Wordle and/or other word games.

Puzzle #249

I don't think I've heard of Pulp before and my oven only has two dials, no buttons, but I got there in the end.
well i finally figured out a way to prevent my Wordle streak from resetting when i restart my computer. on restart, if the Wordle page gives you the option to Play when you know you've already played that day... DO NOT click on Play. refresh the screen and it will then only give you the "see your stats" page. this glitch has caught me twice.

on the logging in on my iPad... that somehow fixed itself and now i can play the game on either and both will reflect the results.


i'm back to a steak of 4, but at least i'll only lose it again if i actually lose.
my high steak is 132. ... looking at around the first day of summer to hit 132 again... maybe.
Glad you found a workaround. I just realized that I can add up my scores for each anount of guesses and know exactly how many fails I've had. Pretty sure that if I guess tomorrow's Wordle my score starts rounding up to 98% 🀞
double down

Wordle 972 X/6


well at least i picked a good time to fail... 5 --> start again.

Wordle 02.16.24.jpg

Connections had a horrible category... got the first two, but one of the last two connections was programming languages, and 6 of the last 8 words WERE programming languages. i thought i could do it in 4 guesses, but it failed to note as it usually does, when i had just one wrong word. COBRA & Lightning are programming languages.

Connections 02.16.24.jpg

Puzzle #250

Wordle 973 3/6


Wordle 02.17.24.jpg

Family Circus is a single frame daily cartoon that's been around since i can remember.

Connections 02.17.24.jpg

Puzzle #251
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Wordle 975 3/6


Puzzle #253

Clearly wasn't paying attention with that first guess: no way they would've used grindr and if they had it would've been spelled that way. Plain sailing after that.
Wordle 976 4/6


luckily i remembered HATCH as already used, though there was still LATCH and BATCH... could have been worse.

Wordle 02.20.24.jpg

didn't pick up on the vegetable homophones.

Connections 02.20.24.jpg

Puzzle #254
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Wordle 976 5/6


Puzzle #254

I had no idea who the 4th party pooper might be but I struck lucky on the second try.
Wordle 977 5/6


Puzzle #255

I don't know what a super is if it has keys (maybe like a janitor? a superintendent?) but hard knocks was way too obvious for school.