Weight-Loss 4 Week Get-Ready-for-Summer Challenge Chat Thread

Oh don't worry, I've had this all figured out for a while :) My BMR, plus activity level, is only 1500! I'm a real shortie (5'), so apparently I don't get to eat as much as those taller girls. Wah!

According to my calculations you are burning 1500 calories just by breathing, so any activity and exercise adds to that. I agree with Margaret (Omega) that 1200 cals per day is too low. You might lose weight to begin with, but when your metabolism slows down b/c of the low caloric intake, there's really nowhere to go--and as Margaret mentioned, it's very difficult to get proper nutrition in so few calories.

This is a great thread to read re this subject.
Kimberly - it is great that the stroller is sorted out. You will be out walking with May all the time now. It will be a great opportunity to show her off to everyone who lives nearby.

We got in an hour walk. We walked (well I walked, she rode/slept..lol) to my office and back. I plan to do it again tomorrow morning. It was a good walk--I was sweating and short of breath like the old days. :D

Day 1 was good--got in good exercise and kept the calories under 2200--just.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal, 1/2 cup frosted blueberry mini wheats
1 cup 2% milk, 1 non-fat yogurt

Snack: 1 orange

Lunch: whole grain english muffin with turkey and cheddar cheese, horseradish mustard, apple

Snack: 2 cups strawberries

Dinner: 9oz salmon in olive oil and balsamic dressing, 1 cup green beans and broccoli, 1/2 small potato

Snack: 1/4 cup organic peanut butter and 66 milk chocolate chips melted into peanut butter (this was my reward for eating/exercising well and still stayed within my calorie alottment) :D

According to fitday my calories were 2,179, and my nutritional goals were met. :) So far, so good. :)
Hi Gang, :waving:

I had a great day, what about you?

I did 45 mins. Cardio (moderate level)

Ate Well

I have been off soda's/diet sodas for a week now!! *heck yes*

I only have 2 stupid days left w/tom... :flame:

I also got things done around the house after the busy weekend..lol

I hope I can get exercise in tomorrow..
I have my 1:30 PM MD Eye Appointment re: my vision issues/vertigo.
My eyes always hurt/ache after bc of the deadning drops and all the poking around they do.
They also dialate {sp?} them as well.
I'm hoping tomorrow will be the END of my 'mystery' illness.
Cory's spring concert for choir is tomorrow night as well and I don't want to be stuck in bed!

*Sleep Well Everyone!*

Okay here we go, 30 minutes of weights, upper body push split followed by 30 minutes of cycling.

2686 calories (actually low on a workout day), 82 g fat, 400g carbs, 118 g protein.

Fat was about right, carbs should be lower, protein higher, but pretty clean overall.

Weight portion of the workout was good, but my ankle is holding me back from doing more than a 30 minute ride at moderate intensity. I'd like to get back up to an hour at a stretch anyway. Soon... I hope.
I was forced to shift sundays workout to monday and I have just completed todays workout. Still adapting to haveing more rest between sets as instructed by coach


Benchpress 3X8 @ 50 kg
DB Bench 3X4 @ 22.5 kg
Incline Bench 3X8 @ 37.5 kg
Bicep curls 10 @ 8 kg, 8 @ 10 kg, 6 @ 12.5 kg, 4 @ 15 kg

Next sunday begin strength portion of training program

Today (Tuesday)

Squat 3X8 @72.5 kg
Lying leg curls 3X8 @ 40 kg
Calf Raises 3X8 @ 180 kg
Hyper Extensions 3X8 @ 35 kg
Dynamic Deadlifts 10X1 @ 62.5 kg

Eating has been ok but could cut back on a couple of things
Hey everyone, today went well in terms of eating. Stuck to plan and I even resisted chocolate..been a long time since I did that lol..

Im actually very sick at the moment so I have no energy to go to the gym. Hopefully I'll get better in a couple days so I can atleast do the 4 hours of exercise.

Goal this week is to eat clean and not get on the scale till Monday!
Excellent job everyone! I also ate well today and exercised 30 minutes on the elliptical. So that was Day 1 of clean eating. How many can I keep up before I cave?! I would love to do just one full week of clean eating..
I usually start to fail by wednesday. I'm usually top notch on monday and tuesday, then fall hard wednesday night, because we usually go out. This week I have no school, so I'm going to make dinner before my wife gets home. This is my method of getting past that slope, because I usually slide down it pretty quick afterwards...
According to my calculations you are burning 1500 calories just by breathing, so any activity and exercise adds to that. I agree with Margaret (Omega) that 1200 cals per day is too low. You might lose weight to begin with, but when your metabolism slows down b/c of the low caloric intake, there's really nowhere to go--and as Margaret mentioned, it's very difficult to get proper nutrition in so few calories.

This is a great thread to read re this subject.

Oops, I must have gotten confused somewhere. But I'm still super confident with my math, as I thought long and hard about it when I started out.

I looked at another calculator that accounts for activity level too, and said that my BMR and activity level is 1929 calories. So, if I eat 1200 calories a day, I'll be in a 729 calorie per day deficient. That means, in a week, I'd lose 1.45lbs ((729*7)/3500 = 1.45) which is just under 1% of my current weight.
Oh don't worry, I've had this all figured out for a while :) My BMR, plus activity level, is only 1500! I'm a real shortie (5'), so apparently I don't get to eat as much as those taller girls. Wah!

At the end of the day we all must make our own decisions. I am only 5ft3in tall myself so not particularly tall. I have to say that both Kimberly and I have a lot of experience regarding the whole business of losing weight and our gut feeling is that you will have major difficulty with less than 1300 calories in meeting nutritional targets and getting ongoing long term weight loss which can be maintained. I hope that you are using a utility like in order to calculate your calorie burn. Remember that there are numerous options in there for the whole range of possible activities - we are not just talking about sport and the kind of thing that people think of as exercise. I think that there is an option for "reading while sitting"!!!! As Kimberly mentions - the BMR gets burnt just by breathing even if you never get out of bed all day. While in fitday there is the perfect opportunity to ensure that the nutritional targets are being met. If you have any difficulty knowing how to discern that you are hitting targets for great health with the benefits of a high protein / high carb diet - I am sure that Kimberly and I among many others would be only too happy to help.
At the end of the day we all must make our own decisions. I am only 5ft3in tall myself so not particularly tall. I have to say that both Kimberly and I have a lot of experience regarding the whole business of losing weight and our gut feeling is that you will have major difficulty with less than 1300 calories in meeting nutritional targets and getting ongoing long term weight loss which can be maintained. I hope that you are using a utility like in order to calculate your calorie burn. Remember that there are numerous options in there for the whole range of possible activities - we are not just talking about sport and the kind of thing that people think of as exercise. I think that there is an option for "reading while sitting"!!!! As Kimberly mentions - the BMR gets burnt just by breathing even if you never get out of bed all day. While in fitday there is the perfect opportunity to ensure that the nutritional targets are being met. If you have any difficulty knowing how to discern that you are hitting targets for great health with the benefits of a high protein / high carb diet - I am sure that Kimberly and I among many others would be only too happy to help.

Some people do have slow metabolisms and can't really lose weight without really cutting the calories back significantly. I'm probably one of those people at this stage in my life, only problem is that I get too hungry if I eat 1200 calories for two days in a row. I only WISH I could eat like that for a few weeks or months. However, if you can eat more and still lose weight its worth trying it. Most people her size can lose weight on 1600 or so calories per day.
At the end of the day we all must make our own decisions. I am only 5ft3in tall myself so not particularly tall. I have to say that both Kimberly and I have a lot of experience regarding the whole business of losing weight and our gut feeling is that you will have major difficulty with less than 1300 calories in meeting nutritional targets and getting ongoing long term weight loss which can be maintained. I hope that you are using a utility like in order to calculate your calorie burn. Remember that there are numerous options in there for the whole range of possible activities - we are not just talking about sport and the kind of thing that people think of as exercise. I think that there is an option for "reading while sitting"!!!! As Kimberly mentions - the BMR gets burnt just by breathing even if you never get out of bed all day. While in fitday there is the perfect opportunity to ensure that the nutritional targets are being met. If you have any difficulty knowing how to discern that you are hitting targets for great health with the benefits of a high protein / high carb diet - I am sure that Kimberly and I among many others would be only too happy to help.

I love Fitday :D

See, I'm extremely lazy. This challenge is, already, pretty difficult for me. I DO spend most of the day in bed, and I usually sleep for more than 9 hours... (which is terrible, I know.) So, I can eat 1200 calories without getting hungry or feeling starved. I make sure to get my protein in every day, and take multi-vitamins to get those extra vitamins. It's been working for me for the last 60 days, and I feel like I could continue this... forever, really. Though, if I spent less time sleeping, I probably WOULD get hungry more, and this would become more difficult, so I can see where you're coming from.

Fitday actually, for some reason, has always recommended that I eat 1050 calories, but I'm sure that's way too low.
I just know how many times I felt an absolute failure because I tried to stick to a calorie limit which was far too low. Every time such a diet failed - I gained every pound that I had lost. I put myself through months of misery and ended up in a worse situation.

I got so that I was pretty big by most people's standards. I dont want you to get into that kind of situation.

It is amazing how often the rule of thumb holds true that says that people will lose weight if they eat a calorie level which is between 8 times and 12 times their weight in pounds. We all know about BMR and burn being the situation behind the scenes.

As Kimberly hinted - many people get so that they cannot lose weight on a higher level simply by following a limit which is too restrictive. People can harm their metabolism which can give them problems to deal with down the line.

If you spend 9 hours sleeping - then that probably means that you are not in bed for the best part of 15 hours. If sitting reading counts as an activity - that is a lot of hours to be doing things that you will be listing on fitday and will count for you.

Maybe the best way forward would be to try and find some activity that you enjoyed. Then you would be burning calories which would give you more to eat and enhance your fitness levels at the same time. If you found such a form of exercise that you enjoyed you could become better toned which could mean that you looked better again than simply being a skinny untoned person.

People that knew the old me would have never guessed in a month of Sundays that I would enjoy aerobics!!!!! I certainly had no idea!!!

As I said - it really is your choice at the end of the day. I just would feel bad if I had not spoken up and given the best advice that I could. I remember how I was still very much learning for the first few months of my journey - and I did make mistakes then as many people do.
1 hour walk/jog/hill sprints

I have been enjoying the combination of strategies lately. Low calorie days, low carb days, high carb refeeds High calorie days. Still truckin along :) Any "Plataea" that I've run into has just been me lax on the diet.
Tuesday -

1 hour kickboxing/core work

Breakfast - Special K vanilla almond cereal with 1/2 cup of 2% milk and a moz. string cheeze cheese stick 1 cup of coffee with 1 oz of 1/2 and 1/2.

Snack - Dannon activia light vanilla yogurt and a mozerella string cheese stick

Lunch - Do not know yet but thinking salmon on a bed of lettuce and 1/2 a tomato.

Dinner - Chicken breast with brocolli and brown rice (already planned out).

I will throw a snack or two in the after noon but just do not know what yet.
Recap and update on my progress:

Exercise - 7.25 miles at 4.0mph = 1hr50, 2 miles at 3 mph = 40mins, 1hr keep fit
Food - good - ate healthily which is what my basic plan consists of at this stage

I am currently doing a spot check on sodium as that has been causing me to gain recently. This means that I am again using fitday for a few days in order to evaluate things.
Monday food data therefore = cals 1686, protein 69.6, fibre 67.1, calcium 1298.6, sodium 1172.2
As far as I am concerned this is absolutely on target for someone of my weight who is sodium sensitive and therefore wants to keep their sodium as low as possible.

6 miles on the treadmill at 4.0mph = 1hr30
4 miles outdoor walking at approx 3mph = 1hr20
total 2hrs50

So far my food has been on target - time currently 20:40.
Where's all our other challenge participants! Let's hear how things are going for ya.

As for me, I'm on track again today, but its always easy when I'm at the office. Tomorrow I will work from home so my will power will be tested. Tonight I will need to push myself to do my 1/2 hour of cardio and to avoid overeating after work. Will report back.
1hr 15mins gym/football
1hr 15mins soccer

Calorie intake so far today:

calorie intake for the day:

my bmr is about 1300-1400calories and I usually eat about that much calories in a day too.

I`m off for a run now! Keep up the great work you guys!
Did my 30 minute on the elliptical and ate well today. Plus I walk about 2 miles in my daily commute, though I dont count that toward my exercise (since I can never control my weight just doing my normal routine). Now hopefully I wont eat anything else tonight.. This weekend I'll have to do 3 days of 1 hour of exercise to get the 5 hours, which I would like to complete for at least the first week.
