100 Days

About the guy. I send him the message today about meeting, and we met.
The same guy? A second message when he didn't even respond to the first?
But, in the first minut literally, I saw he was not beta, but delta, so all my anxiety was gone instantly.
Ouch. Ranking men like that is kind of gross to me tbh. Do you mean his looks or what are you going by there?
I wrote a big post, vented out. And I deleted it.
I agree with you it is really bad to rank people, it is gross, as you said. I will think about it.
He responded to my messages, but even if he didn't I don't see a problem in sending one more :)
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I guess I'm too prideful to message people when they don't write back. Well, unless I know them irl, of course.
I don't have pride in pretty much anything. I like being assetive and putting things straightforward. I would not bother someone of course, but one more message to clear things out is a good thing the way I see it.
And Llama, I have to thank you for stoping by to my diary it really means a lot! <3
I had one more date tonight. Since I really believe in the first minute, this time my first minute was shock, because the guy I think was drunk, or drugged. So I decided to spend one hour max with him. I could have said it straight away that I am not interested, but I like meeting new people, it relaxes me. And, actually he is a really interesting person. But drinking or drugs in my case is a big no, no matter what. And I told him that in a good moment of our conversation. After an hour I said goodbye and everything fine. But, time well spent. It was pleasant, interesting, and nice.
So I am putting dating on hold. Will work on other areas in my life.
Ok, I have a need to write it is soothing. I don't have autocorrect here, and since I have it everywhere else, I don't know how to spell, but I will not be bothered with checking that now. I want my toughts just to flow.
The training about time menagment was really interesting. It was less about menaging time and more about are wellbeing. So, I am glad I took it. I will reflect on it in a couple of days.
So how can I help myself.
First self care:
sleep, food, exercise
Then people:
family, friends, boys
really important to me

I have to be realistic with this. I am so affected by people, after spending time with them it is like it rubs off of me. But, the good thing is people here really inspire me. My collegues especially. But, my roommates as well. But ther are all in their early twenies, so I cannot compare with them. But normality of their life is really inspiring. They are never at home, busy the whole day, enjoying the city, meeting new people, having a lot of memorable expiriencies. Really I have a picture perfect example of being normal and healthy.

But, I have to find my own peace. I will first prioritize the list.
1. sleep
2. food
3. exercise
4. work
6. family
7. friends
8. boys

This may change in time.
I would like to have an evening routine. I am very happy with the therapy I am taking, because my sleep is good, which was my biggest problem previously. I am very grateful for that. And that is and will always be my number one priority. In ideal case I would like to go to bed at 10, but for now 12 is ok. I need at least one hour before bed to take a shower, tidy my room, relfect a little bit. Except is when I go out, and have a really good time, then I can fall alseep instantly. So I will try to sbe at home before 11, and I have an hout to put myself to sleep. I sleep 10 hours, and I don't want to sleep less.
Food. I have to prioritize this. I need an hour to prepare lunch, eat it and clean everything after. For breakfast I need 20 min. For dinner, depending of what I am making, but lets say 30 min. Here I have a lot of room for improvement. But let's start like this. I will spend I will spend 1 - 3 h daily on food.
I need about 40 minutes to go to work, and to come back. I work 8 hours lunch included. So that is 9 - 10 h.
Exercise. Half an hour of walking. Every day. Enough.
So that is 10h sleeping, let's say 2h food, 9.5h work, 0.5h walking 22 hours. Ok so working days I have 2 hours left. 1 hour I need before sleep. To write here, to write in my diary, to have a shower, to tidy room... I need that hour. So I have one hour left. This is in theory, but in practise is more. If I go on a date, we can have dinner, so date can be 1.5 long, or if it is really interesting, I can give it one more hour, instead of putting myself to sleep. Then, I can, if it is really extremely good give it one more hour from sleep. So it is flexible. And I have weekends, 10 hours from work to spend with friends, in nature, doing something interesting. It is possible.
Let's try this.
Well done telling your last date that drugs/alcohol are a deal breaker for you. Someone coming to a first date under the influence is really not ok.
And I love your list of priorities. I thought I needed a lot of sleep but compared to your 10 hours I'm Napoleon :eek: That would be so hard to plan around but as you say sleep is such an important part of our well-being.
Hahaha, yeah 10 hours is a lot. How much do you sleep? This 10 hours is my ideal case scenario. Last night I slept 6.
But I hope, since tomorrow is saturday, that I will have at least 10, even more is ok for me.

Tomorrow, I will plan the next week food wise. And buy everything. So to make cooking easier.
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I generally sleep seven and a half hours, with a nine hour night maybe once a week. I've been waking up too early and having trouble getting back to sleep this week though, so I'm a bit groggy at the moment.
I couldn't fall asleep yesterday, so slept 7 hours, this night.
I bought proteins. But I think everything I bought has a lot of fat. Feta cheese, organic pork, chick peas, peanut butter I already had, greek yogurt, quinoa, prosciutto. And pears, tomatoes, zuchini, aubergines, physalis, mandarins, cucamber, carrots, potatoes.
I will that these days.
What would be a good source of protein that is lean? I have to google that.
Thanks Llama! We'll have that in mind.
For breakfast I had greek yogurt, some raspberries and blueberries, and some peanut butter.
For lunch I will prepare fish, potatoes, brocolli and carrot.
But I think everything I bought has a lot of fat. Feta cheese, organic pork, chick peas, peanut butter I already had, greek yogurt, quinoa, prosciutto.
I wouldn't think that chick peas or quinoa would be high in fat...I am happy to include as many beans and lentils and things as I want.
But also remember that you would need some good fats in a healthy diet...so I would imagine some nut butters might be a good idea as long as you don't overdo it...

And pears, tomatoes, zuchini, aubergines, physalis, mandarins, cucamber, carrots, potatoes.
Yum! Such a nice variety of awesome healthy foods!
That sounds like an excellent, healthy array of food. I love fish & lean chicken (& wild rabbit & venison) & limit all processed meat. We don't eat much in the way of farmed meat, except for ethical, free range, which is very expensive. I love veggies & fruit. Do you like avocadoes? They're healthy fat.
10 hours of sleep is incredible. I like to get 8 if I can.
Hey girls! Thank you very much!
Here the rabbit is very popular, I could eat it sometimes, good idea.
Today for breakfast, greek yogurt, peanut butter, blueberries and raspberries. Handful of each fruit, teaspoon of peanut butter and one small cup of yogurt.
For lunch, around 200g pork meatballs, half aubergine, half zuchini, and a tomato. I have the luch ready for tomorrow as well.
For dinner I will eat carrots and cucamber with humus. And meanwhile pears and mandarins.
I have exactly 86kg now :(( I would like to have 79kg until the end of the year. I have almost three months for this 7 kg. I think it is doable.
Your food for today sounds delicious and very healthy! Careful if the hummus is store-bought though: sometimes it's very high in oil. 7 kg until New Year's Eve is doable if you stick to your plan. Best of luck!
Thanks Llama a lot! I idn't know that about hummus, yes it is store-bought. I threw away the package, but for sure will look for the next time. Hahaha, yes, I HAVE TO stick to my plan, and it will be fine.

I have this all or nothing mentality. Will try to improvise more. Main thing is to eat less and healthier. That always gave me results. I have everything I need now. And that is: 1. more protein 2. make a weekly plan of what you will eat and go grocery shopping 3. three main meals, 3 snacks (fruits for snacks) 4. you have to put time to make lunch - 1 hour, and breakfast - 20 min.5. most important - Improvise.

Once I lost a lot of weight, and I was doing just that, small steps and improvising. Now I have more strength, I can do so much more, I can do the whole day. On the other hand my appetite is out of control because of the medicine. But I have already said that so many times, I will not mention it again. For tomorrow I will eat all the same as today, and prepare lunch for Wednesday and Thursday. Quinoa with vegetables and feta cheese.

Plan for the following 4 weeks. I will put no effort into dating. Pause. I will maybe do some other things.
Main thing is to eat less and healthier. That always gave me results.
yes good to reflect on what's worked for you in the past and do that again.
I really like the sound of your food choices. Always glad to see people going for health and not just purely weightloss.
It sounds to me like you have a good attitude & plan to get healthier & weight loss should be a result.