AMPing It Up

Good on you for stopping drinking. I have recently given up as well. I have found it is still possible to have a good time without drinking which is a revaltion to me :D

Good luck with all your training.
Workout Today:

4x175 (it was a good squatting day)

1x10xbar (never tried it out before, just wanted to go through a test run)

Bench Press
8x115 (didn't rest enough)

Row machine thing
3x10 (so tough, especially to hold on to)

Lat Pulldown

Super Set
Bicep Curls 3x6x60
Tricep pulldown 3x10x110

Front Shoulder raises
3x10x15 each

Weighted ball crunches
3x70 lbs added

Today was a very slow work out which really annoyed me. I was with a friend whose not nearly as serious and he really slowed me down. I was in the gym for well over an hour. I went to the physical therapist yesterday and she gave me a bunch of exercises to strengthen random muscles in my legs and hips, and also made me change the way I stand.

We found out that if I angle my feet outward when I go through the motion of a squat my leg doesn't pop, so she told me to use that stance when I squat until she figures out the problem. Can anyone give me some information on the effects of pointing your feet outwards when you squat? All I know is that I was able to squat more than I normally can because the pain was gone, so I just kept going. I can't squat a lot compared to most, but it was good for me, and I felt great.

I've been stuck on this bench weight for a while, but I've been getting closer to 3x12, which will be a signal to move up. I'm hoping latest end of next week that I do, but who knows.

I'm super excited because parents weekend is this week, so I finally get to see my family again, and my little sister who is the raddest person in the world. Besides that my friend told me that by me doing squats I was making my biceps bigger because of testosterone... gave me a little laugh. NBS if you ever need some help you got me here, and thanks for the support.

Hope all is well

Estoy cansado:


5x177 (this was the first time I ever truly deadlifted, and it was hard as hell. This really killed me, in a good way. I just worry my form was off on the last two sets, with too much of a back arch)

Wide Grip Pullups
7 (i suck)

11x115 (help on last)
9x115 (help on last, I am very determined to get to 3x12)

Seated cable row


Rotator cuff work with rubber tubing

So I weighed myself in the middle of the day again today and I was about 134, but I have been eating so much. I have definitely noticed growth, but not so much strength gains. They will come though, I will make it happen.

I found out the other day that I can just get lots of cut up grilled chicken from my cafeteria for really cheap, so I'm going to be using that a lot from now on. My post post workout meal will probably be this cut up grilled chicken and then oatmeal on the side, because thats the only real complex carb I can easily access. Tonight I'm hitting up a buffet though which sometimes has fish, but always has stir fry and lots of healthy choices, so I will definitely load up on food.

And for any of you who are interested in psychology, I discovered the phenomena of facebook, myspace, any forum on the internet this morning. It's the idea of operant conditioning. If you don't know what that is read here : Operant conditioning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Basically these places are based on a variable ration schedule, so that not every time you check the sites there will be updates, but that eventually there will be something of interest to you. Therefore you cannot help but check these forums, myspace, and facebook compulsively, because there is always a chance that there will be something new there.

Theres my 2 cents for today. Hope everyone is well.

Do you want to continue where we left off on working on your diet situation or do you think you are hammering it out okay. Let me know......

I will be on 2morrow of you want to chat about it.

PEACE BROTHA..........


Carry the heck on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MOVE IT!...........You better not be walking slow to the gym, buddy!


3x12x145 lbs


Bent over rows


Military press

Seated Calf Raises

My parents left this morning, but my mom noticed that I have gotten much more defined since I last saw her a month an a half ago, and that my shoulders have gotten much broader, and chest and arms have gotten bigger:) Squats felt good today, my knees are getting much better.

Had a pretty bad weekend nutritionally, but I'm fine with that because I finally got to experience food outside of campus. I actually unknowingly ate deer for this first time at one of my floormates houses, and the deer was killed by my floormate. Gross but so cool at the same time.

I'm pretty stoked though because I did some major shopping and now am pretty set on snacks. I have a drawer which is just ridiculously healthy. 5 packets of beef jerky, 4 packets of tuna, fish oil capsuls, natty pb, multivitamns, dried apricots trail mix with omega 3 fortified cranberries, almonds, protein bars, and some whole wheat flax bread. Then I have another drawer which is just stacked with 5 or 6 different types of green and herbal teas. And i finally have some cottage cheese in my fridge... Hooray!

Hope everyone is just super duper.

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Bench Press
3x9x125 (help on 9th rep each time) (bicep hurt after first set... not sure why)

Seated Cable Rows


Lat Pulldowns

Curls, tricep pull downs, seated calf raises

Today I start off by saying that my hands are killing me. Deadlifting absolutely ripped them to shreds (no blood), but I feel great. I decided that I was going to just add 10lbs to my bench today since I could not get to 3x12 at 115, and I pushed out 8 reps on my own and a 9th with some help. Very happy with that. Everything else felt great though, so over all satisfied with the workout.

On a different note, my physical therapist is changing the way that I walk and stand right now. I have to stand with my knees bent, because apparently I always stand with my knees hyperextended. She also found that my hips are made so they point a little outwards, which means that a natural position for me should be with my feet pointed out... something they don't do. So now whenever im standing I have to think about bending my knees, and whenever I'm walking I have to thinking about turning out my feet. This is why when I squat my legs don't pop when my feet are pointing out. I feel like I'm two years old trying to walk again:confused:

I'm going to wake forest this weekend to visit my best friend so I'm really excited about that, but nothing else is really new. Hope everyone is just fantastic.

Per your request: (CycleForward, CycleBack, and CycleFlipBack)

I wanted to take the time to reveal the bottom line of my diet after trial and error, and the various techniques that I used along the way. I tried to write this with simplicity in mind. The purpose is not to provoke a fierce debate.

While I understand that being this technical and meticulous isn’t for everyone, it may be possible that there may be some information I am giving that may benefit another forum member. And, this is the primary purpose.

This approach has worked for me, is working for me, and subsequent opinions contrary to this approach likewise doesn’t matter.

After educating myself on the basic requirements of tissue loss and tissue gain, I quickly learned there were many opinions and opinions on these opinions, and one could easily get confused on where to start and which basic circumference of information to use for ones goal. But there tended to be some dust that settled on simple basics.

I also looked at several different methods of caloric Maintenance formulas. (like NROL, Benedict, and the basic multiplier, and they still didnt really satisify WHAT I WANTED--more specific--detailed)

I sat myself down, and wrote down every possible dietary weakness and strengths I possessed. I literally tore myself apart being honest. I developed a “On Limits Food List” and an “Off Limits Food List”. I evaluated my living environment and work environment, its associated effects and causes, and what would applicably have negative and positive effects on my goal, and set reaction in place)

I developed a list of bad food items that could be made to be more healthy that I liked (for example: Oatmeal cookies, and Peanut Butter Cookies, and replaced the ingredients in these to the more healthy alternative—like Splenda for the replacement of white refined sugar, and whole wheat flour instead of white bleached flour, and so on and so forth).

I developed a CLEAR strategy in dealing with my weaknesses (and changing ingredients in sweet items-like the aforementioned- is one example as it assisted with the “I want something sweet—DAMN IT!” type of situation).

There was NOTHING I wasn’t prepared for, Mentally, if my body began to resist or crave certain things as I progressed forward. This was key, and an entirely different writing. (and one I would do if asked, because the system I have in place could work for another person)

Therefore, I decided to make a Excel Spread Sheet for my diet calorie and activity tracker. The First Tab was the equation set from the Benedict Formula, and the accompanying activity multiplier (s). I plugged in my age, gender, weight, height, and approximated activity set, and this produced a approximated Maintenance Line according to the Benedict Formula. This was really just a look back reference page (and man in the end--it IS WAY OFF)

What I didn’t like about this formula, is its general broad and blanketed scope it gave for each day, with having knowledge that each day can be drastically different from one day to the next.

One could move and/or change the multiplier for a given day, but this too, I thought had the same broad effect. I could have used other MT opinions (like NROL, and others, but they too suffer from---what I wanted…a more narrowed and more specific caloric calculation to me. I am not arguing that they don’t work—they do, and have been proven to work, and I post these to assist others, it’s just that it wasn’t for me—exactly anyway)

Therefore, I sought to educate myself on the approximated calorie expenditure based on certain activities being performed that was based on the variances of: Age, height, weight, and gender.

The activity segments were broken down in this manner: 1. Work, 2. Off Work, 3. Workout day(with or without cardio) with Work, 4. Workout-Rest(with or without cardio)with Work, 5. Workout day(with or without cardio)with an Off-Work day, 6. Workout-Rest(with or without cardio)with Off-Work day, 7. Wake hours on Work days (not including work hours), and Wake hours on Off-Work days, and 8. Sleep hours. Dependent on the day, then, I would apply the applicable variances that were applicable for a given day.

Examples: A Work Day with a Workout(without cardio): Work hours (8), Sleep hours (8), Awake hours (8-1=7), Workout (1). In the hourly sense the day is completely covered more thoroughly and independently according to personal activities.

I then made another spreadsheet listing the variable activities and the applicable variances in hours in use for that particular day. I then made this connect to another spreadsheet that I configured to use daily, weekly, and monthly, and would copy and move a blank one forward for a subsequent month.

The next task was attempting to approximate the calories according to the variances I configured for myself each day. I studied the approximation science of how many calories were burned dependent upon the activity performed, and since there were going to be applicable fluctuations in any one determined activity segment, I decided to come to terms on a “medium” and would apply the variance, if applicable. (for example, working 10 hours instead of 8, or maybe work was more demanding than normal, etc).

I basically have a desk job, but I can tend to be on my feet for extended period of time dependent upon the problems and situation. Looking this sort of activity up (sitting at a desk with a PC, tends to give an approximated hourly caloric expenditure of 120c per hour, so I mediated the difference to 150 per hour(and sometimes this needs adjusted)

Sleep hours: Looking this sort of activity up tends to range between 60c to 80c per hour. (If I get less sleep, I subtract the hours and make up the caloric difference, if I get more than 8, I add hours, and adjust caloric figures)

Awake Hours: This can be 8 (8-1) or 16(16-1) hours dependant if I am off-work, working, and Workout variances. Like work, this can have MANY caloric expenditure variances. But, like work I can be on my feet a lot and not be. Therefore, I settled with the same 120c per hour (and had since narrowed this a bit higher)

Workout: One hour. I tend to vary this as well. It depends in rest between sets, whether I am lifting heavy (low reps), or higher (6 to10, or 8 to 12), etc. This can range from 250c to 450c (and higher), if it lasts 45 min, I simply don’t call it one hour, I adjust accordingly.

Cardio: Depends on whether it’s 20m, 30m, 40m, 45m, 50m, or 60m, along with projected intensity level (I am terribly honest—there is no other way). I do an upright recumbent stationary bike (with back rest). I don’t do these like a normal person either. I hoist 45lb plates over my head with both arms hold them in the air for extended periods, then I will grab two 10lb plates and thrust them forward in a pumping fashion, etc. I don’t mess around. Admittingly, I don’t like running. So the bike fits and allows me to do what I have to do to get the job done at the time. And, if there are any double, triple, and quadruple cardio sessions in one day, I of course, make caloric adjustments (which is already in excel-mathematically).

We now have each day particularly broken down according to what I am doing, and can be adjusted accordingly when obvious differences and/or variances occur in a particular day. With some refinements, and the fact I had to change caloric approximations because of weight changes, I have my expenditure pretty much narrowed down to a personal science, and my weight loss was indeed matching my projections in excel.

Each days Maintenance Line is taylored to a specific day by specifically what I am doing that day, and this MT line is subject to the 24 hour dietary cycle.

The 24 hour diet cycle clock.

For example: 7AM to 7AM (24 hours) would be one dietary hourly cycle where ALL caloric consumption would occur and be counted for that day. I didn’t adjust this clock cycle around work. Rather I would sometimes adjust this cycle according to the scheduled workout, AND whether work effected its schedule or not. At first there were no adjustments that were necessary even WITH work effecting the timing of the workouts.

But, as I lost weight and my body fat was dropping and getting relatively low, I had to make dietary 24 hour cycle clock adjustments. I always tended to look at my diet caloric totals first if a problem developed and projections were off. I thought this may be an indication of a bodily adjustment and/or refinement and/or adaption to the caloric content the body was being given in accordance to activity stimulation.

I studied some more, and then implemented the: CycleBack, CycleForward, and CycleFlipBack techniques, which are basically caloric manipulations in a 24hour dietary cycle. The results from implanting these manipulations (in accordance to my personal goal) were above astounding.

When I begin to explain these manipulations, I want you to keep in mind the very meticulous and specific caloric projections that were tailored to myself in accordance and/or in sync with what I was doing a particular day.
One can do things with this 24 hour cycle period in providing more short term calories, and change up the clock, while at the same time, not letting the body get accustomed to a certain 24 hour cycle of eating patterns.

For example: (This can be adjusted to suite different personal situations, the hours provided are only an example to give you an idea on how it works)

Say for the first week your 24 cycle clock is: 7AM to 7AM (work is 11P to 7A), you could eat at 3AM (which is 4 hours earlier), and technically your over your limit at that time, but let’s say you train at 8AM (or something like that), for this period you have just provided a small surplus; however, the next day, you could switch back to the 7A to 7A. Which erases (if your meticulous) the previous 4 hours the day before, and one could ramp up an exercise, say cardio, and cause a deficit(though exercise) instead of a balance.

I call this Cycle Back. The 24 hour clock can be anytime adjusted to your daily routine. This cycle back can assist with craving yearnings without the guilt of thinking your over eating. It feeds you and your mentality at the same time. One just has to adjust the next day as a consequence, but it’s something in place to assist with hunger when needed and assist the body in not adjusting to you. In addition, it can provide some extra calories for your workout coming up.

Within the Cycle Back, you can also decide to leave the surplus, of say +300 or so, to allow the body to think it ate too much, and then adjust the CycleBack to 3A to 3A (which is good to do with long term dieters---once in a while)

I use the cycle back most of the time to give the appearance of extra calories, to provide more energy--at the time for weight training, but in the end of things........the next day, it cancels out and I bring a deficit through exercise. But not all the time.

There is another technique I use called: Cycle Forward. Let’s use the same 24 hour cycle clock, 7A to 7A, and I ate at 3A, I will push the caloric content at 3a as eating at 7a, and just push it forward, and count it within the same clock. If working 11p to 7a, and a scheduled Workout was at 8a, this would be ideal to allow time for digestion, and have extra calories BEFORE workout. I then would eat after workout as well.

This is the tougher side of the equation, though, but this can used to assist cravings, but at the same time, you have to space out the meals a bit more intelligently, as you consumed some of the calories prior to the clock starting, but still counting in the same clock, so there is a consequence.

Both of these cycle types I constantly used when I lost my weight, and it worked for me and there is no doubt about it.

The CycleFlipBack, is just intentionally moving the hours 3 to 4 hours earlier than the cycle before it. For example: using the same 7a to 7a example, I would eat at 3a about 4 hours earlier than when the 24 hour diet cycle actually ended. Next day keep it at 3a to 3a, next day after this, move it back another 4 hours, keep it the same, and then flipback again. What you have taking place here is a small surplus, deficit, small surplus, deficit, and so on. This messes with the body pretty good, ya think? In all this, I know what the surplus in caloric content is, and with the deficit, and whether any of the days cancel out. I believe this is smart—when advancing in goals and when weight loss plateau’s develop, to have something in place to TRY to combat problems. And, the diet is one major player in the equation, and needs careful consideration in my opinion.

I ate frequently, but inconsistantly (just not at the same times, I mean). I implemented the 95-5 approach to my diet. This means that if I allow a RARE cheat item 5% of the time (and put this in the caloric projection, and then sometimes--allow an overage (think the caloric manipulations), then this 5% is not gonna erase the 95% that is correct. This is not possible.

But this only works if you are in fact 95% correct and faithful, LOL. And, one has to consider that most of the time I was 100%---faithful--for months, and the 5% rarely came about, and if did, I was prepared, and would allow it, without hurting my goal path. One has to allow breathing room, and cant have the belt wrapped to tight. One has to breath. And if one does, maybe 100% isnt so hard to achieve. If you can understand what I am trying to say.

This is just a brief synopsis. I hope this helps someone in some way. This was my intention on writing this.

Best regards,


(The same technique can be used with surplus diets......think about it!)
Say for the first week your 24 cycle clock is: 7AM to 7AM (work is 11P to 7A), you could eat at 3AM (which is 4 hours earlier), and technically your over your limit at that time, but let’s say you train at 8AM (or something like that), for this period you have just provided a small surplus; however, the next day, you could switch back to the 7A to 7A. Which erases (if your meticulous) the previous 4 hours the day before, and one could ramp up an exercise, say cardio, and cause a deficit(though exercise) instead of a balance.

So I'm a little confused. Does this mean that when you ate at 3 a.m., although it was in the first day, you would count it as calories of the 2nd, day, and just continue with the cycle at 7 a.m.?

By the way that is very interesting, I'm going to have to read that whole post quite a few more times though before I completely understand it.
So I'm a little confused. Does this mean that when you ate at 3 a.m., although it was in the first day, you would count it as calories of the 2nd, day, and just continue with the cycle at 7 a.m.?

By the way that is very interesting, I'm going to have to read that whole post quite a few more times though before I completely understand it.

I was working 11a to 7a at the time, so that 24 hour cycle time fit categorically with my work hours, and one can adjust the cycle clock according to what their life style is. Manipulating calories is under estimated and a powerful thing.

But to answer your question this is correct. For example:

If I was was working 11A to 7A, and the cycle clock is 7a to 7a (24 hours), and lets say I have met my limitation sometime before the 7a, and had a workout at 8a after work, and I would consume an appropriate amount of calories say at 3A------and cycleback the 24 hour clock to 3A or 4 hours earlier to fuel the work out and give time for digestion.

Technically I would be over the limitation; however, since the next day I have rest day, I would then Cycle forward to 7A---or move ahead past the 3a. Therefore I had a very small surplus for one day, and then compensated the next day by moving ahead 4 hours bringing back a deficit. This is a different twist to the zig-zag. It allowed be to put on a small amount of muscle and lose fat. However, most of the time deficit was the case. The possibilities here are quit endless, and is one way to stave off hunger and still meat your deficit and/or surplus goals if you think about it. My body reacted quite strongly.

Did this answer your question?
Yeah that answers it, although I still do not fully understand it, but again, I need to reread that post a few more times.







Bent over rows

Bicep curls- 60lbs total

Calf stuff

Rotator cuff band thingy

Crunches on swiss ball w/ 80lbs added 3x15

I have been sleeping great all week which is a relief. Before I lifted today I had two pieces of caffeine gum which equals a cup of coffee, and I was bouncing off walls. I felt some popping in my knees during my squats today which sucked, but it wasn't too bad. I also felt a weird pain kind of between my armpit and my shoulder after I benched today, hopefully nothing bad.

Going to wake forest tomorrow, will probably drink quite a bit. But I'm perfectly fine with that, especially because its with my 3 best friends.

Today this kid tried to justify why I could do more dips than him by saying that I weighed less, and just laughed. Silly kids.

Hope everyone is well.

Thanks Tony, ready to get that going.

Lifted today:


Deadlifted with progressively heavier and heavier weights until I could only do one rep which was at a weight of 224lbs. For today I was happy with this, seeing as I have been deadlifting for at most a month now.

DB Decline Bench
3x12 45s



Hack Squat Machine

Seated Cable Rows

Rotator Cuff

I am really pumped to get my deadlifting whipped into shape, and I am hoping for it to be at least double my bodyweight before march, which I don't think should be too much of a problem. I was recently thinking of switching to an upper lower split, or maybe upper one day lower another and full body on the third. Any input would be great. Or if you have an idea on how i can revamp my current workout if it needs some changes.

Good luck to everyone in the competition

And one thing to think about: If God is all powerful, is it possible for him to make a rock so heavy he can't lift it?

Think about it:confused::)
I like upper/lower splits, for a start it allows you to train on back-to-back days.

Oh, and God can't lift anything, not even a pebble, if he exists it's outside of the physical laws of our universe and therefore size has no meaning or relevance to him.
I am really pumped to get my deadlifting whipped into shape, and I am hoping for it to be at least double my bodyweight before march,

Just spotted this. If your goal is strength gain you might want to consider a lower rep range for the deads. All your lifts are within the 8-12 range which is good but you probably also need to be working in the 1-5 type of range to get those large motor units recruited
First of all CCR, that was a sick answer to that question. Next, I think in a week or two I might switch to an upper lower split, but I will look for some help on these forums to create program. Lastly, I think that the level that my legs are at right now are so far from their potential that I will gain plenty of strength with the rep range between 8-12. When I start seeing a platue I may work in some strength stuff, but as I said I have only been dl'ing for about a month now.

As far as life goes, today was probably one of the worst ones. I couldn't sleep last night, even after taking two Tyleno PM's, and felt like crap when I woke up. Then I got a really bad grade in my spanish class, which I have been doing consistently poorly in all semester. I talked to my teacher afterwards, and I told her about my sleeping problem, and she got worried and just mentioned that this place might not be for me. These few words have just been plaguing my mind, as it has always been a thought that won't leave me. I'm doing exceptionally well in the rest of my classes, so I know the work isn't above my level, but I just don't know. Food kind of comforted me today, and I'm ok with that, because I recognized that I was using food in this way, but it did help a little bit.

But yeah I'm kind of a mess right now. I'll see what happens.
Sorry man, I'm from the UK, is 'sick' good or bad?

LOL......CCR is absolutely SICK.......just plain SICK........bad @ss sick....

CCR is pretty SLICK not knowing the meaning of SICK; this does not mean he is mentally THICK nor means his head is a BRICK; however, we forgive him real QUICK.

At least his CHICK makes him TICK and this is really SICK

HEHEHEHE, Buh, ah, ah, :rolleyes:

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Hit the gym after class today:

10x95 (warmups)



Row machine thing
3x10x100 added on

Upright Rows
3x10x50 never done this before, felt kind of weird

Lat Pulldown

ab stuff

Looking back on what I did it seems as if I did too much back work, and not enough chest. However, I felt really good with everything today, especially my squats and benching. I weighed myself and I was at 136.5. It was in the middle of the day so not exactly accurate, but I have definitely noticed improvements.

I feel a lot better today than I did yesterday about the whole college thing. I guess it was just one of those days where everything is absolute crap, and you don't care about anything. Hopefully that will never happen again. I might update later today but I'm not sure.

Keep pushing forward.
