Willem Dafoe ain't got nothin' on me...

This journey started this time last year. I had just finished my first (and perhaps only) marathon. After 6 months of grueling training, I had lost ~20 pounds of muscle and fat. I weighed 155 and had 6% BF after my marathon. After my marathon, I could not throw on mass, because I started my Mt. Rainier climb training. So, I actually didn't start the real mass training until August. Here I am back in 3/2005 @ 155lbs. And then after 7 months of mass training (today) @185. BTW - My BF is 6.5% right now.

Comments welcomed... I know there are areas that need serious improvement, but remember that I threw on ~30 lbs in 7 months. And, only gained .5% BF.




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I am very happy with my results so far... My plan is to add about 10 more pounds of mass and then maintain.


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Shoulders turned out nicely so far...


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Traps definitely need work... But, they are coming along.


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Like I said... Willem Dafoe ain't got nothin' on me!



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Wow Rip looking great. You've made awesome progress. 10 pounds of mass will be super awesome & you'll have to update now that you've started :D seriously great work you've done well.
I was wondering when you'd throw out the new pics. By the way, I don't know if I said it or not...but it's good to have you back. Oh, and you're lookin' great. A bit more on the back and you'll have it made. :)
rip said:
Comments welcomed... I know there are areas that need serious improvement, but remember that I threw on ~30 lbs in 7 months. And, only gained .5% BF.



man thats crazy, 30lbs in 7 months. NICE! To me your arms almost look smaller in the after pics, but maybe thats just cause the rest of you got so big:eek:
Thanks all.

FS4N - I have gained 2 inches on my arms. But I agree with you, they haven't kept up with the body growth. They will come along shortly.


Evo - Yeah, it's good to be back. It has been hard keepin' up with the new baby (she is already a 13 months old!) and climbing Rainier (or, at least attempting it). I agree about the back... It has been a thorn in my side... I plan to bust it out!


Sometimes I worry about bigorexia, because I don't feel like I have gained 30 lbs. But then I look at the photos side-by-side and hear all of you guys and I realize that I have accomplished something.

Thanks again,

I just realized that I posted this under Women's health.


That will teach me to look where I am posting.

Awww rip it don't matter where you post it .. all my logs and photos are in the men's section.. and well I'm definately not a man so don't sweat it :D
Well done Rip.

Can I ask what supplements you used during this time and can you give us an idea of your training commitments during this time.

Hoofy said:
Well done Rip.

Can I ask what supplements you used during this time and can you give us an idea of your training commitments during this time.

Just vitamins (GNC Mega Men's) and amino acids... I started Creatine two weeks ago. And I gained an extra 5 pounds since the post. Plus my poundages went up a good bit too.

Mon & Thur = Push
Tues & Fri = Pull
Wed & Sat = Legs

No cardio during the 7 months.

Consistancy was the key. And, eat LOTS of healthy food all day long.

Side note: I think I may have set a World record the other day...


But, I accidentally OD'd on medication (read the bottle wrong) and then drank my normal 1.5 gallons of water that day (the medicine said to only take a sip of water each hour while on it). Apparently, it maintains your water. So, I ballooned up and felt like I had done the sickest workout in my life. I gained 14 pounds in fewer than 24 hours and my joints were so water logged I lost my flexibility!

Afterward, I lost 19 pounds in 24 hours and had to pee like a race horse every 30-60 minutes.

Gained back and I am maintaining at 185 again. But, that was a bit of a scary adventure!

My plan is to lose a bit of this mass for climbing season (prolly be around 170 at most).

Until next time,
Here's my latest go with the camera...

Some stats to go with these photos: I am 41 YO / 6' / 192 pounds @ 6% body fat. I do a full body HIT (High Intensity Workout) routine twice per week. I only do one set per body part (in slow fashion - 3 seconds down and 3 seconds up) to complete failure. Each full body workout takes me ~27 minutes to complete. I do not do any cardio or others forms of exercise (except some mountain biking from time-to-time).

Also, I am a certified personal trainer with the NSPA ( NSPA Home ).

I am currently working on making my upper arms and legs more developed. Feel free to give me constructive criticism, as I would love to hear your opinion.


