Oops somebody beat me to it...
What the very first memory you have?
Getting locked in the car at a petrol station!
Favorite Vacation?
The last one....
When was the last time you took some alone time?
I have wayyyyyy too much alone time!
First Pet?
snoopy the goldfish
If you had to be stranded on a deserted island, who would you want to be there with you?
My babe, but only if it was a nice desert island I wouldn't wanna inflict somewhere dirty and nasty on her!
New questions.
1. Do you think the press are focusing on the gunman's race in order to avoid the issue of inadequate mental health services?
3. Do you think it's time for America to revise it's gun laws? Why? Why not?
2. What radio station do you listen to?
4. What moisturiser do you use?
5. Do you have any allergies?
What the very first memory you have?
Getting locked in the car at a petrol station!
Favorite Vacation?
The last one....
When was the last time you took some alone time?
I have wayyyyyy too much alone time!
First Pet?
snoopy the goldfish
If you had to be stranded on a deserted island, who would you want to be there with you?
My babe, but only if it was a nice desert island I wouldn't wanna inflict somewhere dirty and nasty on her!
New questions.
1. Do you think the press are focusing on the gunman's race in order to avoid the issue of inadequate mental health services?
3. Do you think it's time for America to revise it's gun laws? Why? Why not?
2. What radio station do you listen to?
4. What moisturiser do you use?
5. Do you have any allergies?