BA ...Bingers Anonymous


New member
Hi, I'm Dana. I'm 27, and I binge. I've lived my life to eat. I want to eat to live. I don't want food to run my life any longer... Join me.. in my journey to come in control of my eating disorder.
Hi I'm a fellow binger too! I've learned that If i can stay away from the sweets, I"m fine. But once I give in to it, its hard to stop.

Maybe we can just start discussing ways to prevent binging. One would be to ask yourself before you eat it, if you are going to choose to love yourself, or food, you can't do both
NB, welcome..welcome! :) So true, that's a great concept of preventing binging. :)

One step I've made today, is that I am posting ALL that I eat on my journal, to all of youguys. So its stopped me from having a high calorie latte, a scone AND pancakes so far today. ;)
You're absolutely right. This morning I didn't post the fact that I had pizza last night for dinner, but after reading this, and NewLeaf's journal, I went back and confessed. :(
Hello all my fellow bingers! This is a great thread. Somewhere that we can talk about our binges and not have to feel embarrassed and at the same time, hopefully help each other figure a way to move past binging!

So.... My name is Paula and I am a binge eater. Eating is the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I eat when I'm bored, stressed... anytime really. I will often eat to the point of sickness and still continue to eat. When I go out, I think about which fast food restaraunt I could stop at. When I grocery shop, I'll often get something I can hurry and eat on my way home. I will even eat things that I don't even really like, just because it's there. I will never pass up the oportunity to eat, even if I'm not hungry... My avatar is a pic of my wedding dress... my goal is to get control of my eating and look great in that dress come June! :)
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Hey, my name is Bailey. I don't know if I'm a Binge Eater, but I do binge eat from time to time.

I have learned that one very strong trigger for me is pizza of all kinds. Even though I'm full after 2 slices I'll eat 5 or 6 until I feel sick. My family has learned to only order pizza when I'm out for the night, thank goodness, but sometimes there are still leftovers when I get home.
Which One Are You?

Compulsive Overeating and Binge Eating Disorder
Compulsive overeating and binge eating disorder are two separate conditions with a great deal in common. Compulsive overeaters generally exhibit compulsive behaviors around food, eating, and body image. Their eating behaviors can actually interfere with daily functioning. Compulsive overeaters eat for relief, comfort, and as a way of nurturing themselves. They eat because they are stressed, bored, afraid, and/or lonely. Frequently they will plan the next meal while they are eating this one. They feel they are out of control with food.
They will engage in binge eating where they eat an excessive amount within a two-hour period. They will graze where they have no planned meals but rather will eat a large amount of food throughout the day. Compulsive overeaters feel a tremendous amount of guilt and fear about not being able to stop eating and they frequently eat until they are feeling uncomfortably full. They feel as if they are not "good enough," and generally have very low self-esteem.
Compulsive overeaters will eat privately and surreptitiously. They feel shame about their excessive eating and about being fat or obese and will use food and eating as a way of coping with these feelings. They have sought help many different places in an attempt to lose weight or control their weight. They have engaged in strict dieting or fasting programs and community weight loss programs. Out of desperation, they have tried diet pills, prescription weight loss medications, laxatives, and diuretics. They'll have frequent weight fluctuations often exceeding 10 pounds. Most people who are compulsive overeaters or binge eaters are overweight.
A person may be a compulsive overeater without having binge eating disorder. Binge eating disorder is characterized by episodes of binge eating. The "textbook" definition of binge eating disorder is as follows (however keep in mind that there are as many variations as there are differences among people!).

An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:
  1. Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances;
  2. A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).

The binge eating episodes are associated with at least three of the following:
  • Eating much more rapidly than normal.
  • Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.
  • Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry
  • Eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much one is eating
  • Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or feeling very guilty after overeating
  • Marked distress regarding binge eating
  • The binge eating occurs, on average, at least 2 days a week for 6 months.
  • The binge eating is not associated with the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors (e.g., purging, fasting, excessive exercise) and does not occur exclusively during the course of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

Whether a person has binge eating disorder or is a compulsive overeater, emotional pain associated with these conditions is no different. Nor are the medical complications. Both groups are at risk for:
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol levels
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Heart disease or CVD (cardio-vascular disease)
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Liver damage
wow, thanks for the info paub!!

NL..I think keeping track of what you eat is a GREAT way of preventing binges!! Good work!
I just want to say, that I want to eat right now. I particularly crave like a huge chocolate muffin or something along those lines. Maybe its because I'm frustrated at work, well rather BORED out of my mind. :) I know only an hour and twenty minutes left in the day. I will get there..and I wont eat because I'm not hungry. I have dinner for this evening planned and I will eat that. And then I'll be done for the day. but... just so ya know.. I WANNA eat! :D
Yup, yup! Eaten all I'm allowed, snacks too. ;) Just making a mental grocery list..because food at home is miniscule.. oh and may I just recommend Cooking Light magazine to all of you.. they have some FABULOUS recipes! ;)
Hey Guys.. I would like to be part of this because while I don't have problems with controlling my eating its just whenever I even get a taste for something gross like McDonald's or pizza I can't stop eating it... I've downed a whole medium pizza in one sitting! And like the BIG mediums. It's the same if there's anything tasty in the house - I am always aware of it. Okay.. well I just kind of wanted to say that. Thanks for the information though Paula - I really didn't know there were two separate conditions. Bye
Hello, I'm Rachel. :) I binge, especially with sweets; I know everywhere they are in the house, and find myself opening a pack without really noticing. It's creepy when you blink and a Swiss Cake Roll pack apears in your hand! So, to help myself, I've weasled my way into deciding what groceries to buy, and my family really likes my tastes! For healthy deserts, we'll buy a bag of frozen berries at Aldi's, some yummy yogurt, and granola, and wallah! A parfait is born! Their pretty good! I know its not really considered a desert, but whenever I feel the craves comin' on, I'll make up a salad. But, sometimes if I've "deprived" myself quite a bit, I'll reward myself with tiny chunks of mozzarrella in my salad, muahahaha. :p Very good! I feel great after a salad, instead of a BOX of Little Debbies finest. ;) Of course sometimes my family will buy their own deserts, yuck! and they really like the chocolate-on-chocolate-with-chocolate-frosting-and chocolate-sprinkles. Sometimes I feel like I'm being punished lol, watching everyone else chow down the chocolate, but then I remember just how sick I feel after eating a slice. I find a way that really helps me to not overeat, is whenever I think I'm hungry, I'll think back to what I've just eaten, and remember the feeling of being full. Weird, but it works for me :D . Lol, sorry to ramble.
HI :D My name is Angelica,
I believe I binge. Just today I came home for lunch(only 30 min) and i made myself a Sandwich(turkey, light mayo, cheese, 2 slices of bread) and then I had about 6-8 fork full of pasta and then when I got back to the orientation I had a snack size bag of cheez-its..... I hadn't eaten all morning. Then got back around 4:30 pm and I had a bowl filled with cearel and tons of milk. And just right now I had another. I feel really sick to my tummy. I honestly binge all on foods once in a while. Cause the day after I do binge, I basically eat less or nothing. Sometimes I lie about what I eat in my journal :( Sorry ladies for frontin,but I have that promblem the next day. Like tomorrow I most likely won't eat a darn thing. Just drink tons of diet cokes. So that's my story....
The hardest thing is 'fessing up. Once you take away the secretive nature of binges, they sort of evaporate. I used to have this problem, I guess maybe now I could call myself a "recovering binger" since maybe it never really goes away if you let your guard down. I have solved it, for my purposes, but I always need to be vigilant. I promised myself and my friends that I would always be open about everything I eat. I don't allow myself lie to me, my journal or my friends, and I try not to eat alone EVER. It's tough because I'm so busy, but I find that if I make it a point to bring attention to what I'm eating it helps keep me in control (just eating in front of someone I know, not necessarily with them). It was really hard for me to just confess though when I overate. I wouldn't want to put it in my journal because I thought it would just sit there staring at me making me hate myself. I did have to get past that, but once I decided that the world wouldn't end if I reported EVERYTHING that entered my mouth even if it was terrible, then it wasn't so scary. That really got me under control. Sometimes I go over my planned calorie allotment, but I budget those calories, and I always tell someone AND I always put it in my food log. If I have to eat by myself, I call my boyfriend or my best friend beforehand and say, "I'm going to eat this now." The best friend knows exactly why I do this. The boyfriend just thinks I want to talk to him, which is fine too. Maybe this will help someone. I don't know what it was exactly, maybe exasperation, that made me finally decide to just not eat in secret anymore, but that was the trick, and I really feel like I'm in control. I do have to consciously talk myself out of being overtaken by the siren song of pastries. I have a sweet tooth. But I have been able to resist buying them in the first place, so I don't have to resist eating more than one portion (I'm not sure I could do that yet).
At 12 I began to think I was fat. I soon started dieting and became bulimic at 14 after watching a video on it in school. I soon decided it would be better not to eat at all. I partied alot as a teen, often only getting my calories from beer. Sometimes I'd ease up a bit, gain weight and starve it back off. It wasn't uncommon for me to be 140lbs one month, 120lbs the next and 140lbs the month after that. When I got pregnant with DD1, I was 112lbs. I still thought I was disgustingly fat and swore I could feel fat bubble under my skin if I ate. I gained 20lbs in the first 3 months as I knew I needed to eat for my baby. I was 130lbs after her while I nursed. After I weaned, I started dieting again...or rather, stopped eating again. I got down to 119lbs when I got pregnant. I was 147lbs while nursing him. I got pregnant 2 weeks after I weaned him and got morning sickness, bringing me down to 135lbs. Within a week of her birth, I was down to 140lbs. From there it slowly creeped up. I think I was only 143lbs when I joined here. Then I flopped between 145-148 and took a break. Now I'm 154.4lbs, my heaviest non pregnant weight.

I can't stop eating. I graze all day long. My meals are fairly healthy, it's everything else. I eat all my kids left overs, eat the crusts I cut of their bread, cookies and crackers, ice cream and candy. DH brings home a couple loaves of italian bread every other day. We often go out pr he'll bring me home a sugar and fat ladden drink from the coffee shop, with tim bits for the kids. Guess who eat them? When we go to a buffett, look out! It would be rare for me to eat less than 4 plates of food, 2 plates of desserts and shove some in my purse. When I stop to but milk or something, I often get a tub of ice cream and chocolate. I eat the chocolate right away and the ice cream once everyone's in bed so they dont see me. I hide food so no one else will get in and I dispose of wrappers so no one will see. I often eat until I feel like I'll be sick. Sometimes it gives me a headache, but nothing stops me. If I bake 2 dozen cookies, they are gone in a day.

I hate being so weak. I could go for days, now it would be rare that I didn't eat at least a bite of something if I'm home for 1/2 an hour.

PUT THE FORK DOWN!- Brian's advice to Meg on family guy is what i should heed.

Where's the happy medium? Where's the middle ground between starving and stuffing?
Sara, first off I'd like to say you are so brave for admitting these things. It sounds like I could of written it. I, too, binge/sneak eat. I work split shift, so I don't get a chance to eat untill I come home at 9 am, but not without 2 biscuits from McDonalds. Along with coffee with creamer and sugar #2. And here I would sit, in my chatroom untill lunchtime at 12, which consisted of say pizza rolls or french bread pizza or something like that. At the grocery store, I always picked up a bag of chocolates for my "snacks". It would last a day. After my afternoon shift, I would come back to this computer and snack on half bag of chips and dip before dinner, which would NOT be healthy. And I would sample it before I ate so it wouldnt look like I ate so much in front of my family. Before bed, I would sit here again and sneak snack on those chocolate bars. When I was done, I would go read in bed and maybe eat one or two quietly so he wouldnt wake up. The wrappers I would put in my purse to throw out the next day at work so they wouldnt be seen in our garbage. During each night I would feel I was going to vomit from eating so much, but come next day, I'd do it again. Only after bitching I cant fit in any of my pants. I no longer have sex with my poor husband. He is so good to me, I am just ashamed of myself. I just cant do it, not even in the dark. I wonder if this is common? My breaking point to start my diet when one morning I ate 2 of those McGriddles and felt like I was going to throw up all day. I still don't want to think of them. My bad eating habits have turned my 15 year old son into a 175 lb boy who is getting boobs now. I hope my new habits I am introducing in the house will benefit him also. PS- I hate myself. And that's my story.
Oh Beachcomer(((HUGS))) I use to hate myself so much. I think I've upgraded to just not liking myself. I get embarrassed if DH sees me naked. Isn't it strange that we gorge while on a weight loss site?
Depriving oneself, I feel can be a big instigator to binging. I know that when I withhold myself from having certain foods, I will dive into them the minute I permit myself to have them and over-eat those foods. A whole pizza to ones self? a whole container of Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I feel like crap later, and kick myself that I ate those things.. and so much of them. And yet those memories sort of fade the next time I binge.. I forget how my body cried out from stuffing it with disgusting foods and excessive amounts.. How quickly we can forget... Ahh.. one step at a time, one day at a time.