I know these days are coming, so I thought I'd ask
if anybody anybody else has problems motivating themselves to go to the gym when it's -20°C outside, there is three feet of snow in the driveway that needs to be shovelled, the roads are super icy and you really don't want to leave the house, but you force yourself to go to the gym anyway because if you don't, you know you'll call yourself a lazy slack @$$ for the rest of the day/evening and be really disappointed in yourself?
The only benefit to going to the gym when it's like that outside is you pretty much have the entire gym to yourself
In a word: No.
Our garage where my home gym is, isn't centrally heated, and its extremely cold at times, even with a space heater; however, I heat it up.
I am the friggen heater.
And, its not long before the cold was a distant memory.
Its one of the benefits of having an appropriate home gym. The elements of weather, are not a factor. There are 2 gyms where I live, and to eliminate some factors relating to getting there (and access to equipment I need, etc, etc), I made a home gym, where I am the only factor involved in whether I train or not. Its always there waiting to tell me the truth of the situation, and for this, I couldn't love the iron more.
In addition, in the times where (my employment interferes), and I am away from my home equipment (such as a business trip), I bring some of my own mobile equipment with me (because of proactive thought before hand), assess their fitness center (at the hotel), and make a routine on-the-fly, that builds on the "home routine" as-much-feasibly possible.
I will train, unless circumstances "beyond my control" prevent it. And, if I am prevented because of issues I cannot control; no, I do not feel bad at all.
And, this is the way it will always be.
Best wishes to all of you.
Peace and love to you.