100 Days

Thank you girls! :grouphug:
I agree this plan is good, I just don't follow it.
I didn't cook. I was under stress. Now, I am fine.
One point of criticism: if the plan is too hard to stick to it needs tweaking. What could you do to make it easier to at least somewhat stay on track when you're tired or stressed? Batch prepping veggies, buying frozen, finding 2 or 3 healthy-ish ready or take-out meals to fall back on when things are just too hard? For me when I have a back-up plan I'm more likely to do well again for the next meal rather than staying off for a couple of days.
Llama, thanks! I agree with what you say. When I am under stress I crave junk food, and have zero will power.
I gained 1.4 kg, so now I have 87.4 kg.
We had one very interesting training last week. One of the thing we learned is how to set goals.
This is what a goal should be.
I will think about this, and update here once a have a clear plan. For me the main thing is to be achievable.
Ufff... I really have a need to write.
My mom came to visit me, so food wise I am really relaxed. I want us to enjoy as much as we can. When she leaves, I will try to make a realistic plan.
I think four things are important for me now. 1. to lose weight 2. to find boyfriend 3. to make friends 4. work
I was thinking of one guy I met three years ago. I think of him from time to time.
I really liked him. But we didn't match in sex. So I decided to stop seeing him. Which was very stupid from this point of view. Because spending time with him was a dream and we had amazing communication. But the therapist I was seeing back then told me that sex is extremely important. How stupid.
All the guys I met and had a good time with call me. And I was thinking I could maybe text this guy and see how he is doing. But, I wanted to lose some weight first. And then, he added me to instagram tonight. Very random. So I texted him, very basically, asked him how is he doing and if he remembers me. And he was just laughing and said that he remembers. Then I continued the conversation asking again wha's up with him, and joking about what he remembers. Then I just said I moved to Spain, out of nowhere. And he didn't respond anything. I for sure will not text him again. Not until he says something. But I would really like to know what is new with him in this three years, to catch up. I have this like nerviousness about everything, people, work, guys, literally everything. When I want something I am so restless. I see that is bad and I need to relax. And I am learning that.
But, yeah from all the guys I met, and I met over 50 guys, this one stands out as the most pleasurable to spend time with, and to feel good. So, yes I would really like to be in contact with him. But who knows where he is now, and in spain he probably is not, so basically useless to try anything there.
And yes, I am a little bit mad at my ex therapist, because I would really liked to had given this guy a chance. But, it is what it is.
I need a boyfriend from the bottom of my soul.
And just to say this and I am going to sleep. I fell in love a bit with one guy from work. But he is maybe 25 maybe 27, but gor sure below 30, so there is no chance. But I like him so much. I need someone like him but my age, and I would marry that kind of guy. Interesting thing is I always from when I was 12 till now always had this very clear idea of what kind of men I like. I met some guys who are exactly that. But never was in a relationship with any of them. People usually see those guys as boring and maybe a bit square, but for me they are not. And I have a strong feeling that I would be very happy with someone like that.
And that thing I am looking for has nothing to do with looks, interests or other things you can see from dating apps. Even going to a date I am not sure I could see if that is it. I need to see that guy in some kind of social setting. Like for example training at work, when we share ideas learn how to resolve conflicts, where I can see how he thinks and behaves.
Ok, my lovely mom is making us lunch, and I will grab just a moment, to write here, cause I really need to.
First of all, I have 87.8 kg, very alarming. I will make the plan at the latest on Tuesday, and start eating less at the lates on Wednesday.
I was taking a sunbath on a terrace, it is so sunny and warm here, I love that. I took a walk with my mom to the beach and around a couple of neighborhoods here, I enjoyed it so much. My apartment is at one so beautiful square with a big fountain and palm trees. And there is a lot of parrots, small and vibrant green. I am so happy and grateful that I am here.

So, so grateful. Here the life is so beautiful. I am surrounded with very smart and happy people, the food is incredible, weather perfect, architecture mesmerizing. And the nature, wonderful.

Of course, there are some problems. The apartement I am living in is so beautiful and at a perfect location. But it is noisy, it can be smelly, it is expensive, and my roommates change every couple of months. Then, there is a lot of stress at work, because of the way it is organized. People don't like me, I don't know why, and that hurts a lot. And it is hard for me to find a boyfriend.

But I am very happy now, first of all because my mom is here, she makes everything so warm and wholesome. Then, I am texting the guy I liked and it feels so so good.

I have to think about how to approach this weight loss, and will report on that in a couple of days.
My mom left. 7 weeks here and I am going home for three weeks.
I start going to work. I wake up when I wake up. And do everything I need to do in the morning and just go. No pressure about at what time I will wake up, and when I will arrive. Just go. And that is it.
About food I need to do the same. No philosophy and a lot of rules. As simple as it gets.

Intermittent fasting worked really well for me, but I cannot do it for a long time, and after I stop I regain all the weight even more. So it is a yo yo for me and I don't want to do that to my body. So I need something that is sustainable.

Let's try this from tomorrow: breakfast at home, porridge 5 tablespoons of oats with water, a handful of berries, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, a little bit of honey. And I will buy greek yogurt. I can eat eggs with vegetables, proiscutto and other breakfasts, but first one is safe option, fast and easy. Then lunch. Prepare it the day before and bring it to work. I will have to plan, buy, cook for that. I don't like to eat food that is not freshly prepared, but it is what it is. This is time consuming step. Around 6 I will eat some fruits. I bought pears for now. Then dinner. I bought gazpacho and that is a perfect dinner. A glass of gazpacho. And then some fruits. Or I can eat hummus with vegetables. Or cream cheese and avocado and eggs and salad. I have this three options for now. But the dinner I will not cook. Something fast and easy.

Let see how it will go.
Thanks Llama!
I will look at a menu from one Proffesor nutritionist from Serbia. Then I will try to figure out how I can eat like that. Aproximately.

Today was like this. I had a training at 10, so I had to wake up before nine, which was hard since I went to bad too late yesterday. I was very tired the whole day. Breakfast I ate as planned. For lunch, I didn't have time to cook yesterday, so I made pasta with pesto sauce and salad (arugula and cherry tomatoes). Later in the day I ate 2 little pears. And I found in cafeteria black chocolates. I ate two. They were minis, like one square. And that started an avalanche.

But then.... I went to Lidl to buy some proteins and... I had to eat a croissant, I was so hungry! Then I ate another one. Then I bought truffels. Ate some truffels right there in the store. Croissant as well in the store. Then I saw a donut. Bought it. I ate it on my way to home. Then I was feeling sick. So drank one glass of gazpacho. It is so good! Then finished truffels. Then ate one more small pear. Then drank a glass of juice my roommate left me. Then cooked for tomorrow. Chicken breasts, zuchini, eggplants and sweet potate. Tested the food to see if it is good. And that is it.

So I will try like this. Breakfast and lunch to be well. And about later we will see.
I think this today was because I didn't eat proteins for lunch.
So my tasks are:
1. write here (almost) everyday
2. try to have decent breakfast
3. try to have decent lunch

I want to perfect this. Then I will procede to next step. But this is it for now.
Yes, it is hard, but worth it.

I don't know why I am so attracted to this 100 days time frame.
But I want to make this 100 days challenge where I will make effort, enjoyable effort. The goals I make should be challenging and achiavable at the same time. It is not trivial to set them at that sweet spot. It is a trial and error. I was making goals that are not achiavable for me. I think this one is fine. So, I will try doing this until it becomes effortless. Then, it will not be challenging anymore and I will set another goal, and in that way move towards my ultimate goal, and that is to eat the way I want.

This morning I was so tired and I had a training at 9:30, but I decided to sleep. I said I was not feeling well. I lied, and I hate that, but who cares. I slept until 11, and it felt so good, I was more happy the whole day, and even now. I had an easy morning. I was doing everything slowly, I ate amazing breakfast, my usual oats, but with yogurt this time. It was nice I enjoyed it. I arrived at work at 1. I ate lunch around 4. Chicken, sweet potato, zuchini and eggplants. And, yes the proteins are amazing, I was not feeling hungry until 9, when I came home. I worked almost 8 hours, until 8 something. Went to the store on my way home, bought cream cheese, seafood, peanut butter, raspberries, avocado, bananas. At work I ate a couple of small pears. At home I made two sandwiches, a piece of wasa bread, cream cheese, proiscutto, chorizo and avocado. I feel great now, and not hungry at all.

I talked couple of minutes with one girl from work, and that made me really happy. Also I am talking with another one from time to time. And one guy came to my floor and we talked a little bit. I think he might like me. But he is 27, I saw that. But ok. It is nice that someone looks interested. I really like that guy. He works with the one who is the perfect guy for me. I maybe said that already, but I need that just him to be around my age, and I would marry, no problems. There is another guy from work, so hot. He is older, still way younger than me, but 34, not bad. But he is so so so hot, I think there is no girl who would not like him. His demenour, the way he dresses, talkes, walks, his voice, everything is so sexy. And he is aware of that and he puts an effort which makes him more sexy. We had a training together two days ago, and when I look into his eyes I literally get lost. So hot.

And that is it, that is my day. It was a nice day.

Summa summarum:
- 5 tablespoons oats with water, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, one hadful of blueberries, 2 tablespoons of of yogurt, drizzle of honey
- 150 g chiken breasts, handful of sweet potato, handful of zuchini, handful of eggplants, all cubes, all sauteed in the pan with olive oil
- couple of small pears
- 2 slices of wasa bread, cream cheese, few slices of proiscutto, few slices of chorizo, half avocado

Maybe I eat mango later.
Now I have to cook for tomorrow. And to tidy my room. Cooking will take me 15 minutes. TIdying the room half an hour. It will be almost midnight and I really want to sleep.
That does sound like a nice day :)
Setting achievable goals is something I should do too. I start out so full of enthusiasm & set mine too high. It's hard to find a balance. Does it matter a lot to you that someone should be your age? If you are so attracted to someone does it really matter?
Hey Cate :) Yeah me too, I always start with too much, but this time I found the appropiate first step. We will see. But I agree, it is hard to find that sweet spot. Actually, I don't care about age, I have been seeing people way older and way younger than me, but serious relathioship I had only with people my age. So, I don't know. But I do feel bad trying to seduce someone way younger than me. Other way around is ok. I was tutoring high school students when I was 31, and I really was attracted to one guy, he was 18, but looked and acted like he is much older. Of course, I didn't do aything, that would be beyond inappropriate. And I felt extremely bad for liking him, but I could't help feeling that. But, I could control how I act and I did. 27 39 is more acceptable because we are both grown ups. Still, I don't know. Just for something casual, no problem, otherwise, I am not sure.

Today was nice. I was so sleepy this morning, but had a training so had to wake up. I wanted do sleep so much, every minute was special for me, so I decided not make breakfast, I just ate a banana walking on my way to work. Training was really interesting and useful. I would like to be more concentrated, and to take more advantage out of it. But fine. Then we had lunch, I had leftovers from the day before, sweet potato, zuchini and eggplant. I prepared the night before like fish croquetes. But they are full of emulgators and I will not be buying that anymore. I worked for a few hours, then we had a group meeting, very stresfull every time. There were some things not so good for me, I will not talk about that but in general it was fine. Then one friend came to my house for the first time in a year, which makes me very happy. I really, really like her. She makes me feel happy. She came for me to dye her hair. We cooked the dinner together, ate together, talked a bit. And that is it. She bought me a lot of sweets, I ate some of them. And I don't feel bad about it. The important thing is, I have lunch for tomorrow, I had breakfast, and I am writing here. So I achieved my goal for today.

There is one thing that makes me feel bad a little bit, but I will write about that some other time.

Summa summarum:
- banana
- fish, sweet potato, zuchini
- banana
- sweets: kinder bueno, milk chocolate with almonds, a lot of that
- mushrooms, goat cheese, chicken breasts, arugula, cherry tomato
Dinner sounds delicious! And of course it's even better when you share it with a friend. Good job reaching your goal for the day even if not everything went right
Thank you girls :grouphug:
Today was amazing!
In short... This morning I went to do blood analysis. And it turns out it was yesterday. But they made some changes in the system, so it was ok. I don't know how I mixed the dates. I didin't eat anything before. So I bought cereal bars with chocolate. And I ate the whole box. Ok. 6 small bars. Lunch was leftovers from yesterday. I worked until late, then I joined my friends for dinner. Dinner was beyond delicious, but very expensive and fancy, we ate some very good jamon iberico, pan con tomate, octopus, creamy beef with burned butter, black risotto with dryed fish and sea food, ceviche with mango and some amazing salsa, scallops with some creamy sauce to die for. And I met one girl from greece, so nice, and charismatic, I really really liked her. It was nice being around her. And one guy from Bosnia. So nice day. Since I am coming every day to work, I start to know more and more people which makes me feel happy. One funny thing, I came to the dinner at 8:30 and it was at 9:30. So, I am lost these days. And I took a walk in that hour and ate one chocolate muffin. And we had a dessert at the restaurant strawberries with cream. It is not the season but they were so tasty. And I ate one bounty on my way home. And drik some wine and cava.

Summa summarum:
- cereal bars, 6 small pieces
- chicken breasts, mushrooms, goat cheese, cherry tomatoes
- a glass of gazpacho
- chocolate muffin
- two small pears
- dinner, beef, octopus, scallops, jamon, rice with sea food, pan con tomate, ceviche
- strawberries with cream
- white vine
- cava
- one bounty

I know it sounds like a lot but it actually isn't, we shared this food among the six of us, and the portions are very very small. And I shared the dessert. Only bad are muffin and bounty. But slowly step by step, I will improve how I eat. I reached my goal for today, to write here (very important), to eat home cooked lunch and nice breakfast I could not have, so that is ok.
Dinner sounds super fun and delicious! Strange that you mixed up two different appointments in one day though: do you note things like this in your calendar?
That dinner sounds scrumptious. You seem to be enjoying a good social life at the moment. I put every appointment in my phone with reminders, even though I am not really busy. Writing times down physically on paper seems to work better for me though, so I think I'll get a paper diary for next year. My phone sometimes disappears things.
Llama, I never note anything, sometimes I put it in a peace of paper. But usually I just have it in my head, which obviously is not good enough. I will try to use calendar on my phone + notes, that should be fine :)

Cate, yes paper works better for me too. I will make an improvised diary.

Weekend was really fun. I spent both days with a friend. On Saturday we went climbing in one sport center on Montjuic. On Sunday we went hiking in one mountain outside Barcelona, I don't know the name. Foodwise was like this... Saturday morning I woke up at 11 something, but really tired, because I couldn't sleep the night before. I ate nice breakfast my usual oats with fruits. After climbing we went to a restaurant, and I ate a lot. Half a chicken in an amazing spicy sauce. It is South African restaurant, and I really like the food. After I went solo to one place in gotico where they have amazing sweets. I ate some traditional sweet which is like a cream made with cinammon in a shape of a cone, Pedralbes con nata, and it is served with cream. It is pretty expensive. I spent a lot of money on Friday and on Saturday, and will have to make a plan how to go through this month. I came home around 19h, and was so tired and had a lot of things to do, but I just fall asleep. I slept till 9.20 h next day. I was fresh. I slept around 14h. Which for me is amazing, and I am very happy about it. I had my usual breakfast. Then went hiking. We walked for around 5h. For lunch I ate 70g of jamon and half of baguette. When I came home I ate a bowl of fruits with yogurt and peanut butter. I was still hungry so I ate sandwiches with cream cheese, avocado and eggs.

Summa summarum Saturday:
- 5 tablespoons of oats, one teaspoon of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of 0% greek yogurt, handful of raspberries, handful of blueberries
- half a chicken, spicy sauce
- cream with cinnamon and nata

Summa summarum Sunday:
- 5 tablespoons of oats, one teaspoon of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of 0% greek yogurt, handful of raspberries, handful of blueberries
- 70g jamon, half of baguette
- 2 handfuls of strawberries, half handfull of raspberries, half handfull of blueberries, 1 teaspoon peanut butter, 2 tablespoons alpro yogurt with vanilla
- little sandwiches, half the baguette, cream cheese, half avocado, 2 eggs

I measured myself this morning, I have 87.7 kg still. Ok, it is a little bit discouraging. But, what is important to remember is this is just a beginning of a sustainable way of eating. I will eat better and better and less and less, and the weight will go down. With intermittent fasting I had faster results, but I couldn't do it for a longer period of time and I was not sure if it is good for me in the long run. This is for sure good, I am not worried, but it is slower. Ok, I will be patient.
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You also just had a very opulent weekend with both rich food and unaccustomed exercise, so you'd be holding some extra water weight as well. Sounds like great fun though!
Thank Llama! It was really fun. I would like this to be water, we will see next Monday when I will weight myself again.
Today I ate a ton, but a ton of sweets :/ That is the main reason for my extra weight. I will reduce the sweets, but not now, I have to do it slowly. When I am on intermittent fasting I don't crave sweets. I don't know why, but it is like that.
So today, I wake ap at 10, did some chores, prepared for a meeting I had with my collegues. Stayed at home. Thaht means I didn't work. I worked maybe 2 hours out of 8. I have to go to the office. So 10 - wake up. 10 -15 and that is 5 hours, I for sure worked for an hour, but rest of the time I have no idea where it went. I washed two loads of clothes, that took some time, cooked a lunch, prepared breakfast, ate both, washed the dishes. Rested for a little bit, and boom, 5 hours gone. From 15 to 16 we had a meeting, from 16 to 17 I made a plan of what I will eat, from 17 to 20 I did the shopping. from 20 - 22 I talked with my sister, and I don't know where the rest of the time went, we didn't talk for 2 hours. Now is 10 but I need to prepare lunch for tomorrow and to clean my room. I need at least 2 hours for that, but I have to do it. I am starting now.
I had for breakfast bowl of fruits with alpro yogurt and peanut butter. For lunch pasta with pesto sauce and parmigiano. On my way to the store I bought two rafaello chocolates, both containing 3 rafaellos. But I craved ferrero rocher. So I decided to buy a box of ferrero (NOT a smart idea, the same think as with the box of cereal bars, I cannot stop eating). And I was walking and eating and ate 10 ferreros! So overall 200g of chocolates. Which is 1000 kcal extra that I don't need. Ok it is what it is. I will solve this. Step by step. I am still on my first step. Breakfast + lunch. It goes well. When I feel confident with this first step I will go onto next. For now this is it.

Summa summarum:
- banana, two handfuls of strawberries, half handful aof raspberries, half handful of blueberries, 2 tablespoons of alpro vanilla yogurt, 1 teaspoon of peanut butter
- a portion of fusili with pesto and parmigiano
- 200 g of chocolates