The ChillOut Log

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Good to hear Chillen, good to hear.

ha, I actually had a dream that you came out and told everyone that you failed and had given up, in my dream I was like "Chillen gave up?! How could that be!"

hehe, glad to hear your doing well though.
Good to hear Chillen, good to hear.

ha, I actually had a dream that you came out and told everyone that you failed and had given up, in my dream I was like "Chillen gave up?! How could that be!"

hehe, glad to hear your doing well though.

Blasphemy I tell ya, Blasphemy!

My heart would just jump out of my chest, and flat thump me all over the face and head, grab my balls and stuff them up my butt to make me continue my strut while I cut.........:)

I just had two of the biggest and meanest Cod fillets on earth! Fish is the BOMB.......I tell ya, flat the friggen BOMB! :)

Best wishes

EDIT: I forgot to mention I do cardio in the AM and PM. If you want I can list the entire routine including cardio. Cardio can vary, and can go up to 4 times a day, dependent, on some diet and activity factors present.

What sort of circumstances would lead you to do cardio 4 X a day instead of doing cardio 2 X a day ?

And typically, how long would each one of those 4 sessions last ?
cuz he's Chillen, and that's how he rolllssssssssssss!:cool:

If you notice, RWS, my weight hasn't changed in the last few months, but my body fat has dropped from about 10% to 8%. This is what I want.

Yes, its been slow. Yes, I could do it a lot faster.

But, I dont want to be 152 to 154 (again) at 8%, like I was before.

This would make the bulk period a waste of time. I could drop a lot of weight in just a matter of two weeks, and drop BF as well, but my overall body weight would drop.

Therefore I am taking it "extremely slow". I want to maintain my bodyweught goal while attempting to drop fat tissue, which is difficult with my diet and training history---as I am not a noobie any more. And, KNOW how my body responds.

The times I do more than one cardio session, are the times I schedule in eating over my personalized MT Line--to compensate "reasonably" for eating over Maintenance. Most sessions are about 25 minutes and its slow steady state cardio. I schedule in two cardio sessions per day 3 times per week. One reason (and its not the only reason of course), is that it allows me to eat just a tad more as it raises my approximated MT Line, though I will still carry a higher deficit (as you should know, RWS, in higher deficit I mean I like carrying deficit close to the MT Line or like 300 to 400. I dont have a nibbling, tasting, pinching, of food problem so the deficits are fairly close, as my body tells me they are in deed)

Besides the obvious benefits, I use cardio as my calorie manipulator. When I factor my approximated calories eating at MT or eating over MT, I do not include the calories burned during steady state cardio--until its performed, then I will deduct the cardio approximation.

I could drop well below 8% if I didn't care so much about my overall body weight in just a matter of a very short time. I could do it probably in less then 7 days or less (drop well below 8% that is). I look pretty damn wicked in the mornings when I get up, dry, and without food for about 8 hours, lol.

I am in no hurry. I am just slowly tweaking the goals I have achieved already.

RWS, I really appreciate you asking about my goals. Thank you.

Have a great day!

Continue to ROCK!

Best wishes

I am going through a minor bout of "leaving the nest" syndrome, lol. :)

But, he is prepared, has a good job, and is a 3/4 time student at KU, and most importantly, has his head screwed on correctly. He wants to experience some freedom, and he has the "tools" within him to get it done.

He is leaving a bit "early" considering some responsibilities in his life, IMO, but we are supporting his decision.

How old is your son?

How many children do you have?

Best regards,


Son is 19...almost 20. Good kid, and is growing into a good man. He's actually quite welcome to live at home. ;) He knows that this is the long as he is respectful of us, our home, and most importantly himself. He is looking right now at an opportunity at work for some travel. He has a chance at a 3 month assignment as a trainer in the Philipines.

We also have a 15 year old son. :)

It sounds like your son has been prepared well for whatever life might bring. :)
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I have to go out of town on business for a couple of days, and will not be on much. Have marketing proposals to present and implement.

Since I dont have anyone to take my place in writing the 'thoughts of the day", they will have to be postponed for a couple more days.

Hope your day went well!


Wish all of you the best.

Be happy and proud of yourselves!

Best wishes

Heya Chillen sorry i anit been on here a while, I just been looking through some of your posts , they are really motivational

Jackie xxxxx
Hey Chillen. Hope your trip went well.

I think you've posted this before, but I can't find it. It's mentioned in the interviews thread - what kind of workout do you do?

Atm, I've got my GCSEs coming up so my training is pretty much Saturday in the gym, 1 day in school gym (Ill equipped). One day at home. And I'm trying to convince my mum to take me to the gym on tuesday night. It's a complete nightmare trying to get any programme to stick :S

Anyway Chillen. Sorry to bring the small rant to your bored lol. As always. I'm still very impressed with the effort you seem to put into everything you do.
yah im wondering about the cardio 4x a day too, I cant even run everyday anymore w/o losing every bit of muscle I try so hard to keep, I tried uping my cals but all is that did was cause me to gain fat in my stomach area and no where else:confused:
Hey Chillen. Hope your trip went well.

I think you've posted this before, but I can't find it. It's mentioned in the interviews thread - what kind of workout do you do?

Atm, I've got my GCSEs coming up so my training is pretty much Saturday in the gym, 1 day in school gym (Ill equipped). One day at home. And I'm trying to convince my mum to take me to the gym on tuesday night. It's a complete nightmare trying to get any programme to stick :S

Anyway Chillen. Sorry to bring the small rant to your bored lol. As always. I'm still very impressed with the effort you seem to put into everything you do.

I will fully disclose my routine for you, Woodt, no problem! Thank you for asking about it! I appreciate it!

EDIT: And, yes, I have disclosed my routine many times before and the equipment I use.

I also want to apologize for not posting the thoughts of the day, I just got back from being out of town the other day, and posted to the forum a little bit, and have two special posts coming to two special "sista's" in their journals (MissKat, and Miss Christi).

I hope I didnt let anyone down, I feel I let someone down, I hope I didnt. :(.

What type of equipment do you have at home to train with, Woodt?

I wish you much luck with the GCSE's !!


BUH.......your goanna ACE IT! And you know it.......!! :)

Best wishes,

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yah im wondering about the cardio 4x a day too, I cant even run everyday anymore w/o losing every bit of muscle I try so hard to keep, I tried uping my cals but all is that did was cause me to gain fat in my stomach area and no where else:confused:

I have many personal biological reasons why I do 4 cardio sessions (at certain periods and at certain calorie intake levels). I will furnish this information when I disclose my training routine.

Best wishes

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Heya Chillen sorry i anit been on here a while, I just been looking through some of your posts , they are really motivational

Jackie xxxxx


Good to hear from you! Its been a few days, how are you "really" doing?

How is your job? Did you find a new one? How is your training? How is your diet?

Did you work in a plan for your 2 day weekend problem? If not when you get some time, lets work on----finalizing some type of ballpark program.......

Sincerely hope you are doing well. I will be thinking about you.

Best wishes

I will be posting the "thoughts for the day" on May 7th, 2008.

The magnitude of your success is measured by the energy and power of your desire. We can spend alot of time exercising our outer body, and not enough time training our inner consciousness.


Do not leave out training your inner consciousness. It is one main ingredient that will compel you through the bad times and excite you during the good times.

Best wishes to all of you.

From my heart to yours,

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The times I do more than one cardio session, are the times I schedule in eating over my personalized MT Line--to compensate "reasonably" for eating over Maintenance.

So, you know your maintenance level of calories, you purposely " eat over " - i.e " schedule in " - that level and then you do cardio to compensate for eating over your maintenance.

Got it.

Most sessions are about 25 minutes and its slow steady state cardio. I schedule in two cardio sessions per day 3 times per week.

Not sure why you would opt for " slow steady state cardio ". Why not simply do 25 minutes steady state as hard as you can, or even 25 minutes of HIIT ?

Given that losing body fat is all about losing calories.....both of these cardio approaches are much more effective & efficient at burning calories than going at a slow steady state..all other things being equal.

That way, you may only need to do cardio once a day instead of twice a day to get a somewhat similar burn of calories.

Besides the obvious benefits, I use cardio as my calorie manipulator. When I factor my approximated calories eating at MT or eating over MT, I do not include the calories burned during steady state cardio--until its performed, then I will deduct the cardio approximation

So, when you calculate your maintenance calories then, I assume it includes BMR calories, plus your lifestyle calories plus your weight lifting calories - but does not include any cardio calories.

So if you don't account for cardio calories, how do you determine your allocation for calories used during weight lifting ?

And what factor ( based on BMR ) do you use to approximate your lifestyle calories ?
yah im wondering about the cardio 4x a day too, I cant even run everyday anymore w/o losing every bit of muscle I try so hard to keep, I tried uping my cals but all is that did was cause me to gain fat in my stomach area and no where else:confused:

I'm curious about that too.

Even when I was involved in training with some elite level hockey players, I never heard of anyone doing cardio 4 X a simply makes no sense IMO.

btw - how long would you run - everyday - such that it woulds cause you to be " losing every bit of muscle I try so hard to keep " ?

Also, are you saying you gained fat AND lost muscle - at the same time - due to running ?
Cod Recipe Request

Hey, Chillen--King of Cod--how do you prepare cod when you cook it? I love fish, and made some the other day for the first time without adding any butter and it was gross. How do you cook cod and make it both healthy and tasty??
Hey, Chillen--King of Cod--how do you prepare cod when you cook it? I love fish, and made some the other day for the first time without adding any butter and it was gross. How do you cook cod and make it both healthy and tasty??

I dont make my cod very special. I rinse the cod to make sure they have a wet outside texture, and then sprinkle on a small amount of Garlic Salt, and then put some Parmasen in small bowl and roll the cod in it. I then bake it for about 10-12 minutes (there small fillets). I then set aside a portion to eat, and then mix the other portion with LGB-Rice (which has a very small amount of "smart balance" butter and a small amount of Parmasen in it).

Its one of my simple favorites.

GG how are your girl?! What's flat going down, man?!

How are things with you? Really? Everything okay?

Best wishes,

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