Weight-Loss 30 Days Dry Support Thread

....kinda like how sometimes I walk up to the fridge...and open it.....SEE NOTHING....come back like 5 minutes later...SEE THE SAME NOTHING.....and again later...in aspirations that the food in the FRIDGE MAGICALLY transformed into something else or something :confused: hahah....I DUNNO...hahah.....

LOL that totatally reminds me of LOL!!!!!!!!!!! "I betchu there ain't SHIT in there" :smilielol5:
Hey guys as I was searching the internet last night looking for an alcohol with lower calories than vodka i can across an interesting article. I didnt know if you guys already knew this but just in case i thought id share. I had always known that alcohol slows your body from burning fat because i guess its processing the alcohol first but i guess theres more to it then that...
Heres the article
but this is the main gist of what caught my attention...

According to conventional wisdom, the infamous "beer belly" is caused by excess alcohol calories being stored as fat. Yet, less than five percent of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. Rather, the main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body burns for energy.

Some evidence for this comes from research carried in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [4]. Eight men were given two drinks of vodka and sugar-free lemonade separated by 30 minutes. Each drink contained just under 90 calories. Fat metabolism was measured before and after consumption of the drink. For several hours after drinking the vodka, whole body lipid oxidation (a measure of how much fat your body is burning) dropped by a massive 73%.

Rather than getting stored as fat, the main fate of alcohol is conversion into a substance called acetate. In fact, blood levels of acetate after drinking the vodka were 2.5 times higher than normal. And it appears this sharp rise in acetate puts the brakes on fat loss.
Hey guys as I was searching the internet last night looking for an alcohol with lower calories than vodka i can across an interesting article. I didnt know if you guys already knew this but just in case i thought id share. I had always known that alcohol slows your body from burning fat because i guess its processing the alcohol first but i guess theres more to it then that...
Heres the article
but this is the main gist of what caught my attention...

According to conventional wisdom, the infamous "beer belly" is caused by excess alcohol calories being stored as fat. Yet, less than five percent of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. Rather, the main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body burns for energy.

Some evidence for this comes from research carried in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [4]. Eight men were given two drinks of vodka and sugar-free lemonade separated by 30 minutes. Each drink contained just under 90 calories. Fat metabolism was measured before and after consumption of the drink. For several hours after drinking the vodka, whole body lipid oxidation (a measure of how much fat your body is burning) dropped by a massive 73%.

Rather than getting stored as fat, the main fate of alcohol is conversion into a substance called acetate. In fact, blood levels of acetate after drinking the vodka were 2.5 times higher than normal. And it appears this sharp rise in acetate puts the brakes on fat loss.
WOW!!! :eek2:!!!! I knew thise happened...just not the ACTUAL extent of it.....THANK you for that link....I needed to hear that....

....I think I just might be able to continue this PAST the 30 days even...;) WHO KNOWS...lol
Thanks Cassy!

Me too--
This weekend was rough. I craved a beer on Saturday and on Sunday PZ and I were at an Italian restaurant and I soooooooo wanted to order a Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine) but instead got Pelligrino, haha :p Not a drop since the 13th.....almost 3 weeks.....

However, at the restaurant we heard 3 guys talking about how much they drank and how they felt that day. PZ and I laughed and agreed that it was wonderful not to be hung over at all :)
I've been trying to get a decent drink, but still haven't. I did have half a Youngs Double Chocolate Stout, Saturday, but half a beer is not enough to break out of this no booze funk. I need hard liquor! :smash:
Well, today is DAY 21 :party:

So far I've not had a drop to drink, STILL. :hurray:

Last weekend was bloody difficult :p :gnorsi: I wanted a fucking beer SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!:nopity:

And I can't wait to get drunk on Saturday the 14th :D

I'm taking Friday the 13th off work to enjoy elephant seal watching with my Ecology Major boyfriend, because I want to work at my Saturday job on V-Day--however, we'll most likely have a fantastic dinner that evening. I can hardly wait! :party:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOO!!! :party:......so OFFICIALLY I still am sober....but that will end on THURSDAY of next week, which is a couple days early of our challenge I believe...BUT SHIIIIIIIIIIIIZO.......SYCAMORE SPRINGS IS THAT DAY!!!!

....I'm excited and feel I will continue to be VERYYYY moderated with the drinking after that weekend......:iagree:!!! (i may have to mentally tell myself I am still in a NO DRINKING challenge....)!!! :smash:
Alta, you did fantastically well. :hurray:

That is OK to end it--28 days is just as good. IMO :)

I might break my promise, too, and have some drinks on the 13th.....or maybe just wait until 12am 2-14-09 and start THEN--early :D
Alta, you did fantastically well. :hurray:

That is OK to end it--28 days is just as good. IMO :)

I might break my promise, too, and have some drinks on the 13th.....or maybe just wait until 12am 2-14-09 and start THEN--early :D
CheeeeeeeooooW! FOR SURE....i wanna get BOWWCHIIICAbooooWWWoooWed OUT! :party:!!!!!! Start it early baby........) we've been GOOD GOOD CHILDREN!!!
Sure have!

It was ROUGH for me, though. Geez :cuss:
I only really had 2-3 times....of HORRIBLE CRAVINGS.....but the good thing, is the bf goes along with whatever I do....

...low carb, shakes, vitamins, healthy eating, drinking, NO DRINKING....LOL...so it helps ya know....!!! :)

...sorry you had such a tough time....GLAD YOU DID IT THOUGH....!!!! YOU ARE A WARRIOR, especially cause you are always on the SCENE and it's more difficult that way!
You are too kind, Alta :hug2:

LOL! You're right, our boyfriends ARE similar--PZ was totally cool to not drink with me, as well, save for 2 occasions and of course, I didn't give him shit for it because I'm a stickler for personal freedom in relationships. However, I was reluctant to kiss him with beer breath and that irritated him briefly. What a bitch I am! :smilielol5:
You are too kind, Alta :hug2:

LOL! You're right, our boyfriends ARE similar--PZ was totally cool to not drink with me, as well, save for 2 occasions and of course, I didn't give him shit for it because I'm a stickler for personal freedom in relationships. However, I was reluctant to kiss him with beer breath and that irritated him briefly. What a bitch I am! :smilielol5:
hahahah....that is SOOOO FUNNY!!! :smilielol5:.......and I'm the SAME WAY....you can do your shizo and I don't mind..and won't say anything...but uggggh....sometimes while drinking....(very few times)...he gets the urge for a cigarette....and that SHIZO is plain disgusting to taste...so no kisses here either :D!.....heheh.....

BITCHES I TELL YOU.....indirect manipulations......:reddevil:.....
Yesterday at work I really had a stressful day and wanted a drink BAD!! I can see that when shit hits the fan, my initial reaction is to want to end the night with a alcoholic beverage to sooth my spirit. Humph!! I see I am not out of the woods yet!
Sorry ladies, I cracked on Friday. My lawyer date brought a nice bottle of wine to the restuarant and I felt obligated to have a glass. I think I ended up having about 1.5 glasses by the end of the night...

I got right back on the wagon though. I think I am going to be able to really limit my drinking going forward. I have noticed that I am losing more weight and feel better lately w/out the booze. My skin looks better too. Imagine that..you cut out poison and you feel mo betta!!
Sorry ladies, I cracked on Friday. My lawyer date brought a nice bottle of wine to the restuarant and I felt obligated to have a glass. I think I ended up having about 1.5 glasses by the end of the night...

I got right back on the wagon though. I think I am going to be able to really limit my drinking going forward. I have noticed that I am losing more weight and feel better lately w/out the booze. My skin looks better too. Imagine that..you cut out poison and you feel mo betta!!
:smilielol5: I broke this weekend too...I had sparkling champange....like 2 cups....LOL!!!

...I see myself limiting my alcohol now too ;)!!! :D!!!
Hmm, I was just wondering what everyone's drink of choice will be for breaking the fast. :cheers2: