Alligatorob's Diary

Well, I am back after a kind of mixed time away. Too many binges, but not so many as sometimes. Stepped on the scales for the first time and see that I gained a little weight, less than I expected. I am going to try and get back on the wagon, the last few days have been good, will post yesterday and try to keep on posting. I know I do better when I do.
Hey Rob, I’m going to be real. I think you don’t want to stop bingeing. I think you like the feeling and don’t want to change deep down and you’re caught in an addictive loop. Look at what you accomplished already with your weight loss. You can stop and you have the discipline. There’s no magic formula or recipe to follow. It’s a choice between the pain of self-discipline or living with the pain of bingeing.
Thanks Rob, and you are probably right. I need to apologize for the long absence of posting and responding, you have been a good friend. I do want to change, but giving up that feeling is really hard.
My impression is that Rob wanted to hear what I have to say. I’m not a representative of OA. I don’t even follow the program. It’s just my personal opinion Rob would benefit from some of the ideas.
I did want to hear from you, and I understand about you and OA. I agree that OA has some good things, but am not sure it is for me. I have looked into it and there are no close by meetings. I am still thinking about it.
@alligatorob Please let me know. I don’t want to bother you (or anyone). I’m not sure there’s any benefit to me posting here.
You have never bothered me, I just hope I have not wasted your time.
Imposter syndrome runs deep with me.
You are no imposter, not even close. However I understand the syndrome problem, probably because I have the same feelings.
Hey, @alligatorob. How are you doing?
Better now that I am back on track and posting again. @Cate thanks for all your support.
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Welcome back, Rob!!! Been awhile. Glad you r back to encourage us on our journeys.
Wow, welcome back!! So good to hear your weight isn't up too bad from being away a while. I know about imposter syndrome, too, having eating problems because I am not good at managing stress, and I even studied psychology. Hopefully we all figure it out together.
Today was a good day, I ate pretty well and got in some good exercise. Sometimes good days come easy, hope it lasts...
:iagree: Good to have you back, my friend.
It's good to be back Llama, I missed you.
Wow, welcome back!! So good to hear your weight isn't up too bad from being away a while. I know about imposter syndrome, too, having eating problems because I am not good at managing stress, and I even studied psychology. Hopefully we all figure it out together.
Yeah, lets do that, figure it out together. I do know for sure I can't do it alone!
Rob, I'm so happy you're back! I missed you! ❤️
I missed you too girl, good to hear from you!
Yes, it is, sir.
One thing I think we can all agree on.
I am so glad you're back, Rob :grouphug
That was still sitting here as I apparently didn't post it yesterday morning!
He's back & back on track :)
Thanks Cate!
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Not gonna lie: those ultra low calorie counts are going to take some getting used to again! I'm glad you had a good day though.
Do you have a sense about what part of weight loss or maintaining weight is giving you the hardest time? I am trying to learn to stop eating when I am full and am trying to weigh in a lot so I see what size meals I should have, because I really don't do well once I stop calorie counting, and I don't want to do that forever. I also think that being kind to myself with the whole process helps a lot. I tend to overeat when stressed and then not acknowledge my emotional stress and don't take actual care of it, but substitute more food for good emotional care, I think.
Just got home from the gym, whilst my eating has been hit or miss I have been consistent at the gym. Averaging something like 12 hours a week. However to be fair I count all the time from starting warm ups to finishing stretching. And my workout are not as vigorous as some, a "mild" workout as Llama once called it. However, I don't stop to rest, if there is down time between classes I am always doing something. Only exception is when I work with the trainer, she forces rests between sets to maximize the weight I can lift. Today I did a bit over an hour of my own workout, 45 minutes of circuit training, and then a full hour of Zumba. I am better at stamina and keeping at it than going really hard for shorter time.

The Zumba is new to me, and there is only one class a week that I can fit into my schedule, but so far I like it. The instructor tells me I am the first man she has had in a class. I don't understand why, its just aerobic exercise, nothing particularly feminine or masculine about it. Not that I can see. Makes it nice though she gives me more attention than the women, and the women in the class also pay attention to me. Good for the ego as well as muscles, LOL.
Not gonna lie: those ultra low calorie counts are going to take some getting used to again!
You are a wise lady, but so far I am ok with it. As you know I often do better with a lower calorie diet than anything else. Eating is a binge trigger for me, so the less I do of it the less I binge... for a while anyway. I find the 1,200 to 1,400 calorie range is most comfortable to me, any less and I begin to feel the effect of malnourishment (I think), more and I have more problems fighting off the binges. I know I can't live forever in this low calorie range. What I am thinking is a month or so of this and then slowly start increasing the calories. But then my plans rarely go to plan...
Do you have a sense about what part of weight loss or maintaining weight is giving you the hardest time?
Bingeing, its about 110% of my problem. Gain weight when I do it, crave it when I don't.
I am trying to learn to stop eating when I am full and am trying to weigh in a lot so I see what size meals I should have, because I really don't do well once I stop calorie counting, and I don't want to do that forever.
That makes a lot of sense, my problem however is that I don't really feel full until I hit something north of 5,000 calories in a meal. And true hunger pangs are rare for me. I have accepted that I may have to count calories forever, and I have gotten pretty efficient at it with myfitnesspal. I would hope that is not true, but in the 71 years I've been on this earth the only times I have done well was when I was counting, recording, and sharing my calories. Probably too old to expect that to change...
I also think that being kind to myself with the whole process helps a lot.
For sure!
I tend to overeat when stressed and then not acknowledge my emotional stress and don't take actual care of it, but substitute more food for good emotional care, I think.
I can say the same, sometimes. However I can and often have binged when not stressed, I can binge anytime. And bingeing of course causes stress... Never more than 5 minutes away from one, always have to keep up the fight.
I am better at stamina and keeping at it than going really hard for shorter time.
That makes sense. Fast-twitch muscles don't have anywhere near the staying power of slow twitch muscles as we age.
I feel extremely uncoordinated with zumba so kudos to you!
I loved Zumba but tried to keep up with everyone else. It was so fast. Dancing/exercising to music is so good though. I thought you might have been kick-starting your weight loss with fewer calories so didn't say anything. 1500 would still be low with your activity. It's great having you back, Rob :)
Great work with the Zumba, it is unusual to see men at a Zumba class, could be a ego problem with being worried about looking silly ? It is not a form of exercise for me but for those who enjoy it then it is a great form of exercise.
Today was a good day, food was good, but boring about the same as yesterday. Good exercise.
Now I'm disappointed; I was looking forward to your season!
Well maybe I need to rethink that ;)
That makes sense. Fast-twitch muscles don't have anywhere near the staying power of slow twitch muscles as we age.
Did not know that, but I guess I can feel it. However I have always been better in the long haul than short. When I was in college I took a hiking class. It was in Utah and most of the hikes were up very steep rugged trails, I was consistently the last to make it to the top. Until the final exam, we had to hike a fairly long and steep hill, had all day. I started out last but as the day wore on I kept passing others who had worn themselves out and stopped. In the end only the instructor and I made it to the top, but I was a couple of hours behind him.
I loved Zumba but tried to keep up with everyone else. It was so fast
Well "it" might be but I am not. Not even close. The class has a good mix of people, today the ladies nearest to me were one very fit woman who I could never match, and one obese woman who was more my speed. Both of them were very nice people, I made a point of talking to the heavier girl after class. I know what she is feeling, and hope she keeps coming back. She is pretty young, maybe she will do better than I did.
I thought you might have been kick-starting your weight loss with fewer calories so didn't say anything. 1500 would still be low with your activity. It's great having you back, Rob :)
Thanks Cate, and it is great to be back! After the kick start and losing some weight I will make an effort to increase calories in a more sane way than I did the last time. Hope it works. Course I could binge tomorrow setting it all back. I'll sure try to resist.
Great work with the Zumba, it is unusual to see men at a Zumba class, could be a ego problem with being worried about looking silly ? It is not a form of exercise for me but for those who enjoy it then it is a great form of exercise.
Guess I have never worried about looking silly, even though in that class I probably do. The world has bigger problems to worry about. I do like the Zumba exercise, it really loosens things up. My arms and legs always feel better for it.


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Men who don't mind looking silly are few and far between: the world could use more of them.