This journey started this time last year. I had just finished my first (and perhaps only) marathon. After 6 months of grueling training, I had lost ~20 pounds of muscle and fat. I weighed 155 and had 6% BF after my marathon. After my marathon, I could not throw on mass, because I started my Mt. Rainier climb training. So, I actually didn't start the real mass training until August. Here I am back in 3/2005 @ 155lbs. And then after 7 months of mass training (today) @185. BTW - My BF is 6.5% right now.
Comments welcomed... I know there are areas that need serious improvement, but remember that I threw on ~30 lbs in 7 months. And, only gained .5% BF.
Comments welcomed... I know there are areas that need serious improvement, but remember that I threw on ~30 lbs in 7 months. And, only gained .5% BF.