Weight-Loss Would a diet consisting of Meal replacement shakes be ok?

You know, it wouldn't kill you to lose the attitude.
Why's this happening again? Every time I make a post, people seem to think I'm pissed off.

I just asked you a question. I noticed that you didn't address the post I made right before yours, so I directed you to that post. It might not kill you to stop trying so hard to read hostility into what I say.
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i don't think he was giving you an attitude. Just pointing out what area he needs help in. You said it yourself that you just skimmed over his posts.

Well I saw the bit about not having time or equipment to cook but was hoping for more of an insight. To me that just say's 'I don't want to'

I was a student for 7 yrs and didn't ever live somewhere without a rudimentry kitchen. Plenty of times I was too lazy to cook for myself and ate badly of course.

But fear not, I won't bother with this thread again.
I wasn't giving you attitude before. But if attitude is what you really want from me, you're certainly doing all the right things to get it :)