Yay for California!

So I just found out that the Supreme Court in California decided to legalize same sex marriage today! I'm quite proud of my home state, I believe this is a step in the right direction towards equality for all citizens. Although I want to marry a man someday, this makes me feel better about the idea of marriage itself. I didn't want to be any part of it unless everyone had the right to it. Now they do, in California at least.

I just wanted to share my joy and excitement for the happy decision!
Yeah, that is a good thing.:jump1:
So I just found out that the Supreme Court in California decided to legalize same sex marriage today!

I'm quite proud of my home state, I believe this is a step in the right direction towards equality for all citizens.

Although I want to marry a man someday, this makes me feel better about the idea of marriage itself. I didn't want to be any part of it unless everyone had the right to it. Now they do, in California at least.

I just wanted to share my joy and excitement for the happy decision!

That is great news !

We legalized same sex marriage up here in Canada back in 2005.

" equality for all citizens " ....that's what makes America so great.

Well done !
So I just found out that the Supreme Court in California decided to legalize same sex marriage today! I'm quite proud of my home state, I believe this is a step in the right direction towards equality for all citizens. Although I want to marry a man someday, this makes me feel better about the idea of marriage itself. I didn't want to be any part of it unless everyone had the right to it. Now they do, in California at least.

I just wanted to share my joy and excitement for the happy decision

Please. Equality for all citizens? There are so many contradictions in California's recognition of equality. Everyone is allowed to voice their opinion and have a march for whatever they like, as long as it's some kind of minority. How is that equality??

Also, I'm really sorry to hear that you're opinion of marriage is based on the governments decisions. I feel that same sex couples should be able to share the same rights as every other couple in the U.S. However, the fact that they are forcing the recognition of a "marriage" is a complete disregard to the people whose beliefs do not cater to this. This is really nothing but a slap in the face to religion... not the revolutionary change you're making it out to be.
so you're saying they should have the same rights except marriage?

Before I carry on, can you, in the US, get married outside the church? Because you can where I come from.
I am neutral when it comes to same-sex marriage

but i gotta say...this state is way too liberal.
Thank God I live in a decently moderate/conservative area.
Please. Equality for all citizens? There are so many contradictions in California's recognition of equality. Everyone is allowed to voice their opinion and have a march for whatever they like, as long as it's some kind of minority. How is that equality??

Also, I'm really sorry to hear that you're opinion of marriage is based on the governments decisions. I feel that same sex couples should be able to share the same rights as every other couple in the U.S. However, the fact that they are forcing the recognition of a "marriage" is a complete disregard to the people whose beliefs do not cater to this. This is really nothing but a slap in the face to religion... not the revolutionary change you're making it out to be.

What are you spewing?
I'm soooo glad I was born and raised in the San Francisco bay area. No place like it on earth...which is why I'm moving home next month!
Meh New Zealand bet both canada and the u.s. We also split the atom first.... just saying. I dont really give a c.rap but at least people can be happy.
Yes, I live in the SF bay area. It is a nice place to be born and raised.

Unfortunately, I think total equality for every citizen is a long way off, but this was something that needed to be done a long time ago. Not all of our problems are solved, but it's a step in the right direction. That's why I'm celebrating.

And here, a lot of our laws, like those regarding marriage, are tied to the church. Same sex couples could not legally get a marriage license recognized by the state. If this is a problem concerning religion, then it should stay with the churches, it shouldn't get all tangled up in state and federal law. That's just my opinion.
this topic is probably just as bad as talking about religion or politics and can have some very strong opinions and disagreements.

i'll leave it at that b/c i choose not to really get involved in it for that reason.
There's no point to getting married if not for the tax breaks. Marriage may have begun as a religious practice, but so were religious holidays. Giving tax breaks to married couples is like giving people Christmas off.

Whatever though. I don't really care about this ^^^^.
so you're saying they should have the same rights except marriage?

Before I carry on, can you, in the US, get married outside the church? Because you can where I come from.

You can do it up as informal as going to the courthouse, signing some ^^^^, and bam you're now in a union as far as the government can see. So then you'll get the tax incentives.

My cousin got married in some park with all her hippy friends and ^^^^. There was no "God" talk, but according to the person who married them, they are "Earth-Partners"...

They are from the SF bay area. Lulz were had.
There was no "God" talk, but according to the person who married them, they are "Earth-Partners"...

Awesome. Now we can all live in a happy, hippy comune all loving the earth together.

I will say I hope that ^^^^sexuals are NEVER allowed to marry in a church. Also, since we're extending the original meaning of marriage, I wonder at what point we'll stop.
You can do it up as informal as going to the courthouse, signing some ^^^^, and bam you're now in a union as far as the government can see. So then you'll get the tax incentives.

Unions dont mean ^^^^. Nobody else recognizes them. Same sex, opposite sex it doesnt matter to me. If two people love each other then let them join forces. We're not living in the 1800's.