Snorkles- six pack abs goal. Journal

I only did the math on the pasta I have, which is whole wheat.

But 500g of pasta = 1875 calories.

That's a LOT of pasta!

Wrangell is correct that pasta doesn't make you fat, excess calories do. I can see how a "cheat" meal that is approaching your daily caloric needs might make you fat, though.

I eat whole wheat pasta nearly every day, and I'm cutting. But portion control is everything...

That's it in a nuthshell sig - portion control !

Couldn't agree more.
Now worries on the forumula. It's all good......I wouldn't have provided the link if I thought otherwise. :)

I'm simply suggesting that you keep in mind that calculators like these are guidelines / estimates only and not intended to represent a ' 100% accurate ' determination of what your ' actual ' caloric needs are. To have to evaluate the degree of their validity for you within the context of your own circumstances - i.e the type, intensity and duration of your exercise regimen being a prime example.

On the pasta...." I will start taking 2-4 pasta times a week ". I'm not saying you HAVE to have pasta. But, if you like pasta, there's no need at all to deprive yourself of it IMO. So, I'm simply saying - don't avoid pasta because you think it might be fattening - because - it isn't.:)

no no I said "if" hehe. So if i start taking WHITE PASTA (not whole wheat, etcetc) 2-3 times a week how much grams do you reccomend? thanks. il take it 2-3 times a week next week and see how it goes.. thanks again.
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no no I said "if" hehe. So if i start taking WHITE PASTA (not whole wheat, etcetc) 2-3 times a week how much grams do you reccomend? thanks. il take it 2-3 times a week next week and see how it goes.. thanks again.

How much you have is really up to you.

Check the pasta box ( package ) for how many calories per serving / grams / oz. etc.

From Google....

" - The standardized serving size for pasta is 2 ounces (56 grams) of uncooked pasta.

- Pasta contains approximately 210 calories/serving.

- The common household measure that most closely approximates 2 ounces will vary with the shape of the pasta. For example:

Pasta Cut ...........................................Serving Size (Uncooked)

Small Shell Macaroni .....................................about ½ cup
Ziti ............................................................about ¾ cup
Lasagne......................................................2 ½ pieces
Spaghetti ...................................................1/8 of a 16 oz. package
Noodles ......................................................1 ¼ cups​

I would simply ' ballpark ' how many pasta calories you want to allocate to dinner ( keeping in mind you want some protein during dinner and some vegetables as well ).

Let's say you pull back to 2,400 calories a day. Presumably, you want to allocate those 2,400 calories to.......

- Breakfast
- Mid-morning Snack
- Lunch
- Mid-Afternoon snack
- Dinner
- Pre-workout snack
- Post-workout snack
- Evening snack​

One possible starting approach ( this is just an example ) might be....

- Breakfast................................500 calories
- Mid-morning Snack....................200 calories
- Lunch.....................................500 calories
- Mid-Afternoon snack..................200 calories
- Dinner.....................................500 calories
- Pre-workout snack....................100 calories
- Post-workout snack...................200 calories
- Evening snack...........................200 calories

TOTAL......................................2,400 calories

Just shift some calories allocations around between meals to fit in your pasta if one serving seems a bit too small for you. For example, if on some days you didn't work out and don't have workout snacks, some of those calories can be allocated to your dinner for example ..a good day to plan for a bit more pasta of 1.5 - 3 servings instead of just 1. .:)
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I agree with Wrangell, but I want to point out that using a dry cup as a serving size example is probably not a useful metric here.

The dry cup is a volume based measurement, and North American specific. In the UK, for example, the dry cup is a different size and harder to find.

I think that internationally most people measure dry ingredients by weight (grams).
I agree with Wrangell, but I want to point out that using a dry cup as a serving size example is probably not a useful metric here.

The dry cup is a volume based measurement, and North American specific. In the UK, for example, the dry cup is a different size and harder to find.

I think that internationally most people measure dry ingredients by weight (grams).

Good point.
so I should try to aim to take as the pasta box suggests as a serving. Ok then thanks. tommorow I will try it out man. thanks
so I should try to aim to take as the pasta box suggests as a serving. Ok then thanks. tommorow I will try it out man. thanks

Actually, determine what a serving is based on the info on the box and the calories per serving and then see how many servings you can afford to have for dinner ensuring it doesn't put you too far over your total calories for the day.

You may be able to have 1.5 - 3 servings of pasta for dinner instead of just 1 serving ...who knows.:)
hi this was today's food. feel a bit sad that i exceeded calorie maintenance, but today i was satisfied infact i feel full..

breakfsat- 3 oatmeals+ 3 eggs (2 whites) + apple
10am- vegetable salad with some corn + 2 turkey slices
2pm- yogurt + 1 pear
4pm- 100g pasta with can of tuna (pasta "al tonno" that is)
7pm- 4 cups of milk + weetabix cereal + 2 bananas + 1 apple

3000 cals. (a lot of carbs i know :( ) the pasta was serving is 1857 cals so basically i was in good balance hadnt I taken that. a serving was 95g. the can of tuna alone made it high in calories as it is 350 alone. well, better luck next time. il calculate carb/protein/fats later mate. Ret day today by the way. Hope I wont get fat from today :(
I was playing around with some cutting diets I couls use after this "heavy day". I read and asked a person on another forum who helped me a lot and provided me with his diet thean I based a diet on his diet and I took out 3 samples. what do you think.

Meal 1-Breakfast- cereal + milk+ 3 eggs (2 whites)
Meal 2-veg salad +can of tuna

Meal 3- 3 turkey pieces + 3 fat free cheese+ 2 tomatoes

Meal 4- 1 chicken breast/+ small salad
Meal 5- fat free yogurt
Meal 6- 1 chicken breast + 1 tblsp olive oil

= approx. 2006 cals

Meal 1-Breakfast- cereal + milk+ 3 eggs (2 whites)
Meal 2-veg salad +can of tuna

Meal 3- 3 turkey pieces + 3 fat free cheese+ 2 tomatoes

Meal 4- 2 small fish portions+ small salad
Meal 5- fat free yogurt (with 15-20 almonds)
Meal 6- 1 chicken breast + 1 tblsp olive oil

= approx. 1936 cals

Meal 1-Breakfast- cereal + milk+ 3 eggs (2 whites)
Meal 2-veg salad +can of tuna

Meal 3- 3 turkey pieces + 3 fat free cheese+ 2 tomatoes

Meal 4- 2 small fish portions/chicken+ small salad
Meal 5- fat free yogurt (with 15-20 almonds)
Meal 6- meat ranging from lamb/pork (no fat)/beef+ 1 tblsp olive oil

= aprrox. 2000 cals
I was playing around with some cutting diets I couls use after this "heavy day". I read and asked a person on another forum who helped me a lot and provided me with his diet thean I based a diet on his diet and I took out 3 samples. what do you think.

= approx. 2006 cals

= approx. 1936 cals

= aprrox. 2000 cals

Not sure I follow.

In what ways are these 3 SAMPLE diets ' significantly different than what you've already been doing ?

These 3 daily calorie totals provide almost exactly the same ( if not less ) amount of calories as the diet you were using to get close to 2,100 calories a day...and you said you felt you were always hungry and " starving ' on 2,100 a day.
hi this was today's food. feel a bit sad that i exceeded calorie maintenance, but today i was satisfied infact i feel full..

breakfsat- 3 oatmeals+ 3 eggs (2 whites) + apple
10am- vegetable salad with some corn + 2 turkey slices
2pm- yogurt + 1 pear
4pm- 100g pasta with can of tuna (pasta "al tonno" that is)
7pm- 4 cups of milk + weetabix cereal + 2 bananas + 1 apple

3000 cals. (a lot of carbs i know :( ) the pasta was serving is 1857 cals so basically i was in good balance hadnt I taken that. a serving was 95g. the can of tuna alone made it high in calories as it is 350 alone. well, better luck next time. il calculate carb/protein/fats later mate. Ret day today by the way. Hope I wont get fat from today :(

Is this right ..." 1 serving " of pasta is almost 1,900 calories ??????

From my earlier link....

" Pasta contains approximately 210 calories/serving "

Are you sure 1857 cals is right ?
Not sure I follow.

In what ways are these 3 SAMPLE diets ' significantly different than what you've already been doing ?

These 3 daily calorie totals provide almost exactly the same ( if not less ) amount of calories as the diet you were using to get close to 2,100 calories a day...and you said you felt you were always hungry and " starving ' on 2,100 a day.

far less carbs. that is the main difference mate.
far less carbs. that is the main difference mate.

But, since you're doing both HIIT and weight training are given both are primarily anaerobic activities, you need mostly carbs ( instead of fat - which is the primary fuel for aerobic activities ) to fuel this HIIT and weight training - not " far less carbs " . In that context, taking in less carbs simply makes no sense.

As I said before, all you have to do is do your daily ' fat loss ' maintenance calorie Harris calc, and once you have that, calc your 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, set your fat at 25% and then plug for carbs.

Remember, 1 gram of carb has the same 4 calories as 1 gram of protein - 4 calories. Carbs aren't fattening - excess calories are...whether they come from carbs, protein or fat..
It seems like you're struggling with the "good carbs, bad carbs" concepts, because there is so much information out there that seems to conflict. I have a simple & easy tip for you.

My training probably isn't that different from yours in concept. I'm playing a sport that most people regard as anaerobic & weight training for dynamic/explosive performance. For diet, I'm trying to engage in a slow rate cut to get slightly leaner & lighter, but while building my speed & strength at the same time. I could not possibly perform and eat a genuinely low carb diet, though I have my own unique medical issues that forces me to be very precise about which carbs I can eat and when.

The tip:
Do not decide your meals and diet based on how many carbs you should or should not be eating!!!

Here is how I approach my nutritional needs:
(1) - How many calories should I be eating?
(2) - How much protein do I need? [minimum 1 g protein per 1 lb (.45 kg)] Each gram of protein will take up 4 calories in your diet.
(3) How much fat should I be eating? There is some conflict on the "ideal" for this, whether it is 15, 20, 30% of your consumption. Eating too little fat as a % can make you very hungry, but each g of fat is 9 the more fat you eat, the less volume you get to eat.

Once I know how many calories I am trying to eat in protein and fat, then you know how many calories you have left for the carbs.

I do pay more attention to WHEN I eat my carbs (breakfast, pre and post workout), but "how many" carbs I eat is really about how much carbs are crowded out of my diet by OTHER food.

Perhaps thinking of your diet in terms of achieving goals other than how many carbs will help you focus better on what to do.

breakfast- special k cereal+ 3 eggs (1 white)
9-11am- football
11am- 3 turkey slices + 3 fat free cheese slices
2pm- vegetable salad with 1tblsp olive oil
3pm-5pm FBWO+abs
5.30pm- 1 1/2 chicken breast + 2 tomatoes, 2 peppers.
8.30pm- can of tuna, 1 chicken breast _ 1 slice fat free cheese
=2019 cals.
carbs- 95g
proteins- 238g
fats- 74.5g

Better like this? more focused on prots and fats..
ohh yes yes.... hey there. On your HIIT question. there are may that know much more than me. But, my thought is this. 20 minutes of HIIT trainign is cool, but try and get your HR up and sustain it. Stretch it out man!

ohh yes yes.... hey there. On your HIIT question. there are may that know much more than me. But, my thought is this. 20 minutes of HIIT trainign is cool, but try and get your HR up and sustain it. Stretch it out man!


someone suggested me doing 30sec sprint, 30 sec off. would that be better,sepcially now that i can endure the 20secvs10sec? I think so. id try it out tommorrow.
I know we have had lengthy discussions on this topic. And i have been doing alot of trial and error.

from MY recent experience, if I run a firm and fast pace for 30+ minutes it seems my body is cranking, metabolizing or whatever the word is, for longer.

If I wind up real high, and then rest too slow, then wind up, it seems I do not sustain as long.

try this for fun and see how you feel. Try and run 1/2 speed for 5 minutes, then 3/4 speed for 10, then 1/2 speed for 5, and then walk to cool down. Check out how you feel for he entire next 1-2 hours.

I don't know if the heart actually gains momentum or not, but it kinda seems like maybe when you get it up high, around 130 or so, and keep it there for real period of time, whatever it sets in motion inside the organs and such lasts longer.

experiment and play with it. Don;'t be affraid to try and run for 30 straigh HARD minutes.

just sweat daily!

Great work!

breakfast- special k cereal+ 3 eggs (1 white)
9-11am- football
11am- 3 turkey slices + 3 fat free cheese slices
2pm- vegetable salad with 1tblsp olive oil
3pm-5pm FBWO+abs
5.30pm- 1 1/2 chicken breast + 2 tomatoes, 2 peppers.
8.30pm- can of tuna, 1 chicken breast _ 1 slice fat free cheese

=2019 cals.

carbs- 95g
proteins- 238g
fats- 74.5g

Better like this? more focused on prots and fats..

You only weigh about 150 lbs.

Why would you need so much protein - 238 grams of protein ?

To build muscle - let alone to maintain it while you're trying to shed fat - you don't need any more than 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. That's more like 150 grams, not 230+ grams of protein.

As I said before, you're doing both HIIT and weight training. And given both are primarily anaerobic activities, you need mostly carbs ( instead of fat - which is the primary fuel for aerobic activities ) to fuel this HIIT and weight training - not " far less carbs " . In that context, taking in less carbs in favor of protein while still in an active training mode simply makes no sense IMO.

Again, carbs aren't fattening - excess calories are...........whether they come from carbs, protein or fat..
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woke up- HIIT 15mins
breakfast 7am- 2 servings special k cereal (30g each)+3 eggs (1 white)
9-11am- football
11.30am- 3 slices fat free cheese + 3 slices turkey + apple
2pm- can of tuna + 2 tomatoes
5pm- 2 fish palm sized portions + medium veg salad.
7pm- 3 walnuts, 2 fat free cheese slices , 3 turkey slices
9pm- 1 portion steak+ 1 tblsp olive oil + yogurt
=2417 cals
carbs- 142g
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