cuz he's Chillen, and that's how he rolllssssssssssss!
If you notice, RWS, my weight hasn't changed in the last few months, but my body fat has dropped from about 10% to 8%. This is what I want.
Yes, its been slow. Yes, I could do it a lot faster.
But, I dont want to be 152 to 154 (again) at 8%, like I was before.
This would make the bulk period a waste of time. I could drop a lot of weight in just a matter of two weeks, and drop BF as well, but my overall body weight would drop.
Therefore I am taking it "extremely slow". I want to maintain my bodyweught goal while attempting to drop fat tissue, which is difficult with my diet and training history---as I am not a noobie any more. And, KNOW how my body responds.
The times I do more than one cardio session, are the times I schedule in eating over my personalized MT Line--to compensate "reasonably" for eating over Maintenance. Most sessions are about 25 minutes and its slow steady state cardio. I schedule in two cardio sessions per day 3 times per week. One reason (and its not the only reason of course), is that it allows me to eat just a tad more as it raises my approximated MT Line, though I will still carry a higher deficit (as you should know, RWS, in higher deficit I mean I like carrying deficit close to the MT Line or like 300 to 400. I dont have a nibbling, tasting, pinching, of food problem so the deficits are fairly close, as my body tells me they are in deed)
Besides the obvious benefits, I use cardio as my calorie manipulator. When I factor my approximated calories eating at MT or eating over MT, I do not include the calories burned during steady state cardio--until its performed, then I will deduct the cardio approximation.
I could drop well below 8% if I didn't care so much about my overall body weight in just a matter of a very short time. I could do it probably in less then 7 days or less (drop well below 8% that is). I look pretty damn wicked in the mornings when I get up, dry, and without food for about 8 hours, lol.
I am in no hurry. I am just slowly tweaking the goals I have achieved already.
RWS, I really appreciate you asking about my goals. Thank you.
Have a great day!
Continue to ROCK!
Best wishes