Weight-Loss Are you up for the WOMAN challenge?

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moving right along & its starting to be more natural... still takes an effort for me but not as much of a strain to my system.
ok now I have that Moving Right Along, footloose & fancy free... song from one of the muppet movies going through my head... lol. Maybe I should find it & get it on my iPod to push me on to this week's round of steps.
6/10 30,238
6/11 14,234
6/12 15,027
6/13 15,083
6/14 13,292
6/15 15,026
6/16 45,372

Average: 21,182 steps per day

I said I wanted to do 12,000 steps a day - ok I guess i did that :) this week I'm challenging myself more...

though my blister better go away soon...

my map shows me somewhere in illinois :D

Let's go team WLF!! get those steps updated this week and let's get hat bonus done as well - let's see if we can't finally leave Utah :D
this weeks bonus challenge is a good one

  • Reconnect with a friend or loved one that you have been out of touch with for too long - call them, write a letter or email, or make plans to see them soon.
  • Acknowledge someone that positively impacted your life and let them know what it meant to you.
  • Thank the person that has given you support when you needed it most.

let's get that bonus in and move us along our path :D

. . .
6/16 45,372

Average: 21,182 steps per day

I said I wanted to do 12,000 steps a day - ok I guess i did that :)

Wow! That is amazing! More than 45,000 steps in one day and an average of 9,000 more daily steps than you set out to do! Great job!!!
why wait for '08?

18 miles worth of walking?! Sounds to me like you're on track to do the Chicago marathon in '07!
the charity walk I've got coming up in august is 60 miles over 3 days - sot hats what my traiing is for.. I thought about doing the chicago marathon as a walker - but registration is full up and I can't enter -s o next year baby :D
Hello Everyone.

Sorry i did not get the bonus last week. I got it covered this week though.

Mal, you are my hero, 45,000 steps OMG!!! That is terrific.

Good luck during the week everyone.
Ok I have a confession.

I have not completed my steps today or yesterday for this challenge. I did go ahead & lie on the WOMAN challenge website so I won't be the one to hold the team back, but I'm being honest & letting you guys know. Just so I don't feel guilty. I have gotten a cold or the flu or something funky that is going around work (I swear if people don't learn to wash their danged hands I will hack them off & they will have to learn to use their feet!). I stayed home from work today & probably should have yesterday. I feel awful & am hoping a day of homemade chicken soup & pineapple juice in bed will get me up & back to normal.

Sorry everybody!
hey = I just noticed we finally made it out of Utah and are in Colorado :)

•Katherine Lee Bates wrote
“America the Beautiful” after
being inspired by the view
from Pikes Peak.
•The United States federal
government owns more than
1/3 of the land in Colorado.
•The World's First Rodeo was
held on July 4th, 1869 in
Deer Trail.

Moonie - don't feel you have to fudge your results, this is for you - the team part of it is just for fun.. you arent holding us back - we jus get to spend more time gawking at cowboys :D howdee pardah :D
Ladies, I was off traveling and had my hard drive crash on my computer. Got back into Guangzhou today and am trying to log my steps. I did manage to get my 9,000 perday, but I can't get on the damn WOMAN site to log them. I'm going to miss a week's worth of posting if I can get the site to come up...I'll keep trying.
I just tried to get there and the site appears to be down for now - so i don't think we can be penalized for not entering info if the sites not available to enter info on...
6/17 - 24,221
6/18 13,839
6/19 14,297
6/20 16,800
6/21 12,809 (slacker day :D
6/22 15,476
6/23 43,685

Total Steps 141,127
Average steps: 20,161
how we doing with steps this week? site is back up and ready for info to be entered :)

let's see if we cant move further along our path :) there's this week and one more week after that... let's finish strong
just about a week and a half left in this challenge - is everyone going to get their certificate for finishing? :D

I want my mailed to me and i'm gonna frame that sucker :) I worked damn hard for it...
Oh wow! I completely forgot about the certificate! Sweet... now as long as nothing major happens I should be there soon.

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