make it as a model. And neither would the other 98% of society. How is that hypocritical?

This from the woman who posted "Uglyism worse than racism" :rolleyes:

firstly there is no ugly, it is all subjective. Pretty is a feature, Ugly is subjective...

ugly to you is beauty to someone else.

I always thought most of my friends were better looking than me. But I seemed to always have more guys hanging around me when I went out, probably because I'm more fun and more approachable. And I'm always laughing ... but I'm a total goofball so maybe guys hang around me because I laugh at their jokes (I really do think they're funny!) :D

Which proves you don't have to be beautiful to get dates. Just a goofball ;)

are you saying you are ugly????

I think your screw just rolled under that table........
What's wrong with gossip? We all live on it, but we deny it; we're hypocrites”

this isn't's just insulting......
Look back over this thread and find a post where i insulted the women in question.

I cant find 1

Dude, I wasn't saying you were being insulting, I was saying that making fun of someone just because "you" (as in some people here) think she looks "ugly" is insulting.....
hey yall, that same section from bodybuilding forum (MISC) has generated some attention from the news lately. A regular MISC poster did this (sorry can't post URL..newbie :(

Teen discussed suicide plan online 12 hours before webcam death
Track this topic Print story Post comment Some watchers encouraged overdose

By Cade Metz in San Francisco • Get more from this author

Posted in Music and Media, 22nd November 2008 08:08 GMT

Webcast: Building Applications for the 21st Century

The Florida teen whose lethal drug overdose was broadcast live over the net earlier this week began blogging about his intended suicide 12 hours before.

As reported by the AP, 19-year-old college student Abraham Briggs died Wednesday afternoon in his bed after ingesting a lethal mixture of drugs used to treat depression.

As early as 3am, he discussed his plan to commit suicide in a forum at the website, and he posted a link to, the site where his death was broadcast via webcam.

After blogging about his overdose, he could be seen lying in his bed for as long as 12 hours. Some watchers urged him to take more drugs. Others attempted to talk him out of it. Still others questioned whether the dose he took was enough to kill him.

At one point, a visitor to notified a site moderator of Briggs' intentions, and the police were called. When the police arrived at his home, he was dead. Among the last images captured: An officer with gun drawn enters the room and begins examining the body. Then the video lens is covered.

Briggs' father said his son had a history of depression and had been prescribed benzodiazepine to treat bipolar disorder. ® "
This thread needs this post I made for a person who thought there Nose was big: (Take a hint it is applicable to this thread). :) :)

The kids in school can be cruel. But it is a fool who uses the mouth as an improper tool in school when their own stink at the stool provides their fuel.


Take them to school by being your own crown jewel; become the master of yourself and you will rule;this will make you happy and cool and is your personal tool.

When my kids were teenagers, I always felt that they had 3 atmospheres that they had to properly live in: 1. The home atmosphere, 2. The school atmosphere, and 3. Outside world atmosphere (going out with friends, etc). All three of these, they sought acceptance and happiness as they interacted.

Since kids go to school for nearly 12 years (leading to High School) and is during a delicate growth period, social acceptance is a major factor in their lives, and is one that has to be "properly" dealt with when complications come up.

With this in mind, every person calling you a name has their own imperfection shame of their own.

In other words, their crap stinks as strong as yours and they pull their pants up the same way.

How you handle this name calling in your mind will determine how you handle it on the outside and can determine the outcome. You MUST be confident in your perception of yourself. You must "appropriately" stand up for yourself. DO NOT ALLOW another human being to bring you down. You have to bring things you face into proper perspective.

By the way, I have a big nose........its nearly 5 inches and I am balding which makes it stick out longer and more pronounced. Sometimes I go into a store, and here people laughing about it. I think its comical that their laughing at it and laugh myself. It doesnt bother me in the least. I know its big....I love the dang honker........:)

But like others have said, GET OVER IT. DO NOT let others define who you are. This will NOT be the first nor the last that someone in your life will try to attack--what appears to them as an imperfection.

Br proud of who you are. Your nose isnt big.........BUH!.........MINE IS THOUGH! :) HEHEHEHE



People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, they may cheat you;
Be forthright anyway.

What you spent years building, they may destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

The good you do today, they often will forget tomorrow
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it will never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is about your own perception;
It was never between you and them, Anyway

(Anyway, author unknown, modified by Chillen)

We can never adequately judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.

Sometimes judgments prevent us from seeing the good and the beauty that lies beyond the persons appearance. Sometimes judging yourself though someone else's eyes gives a different version than what you think of yourself in the first place

Persons come in all shapes and sizes. Just because one does not adhere to health and fitness, may be over weight, or ugly (in one's opinion) doesn't make them bad or ugly persons: we all have bad qualities no matter what we do as we are human.

When you make personal judgments about other persons, just remember, another person can make a judgment about you, and maybe just as harsh, because he or she may not just share the same value system as you, and perceive YOU as ugly thought you see yourself as beautiful, normal or average. An open mind is a terrible mind to waste.............

An example: A person who may be considered beautiful "physically" "could be" viewed by some as ugly--because the plastic wrap (called personality) can make it so in some opinions. Eh?


We do have new persons here that do make posts not related to fitness (in a sense), but more in line with what they look like. And, though I do believe we should share an understanding when posting to the "Internet", remember, there are Millions of people.........who have different viewpoints, and do not SHARE our viewpoints, feelings, and opinions and thus "effected" differently.

Best wishes,

Last edited:
This from the woman who posted "Uglyism worse than racism" :rolleyes:

firstly there is no ugly, it is all subjective. Pretty is a feature, Ugly is subjective...

ugly to you is beauty to someone else.

are you saying you are ugly????

I think your screw just rolled under that table........

There are no screws rolling under any tables, gotfit. You're just taking things out of context in an attempt to prove your point. It won't work.

Are you intimating I have to be ugly to post "Uglyism Worse than Racism"? I don't.

I never said I was ugly. What I was saying in that thread is that my boyfriend is a 10. I'm not. I'm only a 7-8. He happens to think I'm a 10. I'm glad he does.

There are degrees of ugly just like there are degrees of beauty. But most people can agree on what is attractive and what isn't.

Ergo, I highly doubt anybody would say that the woman in those pictures is remotely attractive. On a scale of 1-10, she's a 1-2.

What is so wrong with saying that woman is ugly? She is ugly. Are North Americans so hellbent on being politically correct that they get on their holier than thou soapboxes when somebody actually speaks the truth?

This wouldn't even be an issue in Europe. She's ugly. Period. Move on.
Last edited:
hey yall, that same section from bodybuilding forum (MISC) has generated some attention from the news lately. A regular MISC poster did this (sorry can't post URL..newbie :(

Teen discussed suicide plan online 12 hours before webcam death
Track this topic Print story Post comment Some watchers encouraged overdose


Briggs' father said his son had a history of depression and had been prescribed benzodiazepine to treat bipolar disorder. ® "

The kid was bipolar. Anything could have triggered his severe lack of judgment and inability to make sane decisions for himself.
By the way, I have a big nose........its nearly 5 inches and I am balding which makes it stick out longer and more pronounced. Sometimes I go into a store, and here people laughing about it. I think its comical that their laughing at it and laugh myself. It doesnt bother me in the least. I know its big....I love the dang honker........:)

I don't think you have a big nose. But then I think that all men should have strong noses. I definitely noticed your eyes, though ;)
he was bipolar ,true, but what was not mentioned (and was discussed in the forum there) was some of the posters (teens?) EGGING him on to do it, some called his phone and told him so. He was known there for making threats in the past so nobody took him seriously. Regardless, it's a tragedy...19 years old.... makes no sense...

This forum is tamer compared to the shenanigans there...that's why I joined here. Oh and Hi Guys! :) :)
he was bipolar ,true, but what was not mentioned (and was discussed in the forum there) was some of the posters (teens?) EGGING him on to do it, some called his phone and told him so. He was known there for making threats in the past so nobody took him seriously. Regardless, it's a tragedy...19 years old.... makes no sense...

This forum is tamer compared to the shenanigans there...that's why I joined here. Oh and Hi Guys! :) :)

Welcome Alice! I think your going to make a damn good member!

I agree with your opinion that this forum is much relaxed as compared to others (and the boundary line is drawn and can be seen if one stays long enough-as determined by the mods).

And, we are entitled to our opinion.

And, to disagree.

And, I do with "some" in this thread.

Again, welcome!

Rock ALICE into the goal PALACE!

Its a nice place to have your face!

He, he :)

Best wishes

he was bipolar ,true, but what was not mentioned (and was discussed in the forum there) was some of the posters (teens?) EGGING him on to do it, some called his phone and told him so. He was known there for making threats in the past so nobody took him seriously. Regardless, it's a tragedy...19 years old.... makes no sense...

This forum is tamer compared to the shenanigans there...that's why I joined here. Oh and Hi Guys! :) :)

The truth of the matter is most people do not take those threats seriously. When a person says they want to kill themselves, that is a distinct cry for help and should be taken VERY seriously. When nobody responds and tries to help the person, the depressed individual feels even more alienated and separated from society. They believe nobody cares if they are alive or dead; the pain they experience on a daily basis is so bad to them they can't imagine living another day with that pain.

I read that there were people egging this kid on, and that's just sick. I honestly can't believe people would sit in front of their computers watching a kid do himself in. That's f9cked up in ways I can't being to comprehend.
Welcome Alice! I think your going to make a damn good member!

I agree with your opinion that this forum is much relaxed as compared to others (and the boundary line is drawn and can be seen if one stays long enough-as determined by the mods).

And, we are entitled to our opinion.

And, to disagree.

And, I do with "some" in this thread.

Again, welcome!

Rock ALICE into the goal PALACE!

Its a nice place to have your face!

He, he :)

Best wishes


Thanks Chillen...looking forward to learning info and sharing opinions. It feels great to put fitness as one of my priority so I'm in this for the long run.