BA ...Bingers Anonymous

thanks newleaf. i just have periods in my life where i have NO control, its amazing - like being a zombie or something. you know, aware but not aware..

gingilingi, i do the same re the sweet and savoury thing! last night i downed almost a whole packet of chocolate biscuits then half a huge packet of chips (would have been a whole packet if i had it) and then i ate some chocolate even though i was stuffed. i had even planned on purging it all, but i fell asleep on the couch. at least i didn't go that far - but i've been there before and well, you know.

i can't believe i'm doing this!!!

i made a healthy lunch for work today, salad, olives, carrot, cheese (bit too much) couple of oranges and crackers in case i get really hungry later. i'm so scared i'm going to freak out again and pig it tonight. luckily most of the sweets are gone. i told my son today that i'd be going to the gym tonight. sigh.

Thanks for that honesty. I do the exact same thing! I am going to try something this week and see if it works. When I feel the need to binge, I am going to try to sit down first and think about what I am really craving so that I don't have to do that savory/sweet juggling act. I also think I am going to try drinking an obscene amount of water when I feel like binging so that I don't feel like I can put anything else in my stomach. I also loaded the fridge with carrots and red peppers and pickles. Hehe. I'll let you all know how it goes.

Newleaf, not to worry about the ice cream. You'll get back on the horse this week. It's good that you notice that it didn't make you feel better. I try to remember how I feel afterwards everytime I feel like pigging out.

Thanks ladies!
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Ok I Am A Binger I Lost It Today And Drank Chocolate Milk Not Just A Cup A 32 Oz Cup Because I Couldnt Seem To Stop I Know Things Are Bothering Me But I Know Also I Ahve To Get Control Of This!! I Also Had A Krispy Kreme Donut But I Did Stop Myself At One! I Do So Good For A While Then Lose Control It Feels Like! Tom Is Visiting But I Know I Can Fight This One Step At A Time! I Would Love To Be A Part Of This And Maybe Figure Out What Is Really Going On And What I Really Can Do To Get Control Of It! Again Thanks For Your Time!!!
Just the topic to write about tonight. I did pretty good today, only having 11 points out of 26. I cooked a good dinner, teriaki pot roast, mixed veggies, rice, pineapple. Then husband had to yell at my son as I was dishing my plate after I weighed out (stepfather) and son went in room and it upset me, so I got rid of my dinner I so carefully weighed out, broke the plate, (my patience is crap these days) and I guess I will be lighter on the weigh in tomorrow. Binge? Yup, I can feel it comming on, those cheddar sun chips that I have been hiding from myself in the closet are calling my name, and I feel like eating the whole damn bag. I will probably feel worse afterwards though. I havent had a binge since I started WW 5 weeks ago. MEN!:mad:
beach, you know its just that feeling of losing control - you feel no control over the 'men' thing, so you'll take control by bingeing. what we have to try to do is find control in a way that isn't so detrimental! i think learning to be brave and confront the issues we feel no control over is the key..its also the hardest of all.

we need to take control of ourselves and stop this self abuse somehow...

go throw out those chips!! :)
hey guys.....i am kinda new at this, but um yea i am such a binger. carbohydrates for me. and it sucks. i feel terrible about myself right now. i stick on a diet for about 1/2 a day and then binge the second half......yuck!!

I'm new to the site and almost everything that has been said applies to me. I am fine during the day at work but once I get home I look through all of the cupboards trying to find something nice to eat. Sometimes I will go out to the supermarket just to satisfy my cravings! I have felt so bad about it in the past that I have tried to make myself sick afterwards but I couldnt - dont think my fingers are long enough!! I am glad about that though as that's really not a road I want to go down! :eek:
Today is an okay day. I am working on identifying patterns in my eating and here's what I'm noticing. I was really good this week. I managed to stick with the 1200-1500 calorie diet all week long, until today. I woke up starving, which I must say is tough because it tends to happen when one goes to bed on a very empty stomach (inevitable if one is eating only 1200 calories). So I ate more cereal than I should have. I couldn't even wait for the coffee to finish brewing. It's pretty mindless actually, I just eat it out of the box. Sweet and crunchy calorie-filled goodness!

But, I managed to stop and drank several giant glasses of water to make myself feel super full. That seemed to work. But it sucks when I mess up the calories so early in the morning because I feel like I am allowed to mess up for the rest of the day. We'll see how I do tonight. I'm trying to plan my dinner now so I won't have to think about it when I get home from work.

I am also expecting to run into another problem tonight. I am going out for drinks with some friends and I am good about limiting myself to one drink but somehow even after only one drink, the amount of calories I consume after don't seem to matter so much. I call it buzz binging. hehe. Any advice on the alcohol then eating thing?

I hope everyone is doing well this week. Happy Friday!
Ok I Am Back On The Right Track I Am Glad You Guys Have This Thread For Support And I Hope Each Of You Are Doing Better These Days! We Can Overcome This And We Can Have Control Over Food And I For One Have Decided Not To Let It Control Me Anymore!
Compulsive Eater

I think I am the very definition of compulsive eater. I don't know how it started, I think it was because I went on this mad fitness thing two summers ago, and I got really strict with my diet, but then I allowed myself one day every so often, when I reached a goal weight, to binge and eat whatever I liked. And I suppose I enjoyed that freedom so much that it got into my psyche and then I started doing that on a regular basis. And then I gained 14 pounds. Disaster! And I just can't get out of this vicious cycle. I mean, I think if I can stick to my healthy eating plan, I can lose the weight very quickly, because when I think back to all I've eaten in the last year, then I really should have gained a lot more weight. I guess I'm quite active, but still.
I hate eating in front of people, I just think about what a heifer I must look to them. I also think my problem with food stems from people saying negative things about my figure, even when I was 14 pounds lighter. I wasn't fat then, but I could do with losing a bit of weight around the stomach area. But I don't know, I guess those comments really stuck in my mind, and then I got really down in myself. So I turned to food. I know I'm lucky, because I'm tall, and I could look so much worse, but I just want to feel hot and sexy and attractive. I think a lot of attractiveness is all down to attitude, but how can my attitude be good when I feel so bad about my physical appearance? Anyway, here's to you and hoping this site helps us all.
Hi, I think I have the same problem. I'm 43 and it's the first time I ear of this behaviour as a disorder...For me it's a lifetime that I'm dieting and then binge eating, and then again...I feel very ashamed of myself when I can't control what I eat; I over eat only when I'm alone. Being sad, stressed, feeling down are the reason for me to start over eating. The other strange thing with me is that I can diet very stictly for a while, but if I eat just a bit too much (ex. when I'm eating out with friends or family), then I lose totally control: so it's very hard for me to follow a diet for a long time and lose all the weight I have to lose.
I'm so glad to have found this group, I hope we can help each other.

I agree

Yeah Mermaid, I find that as well. If I have one day where I eat something I shouldn't have, then I go off the rails for two weeks until I gain back whatever I have lost. Personally, I think deep down I enjoy sabotaging myself. Sometimes being fat is easier.
I'm trying not to be too depressed...I over ate today, in the evening, coming home after a hard day; I was very hungry as I diet all the day, but no one was home, I was alone and so...:(
What can I do?

PerkyG said:

...I have tried to make myself sick afterwards but I couldnt - dont think my fingers are long enough!! :eek:
LOL! I've always said I'd be a failure at eating disorders cuz I can't avoid food and I can't make myself throw-up! That's okay though, cuz it really isn't the way, as you already said. You can do it. This is an awesome forum to help you work through your eating issues... stick with us and you'll go far. :D
I red a lot about Binge Eating and I learned something...I was wondering what we can do together here: any idea about how to organize this group? I'd like to know your opinion on this first: I red that is a bad thing to try to follow a "real" diet when you are a Binge Eater, because just the diets are one of the most important causes of eating disorders in general, and of Binge Eating. The problem is: if I'm a compulsive eater, and so I suffer from this disorder, I'm also really overweight, and my doctor is asking me to diet and to lose weight...How can I do? Anyone here knows the best possible answer to this question?

hi guys im syd, i was a binge eater until 3 months ago when i took control over my eating. I had heard of binge eaters, but never thought i was one, denial huh... i made a food diary for a week before i went on this diet and im sitting looking at it now, i can see now that i really had a problem. I would eat in secret, all day long, non stop, i would get up in the several times in the night to eat,i would keep eating even when i felt sick, i would throw up and then go for something to eat. It was like an addiction. its no suprise i got so big. Just look at what a typical day for me was.
Before college
6am - bowl of cereal, milk, 4 spoons of sugar.
6.45- 3 slices of toast with real butter
7.30- 2 cookies, a slice of bread and a spoon of peanut butter

9.30 am- pack of crisps and bar of chocolate - 2 bars of chocolate, a muffin and a bag of nuts.
12 noon- 2 cookies and coffee - large portion of chips and a large bread roll, went back for a second lunch, bowl of pasta followed by a yoghurt and a fizzy drink.

5 cookies
3 slices of toast with butter( while dinner was cooking)
3.30 - 1 extra large pizza, and a huge bowl of icecream
4.30 - Bag of crisps, 3 bars of chocolate (one
after the other), the 2 slices of toast and peanut butter.

6.00-12 curried veg, fried rice and chips, with 4slices of bread. Bowl of icecream. 2 packets of crisps, 4 bars of chocolate, a full packet of cookies (about 12 i think), a family bag of dorito's, a slice of chocolate cake, and a bag of mixed nuts.

3.15 up had tea and2 slices of toast while portion of frozen lasagne cooked. 3 cookies and a mini bar of chocolate and went back to bed.

I know this seems like a huge amount but it never really felt like a problem to me. Some people who read this will be shocked, im shocked at myself, But for someone it will ring true, and they might never admit it hopefully they will recognise it. It was just non stop eating. Im so embarrassed but now at least i can look back and say "i have come so far" and thats been all me.

A lot of what you said rang true for me. Food is all consuming. I think about it all of the time from the time I get up in the morning to the time I go to bed. If I have a birthday to go to or if I am just visiting people I know there will be food there and I get excited. If I am watching what I am eating it is worse, I get terrified because I then have to fight the urge to eat or carefully nibble healhier choices.

I also do the same thing as you when you said that when you are out, I start to think what can I get to eat? I have ordered extra things and ate them on the way home so no one was the wiser. Sometimes when my husband goes out I will often sneak in the cupboard and devour cookies and chips and other treats. Also, everytime I have decided to diet or change my eating habits I go on a major binge the entier day before.

I also have no control when it comes to chocolate or sweets. I don't know when to stop. But when I am on the wagon so to speak I do good... for a time.

I need to learn how gain control and perhaps some kind of understanding of this binging.
Oh Well

Well I have read some posts here and boy oh boy can I relate!!! I dont even know where to start.. I really dont know why I eat like I do at times because I am happy with my Husband and kids so I really am totally clueless to why I do it.. For example today in the morning my Husband wanted crepes for breakfast, so I made them with nutella if any of you have not tried it then I suggest you dont because it will become your biggest food enemy, especially if you love chocolate and hazelnut.. OMG I am telling you I love that stuff so much I act like a crackhead who needs a hit.. lol sorry j/k but it is true I will eat it on anything, bread, oatmeal cookies, with peanut butter on a bagel, on crossant even eat a spoonful at times.. Well my Husband had his crepes and I made myself a bowl of oatmeal, I thought MAN OH MAN I am doing great today I resisted NUTELLA!! Well that sure didnt last long because later in the day I had 8 hershey kisses! I couldnt believe I did that but the stupid candy has been sitting in my daughters easter basket for weeks looking at me saying hey just one kiss its ok really no one will care what you do.. And I ate them and not so slow to savor the taste of chocolate but quickly like I have never ate them in my life.. The thing is my Husband has his eating habits and foods that he just can not live without eating especially his all time favorite cous cous with lamb.. Believe me the earth would have to crumble before he would go one a diet like me, meaning eating right and exercising.. I would really love it if he would go walking with me or make better food choices and this would really encourage me 10000%, it wouldnt hurt if lost a few pounds.. Uffttt I know I should not use him as my excuse for failure because if I really want to do it then I will do it and stop binging and eating wrong and at wrong times because thats what I have been doing all along is saying well my Husband wants this or that so I dont want to make 2 meals therefore I will eat what hes having.. Oh well sorry to ramble on guys but who else can ya talk to but the ones who can truly relate.. My biggest thing now is I did not reach the goal I wanted before my summer trip and I feel so down on myself today because of this and it makes me want to eat and eat all day and night, it really depressed me that I have really just given up and quit what I once started with a goal in mind now I am just happy if I can stay the same without gaining...Sorry again for rambling on and on.. Thanks for reading guys..
A Binge Machine

To Sydney,
I can completely relate to your food diary, I'm sure I've had many days like that myself. Since I joined this forum and started battling my binge eating, I really feel like I have it under a lot more control. I'm still eating unhealthy food, but so much less of it. By letting myself eat a certain amount of junk food, I feel that I don't need as much of it, and I'm not fooling myself that today is the "last day" I'll buy chocolate in the shop, therefore, I need to buy 3 bars of it. Now I know that I can eat chocolate tomorrow if I want to, so I just buy the one.
I know I haven't recovered fully, and I'm definitely not eating as well as I want to, but it's definitely an improvement, and I hope with baby steps, soon my food intake will be fantastic.
I am a fellow self-confessed Binger.. I just can't help myself! I find it helps if I get a pint of water and down it as fast as I can. If that doesn't help then I do it again, and it usually works by the second pint. Other than that I have been known to go into the dreaded salad drawer and grab handfuls of lettuce and chomp on that.