Weight-Loss 30 Days Dry Support Thread

eek i had no idea margaritas were THAT bad for u......that's one of my favorite drinks....always assumed it was bad, but not that bad!!!!!

I know, I know :( It's not necessarily "good" and "bad" here (well, in Maureen's case it is!), it's what alcoholic drinks have the least and most calories. However you view it (in Mal's comment) is irrelevant--calories are calories, they're listed here in drinks, and use that knowledge next time you go out if you're watching your intake and don't want to overdo it.

I found this list 2 years ago when I first went on my only successful longterm diet--I printed it out and carried it on me to remind myself when I tracked calories. It helped me keep things in perspective.

If you are trying to lose weight and you drink, you absolutely need to be aware of the calories in drinks. Otherwise you're going to diet, then party, then moan "WHY am I not losing weight???" ignorantly.

Not trying to be mean to you or anyone, just saying.

SO if you need help staying away, me and whoever joins and wants to help, help us all! :grouphug: LOL!
...speaking of Sober.....I'm having a SHITTY emotional day....and UGGGH
fuckn feelings...and I want HAPPY HOUR....though I'm at work, and I'm not going to do it...but STILLLLL I want a Freakkkin DRINK....actually a SPARKS!!!

I think its just the fact that I wish I could buy a drink that resolves issues in sips.......:(

Alta, cheer up! Alcohol isn't going to do it for you (ewww and are you crazy, woman? Sparks are NAS-TAY!! :puke:), and your problems will be still there AFTER the drink....

Sparks is an energy drink, one of the first such beverages also to contain alcohol. It is marketed as a "malt beverage". Its active ingredients caffeine, taurine, and ginseng are common to energy drinks; however, its additional focus on alcohol is not. Other similar "malternatives" that also proclaim energy enhancement include 3SUM. Its packaging states a 6% alcoholic content by volume, higher than most domestic beer (commonly 3-6%). Its flavor is similar to standard energy drinks such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, with a tart, citric, sugary taste.

Remember, alcohol is 7 calories per gram--higher than carbohydrates, therefore the low-carb diet is conflicted with alcoholic consumption.

You have a wonderful life and people who love you!!! Cheer up, dammit! :grouphug:
Alta, cheer up! Alcohol isn't going to do it for you (ewww and are you crazy, woman? Sparks are NAS-TAY!! :puke:), and your problems will be still there AFTER the drink....

Sparks is an energy drink, one of the first such beverages also to contain alcohol. It is marketed as a "malt beverage". Its active ingredients caffeine, taurine, and ginseng are common to energy drinks; however, its additional focus on alcohol is not. Other similar "malternatives" that also proclaim energy enhancement include 3SUM. Its packaging states a 6% alcoholic content by volume, higher than most domestic beer (commonly 3-6%). Its flavor is similar to standard energy drinks such as Red Bull, Monster, and Rockstar, with a tart, citric, sugary taste.

Remember, alcohol is 7 calories per gram--higher than carbohydrates, therefore the low-carb diet is conflicted with alcoholic consumption.

You have a wonderful life and people who love you!!! Cheer up, dammit! :grouphug:

....i like that...I like that...LMAO!!!!
Hello, my name is Melissa, and I have been sober 3 days....I will need your support to keep my ass off the sauce until 2/13/09. My favorite drink is a patron silver margarita on the rocks with salt. Yep, #1 worst drink on the list...no wonder I am having trouble getting these last few pounds off!!

My main reason for wanting to do this challenge is to prove to myself that I can go 30 measly days w/out alcohol. The longest I have lasted is 6 days. I love to drink socially and whenever I go out I always have a drink in my hand. It's part of "me", my essence. LOL So this challenge is going to be very tough on me. Getting these last 10lbs off is more important to me than getting a little buzz off some booze.

I will not do the 1 drink per week option because I want 100% abstinence. I want to get outside my comfort zone and deal w/stress & social settings differently. Wish me luck!! I'm considering this thread more of a "support group".

Curvie, you have to PM me your cell number. I already have Alta's. If I get myself into a situation where I am having trouble resisting I'm going send out an S.O.S. text to you to help me!!

30 days...let's do it!
Welcome, Melissa.

I found that telling everyone about your 30 day abstaining is better than keeping it a secret. Hopefully they'll be helpful and not offer you anything!

I also found that if I was at bars, I liked to order seltzer water with a little grenadine and a splash of lime juice--like a more mature Shirley Temple, heh--yeah the grenadine still gives you calories, but not much, and I found it to be very satisfying. Sometimes I'd sneak my own Odwalla carrot juice or grapefruit juice (juice has lots of calories, but it was still better than beer on account I would drink way less, and it has vitamins) into patios where my friends would hang out, and sometimes if I felt the need to have a drink in my hand, I'd bring big carrots and eat them. My friends know I'm eccentric so they didn't really trip out. If anything, they'd be like, "Oh that's Valerie....just ignore her." LOL!
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This is such a great thread.....I'm not a HUGe drinker....I definitely drank my way through college, which led to tons of nights where I ended up eating so much junk at the end of the night.

Now, I'm more of a social drinker where I have prob a glass of wine once a week mixed in w/ 1-2X/month where I'll go out and drink enough to come home and eat crap. Even though I don't drink much, I think it's a great challenge to try to go 30 days w/o drinking. It really does make a difference.

My sister, who is trying to lose 25ish pounds is always complaining that she can't lose weight yet she works out/eats well. Somehow she forgets her 6 drinks the night before coupled with the pizza rolls she had afterwards to help sober up for work the next day :).
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Somehow she forgets her 6 drinks the night before coupled with the pizza rolls she had afterwards to help sober up for work the next day :).

My previous point exactly ;)

What's worse for me, personally, is drinking the night before makes me tired the next day. Being tired is my MAIN trigger for over-eating throughout an entire day, and being hungover makes my desire to eat ALL THE MORE!
Hey ladies!!! I think this is a great thread! I am here as your cheerleader!!! :party:

I am not a drinker in any way shape or form... on occasion I do go out which is really rare I typically drive so I'm a one drink girl.... I've seen plenty of girls with Beer bellies to know that its NOT good for you and I've seen many of my friends pack on the weight because of it... so I typically just say no....

I am behind you all 120%!!!
Welcome, Melissa.

I found that telling everyone about your 30 day abstaining is better than keeping it a secret. Hopefully they'll be helpful and not offer you anything!

I also found that if I was at bars, I liked to order seltzer water with a little grenadine and a splash of lime juice--like a more mature Shirley Temple, heh--yeah the grenadine still gives you calories, but not much, and I found it to be very satisfying. Sometimes I'd sneak my own Odwalla carrot juice or grapefruit juice (juice has lots of calories, but it was still better than beer on account I would drink way less, and it has vitamins) into patios where my friends would hang out, and sometimes if I felt the need to have a drink in my hand, I'd bring big carrots and eat them. My friends know I'm eccentric so they didn't really trip out. If anything, they'd be like, "Oh that's Valerie....just ignore her." LOL!

Those are some great ideas. I am in such a habit of always ordering a cocktail everywhere I go. It's going to take a shift in mindset to make this a successful 30 days. I know some people may think "what is the big deal"...but to me, it's a HUGE undertaking. I'm convinced I can see some great results on the scale if I can go 30 days w/out alcohol. Plus, I will break some bad habits of always needing to feel like I need a cocktail when I go out. It's a win/win situation. I'll save money too!!
My sister, who is trying to lose 25ish pounds is always complaining that she can't lose weight yet she works out/eats well. Somehow she forgets her 6 drinks the night before coupled with the pizza rolls she had afterwards to help sober up for work the next day :).

Encourage your sis to do this with us. I'm seriously convinced I will see great results from this. I feel it in my margarita gut!!
YES! Exactly, and also, if the longest you've been without it in a while is 6 days, then it IS a big deal ;) Teasing!! :grouphug:

My toughest challenge in this is when I'm at the winery on weekends, pouring wine and allowed to drink whenever I want......:ack2: Usually I forget to bring any other beverages, so I'll be sure to remember to pack myself Pelligrino and Kombucha to keep me busy--and minty gum! YES!
Hey ladies!!! I think this is a great thread! I am here as your cheerleader!!! :party:

I am not a drinker in any way shape or form... on occasion I do go out which is really rare I typically drive so I'm a one drink girl.... I've seen plenty of girls with Beer bellies to know that its NOT good for you and I've seen many of my friends pack on the weight because of it... so I typically just say no....

I am behind you all 120%!!!

Thanks for the support Dee. We need all the help we can get! Good for you for not developing the beer belly. I kind of feel like I am quitting smoking or breaking up with a boyfriend here. Feels odd, to exclude my long time friend, Margie.
YES! Exactly, and also, if the longest you've been without it in a while is 6 days, then it IS a big deal ;) Teasing!! :grouphug:

My toughest challenge in this is when I'm at the winery on weekends, pouring wine and allowed to drink whenever I want......:ack2: Usually I forget to bring any other beverages, so I'll be sure to remember to pack myself Pelligrino and Kombucha to keep me busy--and minty gum! YES!

Oh my goodness girlie. You work at a winery on the weekends? That is going to be a test of sheer will power!! Wow, I'm amazed!!
Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence Matt!! It's day one and I already feel the itch. It's gonna be a long 30 days...but hopefully my ass and stomach will thank me after all this sacrifice.
Wow I can't imagine working at a winery and not taking sips---I am so proud of you for trying to stay away for at least 30 days! It'll be great for your self control as well as weight loss, because you are right, those sips REALLY ADD UP!