Working Out in the Winter

I know these days are coming, so I thought I'd ask if anybody anybody else has problems motivating themselves to go to the gym when it's -20°C outside, there is three feet of snow in the driveway that needs to be shovelled, the roads are super icy and you really don't want to leave the house, but you force yourself to go to the gym anyway because if you don't, you know you'll call yourself a lazy slack @$$ for the rest of the day/evening and be really disappointed in yourself?

The only benefit to going to the gym when it's like that outside is you pretty much have the entire gym to yourself :D
I get more exercise in the winter. But then again I'm trudging around on frozen lakes like Nanook of the ****ing North.
The Winter is actually my favorite time to workout.

Summer and Spring make me want to be outside having fun.
I know these days are coming, so I thought I'd ask if anybody anybody else has problems motivating themselves to go to the gym when it's -20°C outside, there is three feet of snow in the driveway that needs to be shovelled, the roads are super icy and you really don't want to leave the house, but you force yourself to go to the gym anyway because if you don't, you know you'll call yourself a lazy slack @$$ for the rest of the day/evening and be really disappointed in yourself?

The only benefit to going to the gym when it's like that outside is you pretty much have the entire gym to yourself :D

In a word: No.

Our garage where my home gym is, isn't centrally heated, and its extremely cold at times, even with a space heater; however, I heat it up.

I am the friggen heater.

And, its not long before the cold was a distant memory.

Its one of the benefits of having an appropriate home gym. The elements of weather, are not a factor. There are 2 gyms where I live, and to eliminate some factors relating to getting there (and access to equipment I need, etc, etc), I made a home gym, where I am the only factor involved in whether I train or not. Its always there waiting to tell me the truth of the situation, and for this, I couldn't love the iron more.

In addition, in the times where (my employment interferes), and I am away from my home equipment (such as a business trip), I bring some of my own mobile equipment with me (because of proactive thought before hand), assess their fitness center (at the hotel), and make a routine on-the-fly, that builds on the "home routine" as-much-feasibly possible.

I will train, unless circumstances "beyond my control" prevent it. And, if I am prevented because of issues I cannot control; no, I do not feel bad at all.

And, this is the way it will always be.

Best wishes to all of you.

Peace and love to you.

You don't have to get out and shovel three feet of snow before taking your car out on super icy roads going downhill all the way to the gym :D You're lucky!

We get weather so cold it will freeze your skin in less than 30 seconds. With the wind chill, we often dip down to -40 or -45°C.

It's tough to get motivated when the police are telling you to stay home because the roads are too treacherous and the cold temperatures make it too dangerous to leave the house ;)

You don't have to get out and shovel three feet of snow before taking your car out on super icy roads going downhill all the way to the gym :D You're lucky!

We get weather so cold it will freeze your skin in less than 30 seconds. With the wind chill, we often dip down to -40 or -45°C.

It's tough to get motivated when the police are telling you to stay home because the roads are too treacherous and the cold temperatures make it too dangerous to leave the house ;)


oh come on. Thats nothing. I fish in temps like that. :action8:
The Winter is actually my favorite time to workout.

Summer and Spring make me want to be outside having fun.

My thoughts exactly. During the summer and spring, I want to be outdoors as much as possible. In the winter, there's more of a reason to spend more time there since it's not as feasible to bike, run, b-ball, yada yada outside.
Doesnt really get any lower than -6C here, i think its good working out in the cold though, i dont get as hot and sweaty working out.
I moved my equipment fro mthe garage into the house last week. It was taking me 2 hours to get it to warm up (it was still cold) and i dont feel like wasting that much extra money on hydro so ill have to deal with being a little cramped.

Its worth it to live in Canada imo. :canadaf:
I'm not complaining about living in Canada. I think it's a great country :)

It's the condition of the roads and the super cold weather that can put a damper on going to the gym.

Sometimes it's just a lot easier to go to the mountains, bundle up and get your exercise that way by skiing or snowshoeing ;)
I didnt mean to imply that you were. I was just stating that its worth puting up witht he cold to live in the best country in the world.
I didnt mean to imply that you were. I was just stating that its worth puting up witht he cold to live in the best country in the world.

Hold on to those words, wesrman. We're having a poltical crisis right now, and depending on the outcome, we may not be the best country in the world anymore.
Sorry momma, but I live in Sunny San Diego, California.... It's cold when the temperature drops below 70 degree F. I slip on a jacket at that point and pants. Well 60 degree is dreadful and snow??? What is snow? I see it on TV all the time but I think it's a myth like the unicorn.

I do find it harder to keep a 6 pack in the winter as I want to use this time to bulk up some more instead doing that 30-60 minutes of cardio in the morning or post workout.
We get 6 months of snow. In fact, it can snow any month of the year in Calgary. We're too close to the mountains. High altitude makes it even colder. Edmonton is a 3 hour drive north of Calgary, and they have warmer summers and a longer growing season. Why do I live here?

I think I've just convinced myself I need to move somewhere warm :D
Winter is coming up soon, and winter means time to put on lots of muscle!

and fat... ha.

I totally know what your saying though, I hate being outside in the cold, starting your car, etc. But I really never had problems getting motivated. I was always really motivated to get in the gym no matter what...! I got in there and kicked ass and then came home and ate and played video games all day... winter is great.