Starting Weight: 165lbs
Weekly Stats
05/30 - Weight: 158lbs ^.^ Woo! -7lbs Total Exercise Min: 240mins, yay! (Ish not counting work anymore) Bonus complete: Water challenge- complete.
06/06 - Weight: 158 - Same weight, smaller body, more musclesTotal Exercise Min: 620mins, really good week. Bonus complete: Fruits/Veggies 3/day - done! ^.^
06/13 - Weight: 156lbs -2lbs^.^ Total Exercise Min: 190mins. Bonus complete: No Fiber, but affirmations, check!.
6/8 - I was very helpful to my coworkers, I helped with things when I wasn't cooking.
6/9 - I have a nice smile.
6/10 - I realized I make all those around me happy, as long as I am happy with myself.. which makes me happy with myself. ^.^
6/11 - I have really cute facial features.
6/12 - I'm great with animals. ^.^
6/13 - I can keep a good conversation going for quiet a while. ^.^
6/14 - I make a great birthday cake. Heheh.
06/20 - Weight: 157lbs +1lb Total Exercise Min: 370mins, yay. Bonus complete: Breakfast, Yes. Exercise, Yes.
06/27 - Weight: 156lbs -1lb ^_^ Total Exercise Min: 193mins, just barely got in that last bit. Bonus complete: Calcium - Yes, now I feel if I look at cheese or milk again that I'll be sick. LOL.
07/04 - Weight: 156lbs Total Exercise Min: 305mins Woot! Bonus complete: Yes, no fried foods.
1) Affirmation - Heavy or not, I am beautiful. ^.^
2) Affirmation - I'm a great problem fixer for my friends. ^.^
3) Affirmation - I'm a great animal person, Sassy (my baby kitten) loves me tons. ^.^
4) Affirmation - I'm creative in helping my dad, He's making a hydrogen power canister for the cars, so that they use less fuel..
5) Affirmation - I have a great fashion sense. ^.^
6) Affirmation - I'm a great Aunt to my little nieces...^_^
07/11 - Weight: 154lbs (YAY -2) Total Exercise Min: 900mins (W007) Bonus complete: YES! Met and happy about it..
07/18 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete:
07/25 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete:
08/01 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete:
08/08 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete:
08/15 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete:
08/22 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete:
08/29 - Weight: Total Exercise Min: Bonus complete: