Alligatorob's Diary

Did not know that, but I guess I can feel it. However I have always been better in the long haul than short. When I was in college I took a hiking class. It was in Utah and most of the hikes were up very steep rugged trails, I was consistently the last to make it to the top. Until the final exam, we had to hike a fairly long and steep hill, had all day. I started out last but as the day wore on I kept passing others who had worn themselves out and stopped. In the end only the instructor and I made it to the top, but I was a couple of hours behind him.
That sounds like a life lesson in there...
I am the same way re speed vs endurance. I am a slow 'runner' but can keep going for some good stretches (when not dealing with injuries that is)
I love the sound of any class with a good hike as a final exam! You sure seem to live an interesting life Rob!
I love hearing about your Zumba class and how supportive you are to people. It's wonderful you have a nice community where you can exercise and feel a part of a group all working towards health. Regarding binging, I am trying to ask myself why I am reaching for food when I find myself opening the fridge. I'd like to really grok why I am doing what I am doing, and lately I don't even stop myself from snacking, I just try to see how what I am doing satisfies something in me. I don't know if that would work with binging, but I figure it would be good to know why I do what I do because then I know what to research. My thing is definitely anxiety-related, and I find that cures for anxiety are effective, I just have to make myself do them. I know some of what I do is to seek nurturing in food, and to feel full which feels like I don't need anything which is reassuring, but I do think there is a need there that needs me to address it. I don't know if I'm making much sense. My underlying emotions are still a bit vague. Anyway, I hope I can get a handle on the psychology of what I am doing so I can do other healthier things to get what I am after. That hiking class sounds pretty amazing!
When I was in college I took a hiking class. It was in Utah and most of the hikes were up very steep rugged trails, I was consistently the last to make it to the top. Until the final exam, we had to hike a fairly long and steep hill, had all day. I started out last but as the day wore on I kept passing others who had worn themselves out and stopped. In the end only the instructor and I made it to the top, but I was a couple of hours behind him.
Wow, I love this story, Rob. Go you! So interesting.
Today was a good day. Ate well, a few more calories than I have been eating but still low. Went out to dinner at a Mexican place, I have the chicken enchiladas in mole, one of my favorites. Not sure of the calorie count, I think I got it right, or close anyway.

My post from last night seems missing... oh well, its late will try to figure it out in the morning.
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Oh, yum to anything covered in mole. I must learn to make that! Glad you had a good day with a more sustainable calorie count!!
An exhausting day, helped family move until 9 pm tonight... Having a pickup and trailer gets me into these things. My food wasn't great, just what I could very quickly find in the refrigerator, but calories were fairly low. Hopefully tommorrow will be better, but the moving ain't over yet. Will say more when I have more time.


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Looks like I missed hitting the button to post yesterday... So the post above is a day old. And day before yesterday I know I typed a post that has disappeared. Usually they stay on the computer and can be posted later but that one is just gone... In it I responded to many of the comments above, will try and catch up here.

Today was a good day, ate well, exercised and I feel good tonight. Been eating lettuce and strawberries from the garden, makes it all the better. I have lost a bit of weight, but I suspect much of it is water from eating less and less carbs, some of it however has to be fat. Not bingeing has not been too hard most of the time, but the urges are still there.
I'm glad you're going to zumba & enjoying it. I would love to go to another dance class.
Why don't you? I am living proof that you don't have to be very good at it, no one has asked me to leave, or even laugh at me yet! There are a couple of women older than us who sometimes go, always good to see them.
Men who don't mind looking silly are few and far between: the world could use more of them.
Maybe, but I did not mean to say that I have never felt awkward or intimidated. The first time I went to an exercise class, Tabata, I was quite intimated by the young fit women in the class, that lasted only a few minutes when I realized I was not the only not so fit one. And all were nice to me, fittest of the fit to... we not so fit.
I am the same way re speed vs endurance. I am a slow 'runner' but can keep going for some good stretches (when not dealing with injuries that is)
I love the sound of any class with a good hike as a final exam!
I was in college, about 20, and had to do a PE credit. Hiking class seemed a good idea. We met every Saturday morning and hiked until noon. Until that last class the final exam, that was pretty much a dawn to dusk thing. Hike strait up the mountain above campus, a rise of ~3,000+ feet (~1,000 meters) mostly bushwhacking up a rugged face with little to no trail to follow. We just climbed the ridge, it was nice. Had a great view of campus and the town from the top. Utah has lots of places like that.
Wow, I love this story, Rob. Go you! So interesting.
Thanks Emily, it was a good story, guess that's part of why I still remember it.
Yay for a good day & eating out. 1500 cals looks better, Rob :)
It was nice to get out to eat, and the few extra calories didn't hurt. Though not eating the beans and rice that were on the plate with the enchiladas took a lot of will power. My wife, a vegetarian, got the beans and the rice when home to the dog.
Yay for good days! Enchiladas in mole sound delicious and worth a couple extra calories.
Yep, mole is one of my favorite Mexican dishes. Can you get mole in Austria? Its not served in most of our Mexican restaurants, but I go back to the ones that do have it.
Oh, yum to anything covered in mole. I must learn to make that! Glad you had a good day with a more sustainable calorie count!!
Absolutely! I have never made it, but you can buy some pretty good base mole, I like Dona Maria. Mole is the Aztec word for sauce, the recipe predates Columbus, by a long ways. In Mexico you find it mostly in the south, the places that were Aztec and Mayan. Lots of different varieties, mole negro is one of the most popular, made with chocolate. There is a place in Salt Lake that has what they call a red pippin mole, it's made with pumpkin seeds. Most US Mexican restaurants serve Northern Mexican food, no mole... too bad.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, or repeat, hopefully I will properly post this one...
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Thanks for the mole explanation. I am thinking of vacationing on the Yucatan Peninsula at some point, and it's nice to know there might be mole to be had if I do! Thanks for the link - I put it in my wish list. Here burritos are made with cauliflower and walnuts in them - so entirely not Mexican that it's a total affront. Funny you skip the beans for calorie counting. I eat them for the fiber and don't mind the extra calories because they seem to go right through without me gaining weight from them. I've been thinking about making my own refried beans from scratch, and discovered in the cupboard a nice bag of masa harina for making corn tortillas. I posted something a couple days ago and came back to notice that it didn't save, too, but I have no idea what I said, so I didn't mind too much. Anyway, now I really want authentic Mexican food. I have a bunch of hot peppers frozen from a volunteer pepper plant in the garden, so I could make something really nice. Thanks for the inspiration!
Maybe, but I did not mean to say that I have never felt awkward or intimidated.
Ah, but that's the point: there's nothing brave about not being afraid/awkward/intimidated - it's just recklessness or something - it's about feeling those things and doing it anyway.

Also: I've only ever made my own mole. Not perfectly authentic but who cares when it's tasty?
I definitely think cutting down on the carbs makes the scale move faster than anything else. But they are so good. And needed! Haha.
Another day late post, got to hit that button!

Today was a good day, ate well, exercised, and I feel good tonight.
You would be a very handy help with moving, Rob. I hope there's not too much more to do.
Thanks Cate, unfortunately its just beginning... probably be back at it soon. I really don't mind, good weekend exercise.
ah yes I always feel for the people who get all the moving jobs because of this!
I am usually happy to do it, gets me out and about.


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I think helping someone else move, reinforces the thought that I'm in no hurry to do so. G & I have helped his siblings downsize. I'm good at that- pricing etc for garage sales.
Well done on 10 days without a binge, Rob.
Today was a good day, exercised, ate moderately well, and I feel good tonight. Finished the strawberry rhubarb pie we were given, good riddance.
I definitely think cutting down on the carbs makes the scale move faster than anything else. But they are so good. And needed! Haha.
It does, but today I had more carbs than usual. And you are right, they are good ;)
I think helping someone else move, reinforces the thought that I'm in no hurry to do so. G & I have helped his siblings downsize. I'm good at that- pricing etc for garage sales.
You need to come visit!
Well done on 10 days without a binge, Rob.
Thanks, nice to know someone is watching.
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It's been a good day, ate relatively well, exercised, and I feel good tonight. Spent 3 hours in the gym, then met with a contractor and walked around for an hour or so, and then helped move for almost 6 hours. All that kept my food choices limited, but calories were fine. An exhausting day, but I feel good.

Just make sure to not overdo it. You're already contributing a lot by letting people use your truck.
I don't mind, and its family. I do the moving like my gym, slower than most but I keep at it.
10 (now 11?) days without a binge is a great start!
Thanks, it does feel good. 11 days!
I would love to, Rob but I'm waiting for time travel.
Why wait? We are less than a day's drive from Yellowstone and the Tetons to the North, and Zion, Canyonlands and the other red rock canyon parks to the south. You'd be welcome here, we have lots of guest space!
Always. I read every post in the forum.
Is your profile pic a recently taken one? I like it. You look so happy fishing :)
Yes, it was taken a few weeks ago, fishing in Florida, a permit, a fun fish to catch. However it was spawning season so did not keep it. I did keep this grouper, caught on the same trip. 49 lbs (~22 kg), needed help to hold for the picture.