I'm sorry Mom2 that I did not get the chance to post about the brussel sprouts, I buy both fresh and frozen, and I love my steamed in a steamer until tender, and you can put either a small amount of butter on them or I like them with vinagar, mmmmmm! It seems my team mates have not posted yet, UH OH! I know Amy is going to Ohio, so she may not have time. Oh well, it was so much fun and thanks everyone for such a good race!! Thanks Twin for keeping us all in check and keeping up with the so called Bookkeeping!! You did a great job and your roadblocks were off the charts, WAY TO GO!!
I had a great time, and I hope to enter into another one in the furture, but I must take some time off first, I haven't posted lately because I'm working out some plans to make a career change, for the better which is wonderful, but I've been trying to tie up loose ends so speak, and thus the reason I have not had time to post, sorry everyone! I do miss coming in daily, I really do!! Good luck to everyone on your future ventures!! I'll still be around, just not every day. HUGS AND LOVE