Wordle and/or other word games.

Wordle 583 5/6


Wordle 01.22.23.jpg
Wordle 583 5/6


That one eluded me for longer than it should've, mostly because I was in a rush and didn't notice I'd reused a wrong vowel rather than trying the one I wanted.
I have three favourite words that cover all the vowels and 10 consonants....

I basically start with the same three words every time until the first one or two seem to have me almost there...

A lot of the time it is a question of working anagrams with maybe only a letter missing...

Do other people use the same technique - or have a favourite method of their own?
Wordle 585 3/6

last 4 days i had a 3, 4 5 & 6... glad i went back to a 3.. :)

i don't have hard mode selected, but i try to stick to that method.
this is my 133 puzzle and i'm well over 50 different first words.
don't really think it matters all that much.
at least 4 have been Wordle words... i just tried them on the wrong day... :)


Wordle 01.24.23.jpg
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I just start with the same word mostly & go with my intuition, rather than any method.
Wordle 586 3/6
Another irritating word :svengo:
Since my basic words do not contain the rarely used letters (egQWZXV) and a handful of other letters - a lack of hits like today gives me clues too - as I know that the missing letters are in that batch or of course indicate a doubling up...
Wordle 587 3/6