Your username - Why did you choose it?


New member
Was just looking at all usernames and wondering; what made you choose those usernames:

I chose mine because the only dream I had sleeping and wake was to be thin and to get into all the skinny clothes so I thought what better than "Dreamtobethin" although I wanted "Dreamingtobethin" but that I guess was too long.

Why did you choose yours?
Mine took a lot of thought and creativity, and the meaning behind it is a little to personal to discuss here.

Maleficent is the name i've used online for years.. I picked it first when I used to argue politics -- practically to the death elsewhere on the web.. I needed an evil persona with a take no prisoners attitude... Maleficent fit the bill.

Maleficent is the evil queen in sleeping beauty -the one who cursed aurora.... she's my favorite of all the villians because she's got no motive for evilness.. she just is... and makes no excuses for it.. and it was kinda fun arguing as her....

For all the forums I've been on over the y ears I've kept the name... and some people are a little scared of me at first.. those that know who maleficent is... and that's OK...

With my weight loss journey I thinkt he name is fitting because i"m done with my excuses for being overweight.. and I'm doing somehting about it now... so she's helping me with that...

It's really funny though, I've been Maleficent for so long -more people call me Mal than they do my real name... :D I've occassionaly signed emails at work - Mal... (which is close to a nickname I've had Since childhood so I can claim typo :D)
Mine took a lot of thought and creativity, and the meaning behind it is a little to personal to discuss here.

we know - Steve is an acronym

Studly, Transitive, Excellent, Victorious and Elegant :D (Ok so the last was a stretch :D wear a tuxedo.. :D
Mine is my oldest daughters name.I almost lost her when I found
out I had a 12lb cyst growing on my ovary when I was 2 months
along the doc said if they remove it now I would miscarriage or if
I can deal with the pain of carrying it around until I hit the 4 month
mark the surgery would be way less risky so I waited and had
Nia Page 5-22-1998 weight 8.5 lbs and healthy!
They took out the ovary to and I thought hmmmm I will most probally
not be able to have anymore kids and needless to say I have 4 :)
NO MORE THO!!! Tammy
I've been Blackwidow since college. It was a nickname given with love and affection, I swear. *grin* However, that username is often taken, so now I'm Blackwdw everywhere I go on the internet.
Welp, mine came from my brother-in-law. He want pepper picking a couple years ago and came back with with this tiny little pepper that packed a HUGE punch. I asked what the hell was that?! And he said it was a pequin. (When you say it out loud it sounds soo cute! PEE-quin.)

So I took that name. I loved that it looked insignificant but once you got into it you realize how spicy it was - like me! Shy and subdued until you really get to know me then sometimes... wow watch out! ;)
I was twolilangels, I choose it because I am a mom of twolilangels...and now i am cinderelly...a play of off cinderella, My real name is Cerella and when I was a preschool teacher children called me cinderella and parents thought it was my real cinderelly is more catchy...and I feel like cinderella...LOL..Mop the floor, do teh dishes...blah blah blah...LOL
umm i used to change nicknames every few months years ago on IRC, then i had just met my husband and somebody said something, and he replied with 'Linx wishes' so i changed nick to wishes and pretty much stuck with that (Linx was his nickname)
Anyway now i couldnt change it if i tried, i still get all the birthday cards and stuff that say 'Best wishes' and 'Happy Birthday wishes' - you dont even need to put the name in!
M2M is short fo mom2meg and I've been mom2meg for oh, about 10 years now on the net.

Before that it was KBG for killer bob's girl.

Seems my screen name has always been about how I relate to someone else.
Before my relatives moved over here from Italy, Falco was our family's last name. When they came to America, the De got put before it.
I got mine from my favorite drink!