BA ...Bingers Anonymous

My binge ponderments for the day:

Since we're discussing not liking our bodies or thinking we look fat, I'll share my discovery this morning. I was getting in the shower and took a look at my naked self. It occurred to me, I LIKE myself naked. I DON'T look so bad. I like my curves and my some what flat waist line. I like my hourglass shape. I like my breasts may they not be as perky as some. And when I'm with Sid and undressed, I feel like the most beautiful woman.

Then I got dressed. And I hate clothes. I don't like how they look on me. I don't like the fact that the minute anything feels as though it fits a bit differently, my self esteem plummets. I don't like to be bound by them and how they appear on my body. I don't have the typical body that clothing styles and designs are modeled after. Oh wait.. NO ONE does!

All the same.. I need to remember that moment before I hopped in the shower this morning, where I liked me for just how I was. I also know that eating a scone from Starbucks or day dreaming about my dinner at Quizzno's is not going to help those clothes fit any better. :) So.. I need to love me in these clothes, that is until I move to a nudist colony!
Awesome for feeling good before the shower!!! I hate clothes too. I''m struggling that I've moved from a 3 to a 13 and the 13 is getting tight.
Sara06 said:
Awesome for feeling good before the shower!!! I hate clothes too. I''m struggling that I've moved from a 3 to a 13 and the 13 is getting tight.

You'll get there Sara, its just tough I know! And I can completely relate to your binging story. Its so hard... Alas :) We WILL get there.
Wow, that definition of a binger sounds exactly like me. I try and blame it on boredom or whatever, but I am CONSTANTLY thinking about what I'm going to eat next. Some days I barely eat anything, others I eat all day long. And I don't just eat a little of something. I don't eat macaroni and cheese unless I feel like eating then I can eat the whole box, and normally do. I order pizza everyonce in a while when hubby is not home and I can eat the whole thing. I know I have a problem but don't know how to stop it. I hate thinking about food all day.
I spen tmy weekend, constantly thinking about food, or sleeping. Not a good thing. But I am feeling in control today. No scratch that. I AM in control today. I WILL think positively. I need to remind my fiance to keep me in check this week. I brushed him off all weekend, but obviously I have a problem. He is slowly realizing how big the issue is. :) Wish me luck... We will kick this eating disorder!!
Hi everybody!!

I am a very fresh Newbie to this site, and right after I joined (like an hour ago), I proceeded to eat two carrot muffins, a piece of chocolate, and three spoonfuls of cookie dough (of course right after I went for a nice walk and had a healthy turkey sandwich for lunch, very ironic).

But then I stopped!!! Even though I have lots of chocolate and cookie dough left, I stopped!! Small steps!!

PS NewLeaf, I once read that the best way to accept your body is to dance around naked with the music full blast! It sounds like you’re on the right track!! Don’t worry, we’ll stick together and those clothes will start fitting like they should!!

Take care,

Lauren :)
Hey Lauren, Welcome!! :) I could of written your little snippit about eating food like that. Its like having ice cream after a work out.. oh that doesn't defeat the purpose at all. lol!! :)

So baby steps it is. Day #2 of being IN control! My weight fluctuated back up, significantly.. I am in denial and not changing my ticker. But as I kindly reminded another struggling member, I am reminding myself to focus on the good things in my life. That my weight does not define me. And I will get beyond this. I will not throw my hands up and give up. Its simply an excuse. :D
Hi Newleaf!!

I really like your signature, "Food does not control me. I will eat to live!" That's going to be my new motto I think!!

So I feel off the wagon of day #1 yesterday... Last night I finished off the cookie dough with some cheesecake... But that's ok, now all the junk food in my house is gone and I am determined not to buy anything but healthy food!! Goodbye evil temptations!!!

Day #2 has been good, had some special k and raison bran cereal with 1% milk, and I'm nice and full!! Hopefully I'll stay that way till lunch!!

Talk to you later!!
Good job on getting right back on the wagon! I know its tough, but :) The motto of, if you failed earlier in the day and spoiled your diet.. it doesn't mean you should continue doing it! I've had to learn that the hard way. :)

Anyhow.. this is Day #3 for me.. IN control! :) I get to relax a bit when my company comes thsi weekend, but I will NOT binge. :D I am so happy to be on the right track.
I need to get back to this thread after the time I've been having. I just can't wait for the 1st, I'm ready to kick butt again!
newbride02 said:
I need to get back to this thread after the time I've been having. I just can't wait for the 1st, I'm ready to kick butt again!

Ooh just you wait until the fight is on come April!!

Wait.. is it wise to start a challenge on April Fools Day?! :D
great thread..

i can go for weeks being reasonably okay, but then the past three days i have eaten like a pig. i'm insatiable. i asked a colleague about it this afternoon and she said its an axiety reaction. i thought that was interesting, as i've always equated it with boredom or sadness. anyway, my ex is meeting me at my son's school shortly, he's driven down from sydney for our son's birthday. he is staying at my place - i do that for the kids and for convenience, but i really don't like having him around, makes me feel fatter, uglier and older than ever! so, i eat. there's heaps of snack food at home because we are having people over tomorrow - of course, that was my EXCUSE for buying it, but i knew i would be eating it. i figured i have also balked at my weightloss so far (12 kgs) and realised that i could soon reach my goal. the minute i thought that i became ravenous and started eating and haven't stopped since. i'm clearly self sabotaging but i don't know how to stop either - i'm so hungry! the psychologist said you have to distract yourself and 'remove the arousal factor', eg by exercising or cleaning etc, but i feel incapable.

i think i know now how i got fat!
Hey Sheidi, you're not alone. I eat for the same reasons. Right now I'm personally struggling this morning with the urge to binge. I just want something sugary or sweet tasting. And I don't just want a small bite, I want to eat something compulsively!

The only thing thats stopping me from doing that, is I am consciously saying to myself, "Am I hungry?" "No I'm not." Then I proceed to ask myself, why do I want to eat right now? What could be driving the desire? I think I draw the conclusion this morning that part of me is anxious and nervous about my job interview later this afternoon. Part of me is excited. So I want to tame these and reward myself by eating something sweet and very tasty.

By stopping to make myself aware of this desire and I acknowledge that I am again trying to reward myself with food. This has stopped me so far this morning, and its almost 10am from eating something. I remind myself simply that lunch is in a few hours. That the sweet treat will not take away my anxiousness, nerves or excitement. Food is a fuel, by the means of which I survive. I do not survive to eat food. :) Its a survival tool, that's it! :D

Hope.. this helps some body else in here. ;)
I Gave This Thread 5 Stars Also I Think It Helps Find The Important Threads Vote You Guys At The Top On Rate Thread Lol
Thank you NewLeaf

Hi all,

I am new to the forum and am certainly a binger. Once I start, I simply can't stop. My binging stems not from depression or anxiety but from boredom for the most part. The eating goes hand in hand with being alone and often in front of the TV. I recently have been having trouble with eating because I moved in with a group of people who shop and cook cooperatively, which makes preparing meals for myself difficult. I lost some weight a couple of years ago and have managed to keep it off, but this new living situation is taxing because I don't feel I am completely in control of my own habits. I'll let you know what I discover. Thank you for reading.

SW: 160
CW: 138

And thank you, Newleaf, for your comments and tips. You are helpful and inspiring.
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My suggestion to you as far as being unable to control whats available to you to eat all the time, is to eat smaller portions of what is served if you have no choice. Hope that helps!
I haven't had such a great day...when it comes to food today. So far I've had a bagel, a slice of low-fat veggie lasanga, a cup of stuffing and a the bad bad part, a whole small container of ben & jerry's ice cream. :( Not having the most ceherful day,, and couldn't seem to reason to myself that the dang ice cream wasn't going to cheer me up. And it didn't.. I suppose I might need to call that my "dinner"... so healthy!
I am definitly a binge eater. I wake up thinking about food, spend my day thinking about my next meal, go to bed thinking about food, and sometimes even wake myself up dreaming about food. I obsess over a certain food until I eat it, and when I do get it I eat tons of it until I make myself physically ill. If it is a sweet snack, I then have to balance it out with a salty snack, no matter how full I already am. Then this cycle continues... If I can't figure out what type of food I am in the mood for I will continue to eat everything in my sight until my craving is satisfied.
I just joined here and am hoping to find motivation in this site, and start to get control of my out of control binging.