10 pounds loss Diary

It is phone friendly ABY. I'm using my phone now. I just used google. It's easy to use. Cheers!
As the problems with the change of the software of the site have been solved i can write again to my diary. I have spent a lot of hours the previous weekend in order to figure out how i would update my diary and at first i thought that something has been broken out to my phone and computer. Thank you for your notices they were very helpful when i was trying to connect to the site. On the other subject, as my daily program is very busy during working days it's really difficult to stay on track. However, I continue not eating sweets and i avoid pies. I am doing well i think with my diet but i don't see lot of change in my weight, at least it is stable. Because i can't sleep without eating nothing i eat something like one fruit, yogurt and nuts before going to bed, usually late after nine o'clock, . I think that maybe the fact that i am eating after 9 o'clock really delays my weight loss. What do you eat before going to sleep and at what hour at night?
Today, eventually i can see my diary! That's great! :)
So i 'll continue my writing in this thread. I 've stayed to the same weight so far without any notable change. The cold weather makes me eating more than usual but until now i prefer healthy options. I usually don't have the feeling of fulfilment and that makes me eating more snacks. I always try to control my appetite during evening which is the most difficult part of the day.
The old tip is to drink a glass of (warm) milk before bed; that´s even supposed to speed up weight loss.
I'm glad the thread to your old diary has now been fixed Aby. You're doing well with reducing those sweet snacks. Keep up the good work!
Hey ABY, hope you are doing well darling! Just wanted to stop by and say hi.....keep up the work girl.....just remember that making healthy choices shouldn't be a chore, it's quality of life...try different healthy snacks and eventually you will find one or two that taste just as good as those sweets. ;-)

Hello CaliGirl, i 'm really excited hearing from you. After the holidays, i try eating healthy food and snacks. I keep up this but i can't really control food portions. And the most difficult time is during the evening that i can't really have a light dinner but it is the main lunch of the day. I have seen that eating a lot in the evening isn't so good because i can't sleep well then and i think i don't need a lot of food during that time. But it's a habit that i can't really avoid. So i have gained 3-4lbs instead of losing them. But i understand that i eat a lot, especially during evening, even though healthy food and healthy snacks so i haven't any progress so far.
I have nearly two months that i have avoided any sweet, pies and white bread.However i haven't seen difference in weight. When i loss two pounds then i gain again them.And this happens all the time. At least i don't gain more weight and i'm stable. I think
my weak point is that i want to eat before going to sleep. Sometimes it's my
main food intake. I want to feel food satisfied at the night while in the morning i can resist eating. I think it's bad habit but i can't really avoid it.
Hi! I haven't updated my diary for some time now because i haven't any significant change in weight. However i haven't reached my goal and i'm still far away from it. I could say i 'm at the start again. I lose 2 pounds during the week and i gain them back during weekend and that is repeated constantly. Maybe it needs greater effort so as to lose some pounds and that could be permanent. But at this time I can’t really make greater effort because i have a lot of things to do and I certainly need energy during the day. The only thing that I try to improve is eating after 8 o’clock. I try to reduce the quantity and improve the quality of food that I’m receiving after this time. However I can’t really eat nothing after that time. I think I will be hungry during the night. And at the same time I want the more sweet things that I eat during the day. I usually have some honey and dried fruits as a desert before sleeping. I think it isn’t good time for eating sweat things but I can’t really resist and avoid them as I find them as a kind of comfort food. I would like to have some not sweet alternatives for these moments but I can’t really think of any that I would really like and satisfy my need for sweet things at evening. I would like hearing your suggestions.
Hello! It has passed nearly one month from the last time i updated my diary. However i haven't really any progress as concerns my weight loss. It gives me disappointment somehow. Although i don't overeat there isn't any progress in weight loss. I think that while i don't overeat i eat a lot of snacks (healthy snacks the most of the time) during the day and that makes the weight loss a little difficult. Maybe my daily calories are more than the calories i need for my daily needs of energy. Although i eat healthy snacks the most of the time during the day i don't have any really result in weight loss. I think that a great factor is the way i feel, the stress i feel that leads me to eat something more than i need, and another factor is that i don't sleep enough hours during the night so i feel tired during the day and i think that eating will offer my energy! I will try to improve these two factors as more as i can in order to have a really result in weight loss.
Have you been tracking your calories, including your snacks ? snacks are ok but need to be planned for in your calorie allowance
The April has passed and i haven't seen progress in weight loss. But May has started and i have already 2 pounds more. I am in holidays and i feel relaxed about food but that leads me to the opposite direction from my goal. I need to remind myself to steak to healthy and controlled food choises and not be let to uncontrolled quantity of food because it's holidays. Another thing that i think that delays me from any progress is the thing that i don't have someone to discuss my feelings duri g my weight loss journey except from this site. So every time i read or write here something remind myself of my weight loss goal.
Aby. Try typing in here more often. List what you eat in a normal day. Track your calories in an app, like My Fitness Pal or similar. We can support you & will offer advice if we can. We need to know more. You can do this. Nothing tastes as good as slim feels.
Hello! It has been some time since the last time i updated here but i haven't given up my try to reach a slimmer body. However i remain constant to the start point. Nevertheless, I need to lose 8 pounds by the end of June because i am invited in a social event and i should look slimmer in order to feel amazing. I think that the thing that keeps me back from reaching my goal is that when I limit my calories intake then I feel a little tired and that I need more food because I am used to eating more so this false feeling drives me eating more so I can’t see any progress. I think I just need to be adjusted to eating less and feel comfortable. More easily said than done! However I have a real motive now and I should work toward progress without losing time.
At this time i have lost 2 pounds and before one week i was in a year's low another 2 pounds less. However until last week i wasn't feel so tired about diet and the losing of pounds were something like physical. This week however i feel a lot of tiredness and i think i will eat food with lot of calories something that would bring me back. The real thing is that i feel tired because i have slept less hours than usual during the last 3 days because i had to attend various events that i was invited. So now i feel very tired i have to be with energy at work and that's is something that probably would drive me eating unhealthy food and getting more calories than i need. I just look to find something to distract my mind from food because I think I will lose any progress I have made so far and start over again something that would be really annoying.
Hey ABY :) I am new but I'm really glad you're doing better and lost some weight. Not that it's the best thing either but you could try counteracting your lack of sleep with extra caffeine and lots of water or something like that until you can catch up again? :)
Hello! I have been away from writing here for 2 and half month because i wanted to relax from the continuous watching of my weight. However during summer holidays and after i have gained 5 pounds! I left myself to relax during that time but now i want to lose these extra 5 pounds and continue from the point i was before summer. I see that it's difficult to follow the program i had the previous year that i watched and limited my calories intake.

I will try again to be on track, i hope these extra 5 pounds aren't permanent weight and it wouldn’t be very difficult to lose it as i have gained it in a little time. In any case i think i should limit my calories intake so as to see a positive difference in my scales.
I haven't really see any progress during the last days in weight loss. Although i try to eat healthy and in moderation it's really hard to return at the point i was before holidays.Maybe i exaggerate in quantity during the dinner although i try to eat healthy every time. I just think sometimes to skip this meal at all to see if there is any result. However because it's my main meal during the day i hesitate to skip it at all. I have tried to eat more in moderation but it's really hard as i haven't other main meal during the day. In any case i want to loss these extra pounds as soon as possible.
I have a hard time with knowing my portions and how to portion, so I got a plate off Amazon that has the portions right on it so I can easily see what I'm supposed to be eating for my meals. I also try to eat 3 meals a day with a snack after dinner, but since breakfast and lunch are difficult for me to eat and/or cook, I drink a meal replacement shake so I'm getting calories and nutrients. It's important that we nourish our bodies and eat regularly to keep our blood sugars stable. That's what my nutritionist told me.
Hi Aby. No, that 5lbs should not be permanent weight gain. There is no reason for it to stay. Do you only have one "proper" meal a day? Tell us more about what you eat & when & others will be able to offer advice. Cheers, Cate.