Why do you want to lose weight?

Start off with the biggest one...come from an obese family. Mom and Dad both had surgery to lose weight, but it was too late for my dad's body. HE'S STILL ALIVE, but his knees and back are shot from carrying too much weight for too long. I don't want to have the same problems in 5 to 10 to 25 years that he's lived through.

Second one, I'd like to have that extra confidence. Going through middle and high school as an overweight kid, by the time I got outta High School I had had enough. I got the attitude of F&*K WHAT OTHERS THINK, THEY DON'T MATTER. Problem was there was one guy always judging me that did matter, I saw him too many times in the day, even if I tried to avod him. He was in the mirror.

Third, I do a sport combat, and I'd love to enhance my game by becoming more physically fit. I already have fun in this sport, but I think I would have a greater time if I could last longer on the field w/o running out of steam and taking my helm off, and give my opponent a better fight that what I can now.

There's other reason, but these are the big three.
I want to be a good role model for my children and be able to really enjoy my life like I did when I was a healthy weight.
I want lose weight for these reasons:

- I want to feel carefree and not worry about what people are thinking about me.
- I want to be like all my other friends and not be heavier, as I feel I stand out.
- I want to be more confident around boys.
- I want to look good naked,
& just be healthy.
- To be a healthy and fit person
- To ensure my children are healthy and fit (leading by example)
- To tie my shoes without holding my breath / sucking my belly in
- To go swimming with my family, instead of staying home because I'm to fat to take my shirt off
- To be in front of the camera for once, instead of always behind it
- To look up when I walk past a mirror, instead of at my feet
- To enjoy clothes shopping again
- To give myself something, instead of always giving myself away to others, work, etc...
There are so many reasons that I can list:
Health, Endurance, Happiness, Confidence, Longevity...

But, to be completely honest, I feel that I need to be happy with myself before I can truly be happy with someone else. My weight and self-esteem issues were very detrimental to my last relationship. I want to be happy so I can be happy with a good guy (who won't tell me he'll leave me if I gain "too much weight")
But, to be completely honest, I feel that I need to be happy with myself before I can truly be happy with someone else. My weight and self-esteem issues were very detrimental to my last relationship. I want to be happy so I can be happy with a good guy (who won't tell me he'll leave me if I gain "too much weight")

I agree with that. I know my girlfriend loves me for who I am (I do), but there is always that nagging feeling in my gut (my fat gut) that keeps me from being 100% comfortable with my body when I'm around her. And, it has nothing to do with her, rather everything to do with me. Yes, she is happy with my body, but I'm not. And, until I'm comfortable with myself, I won't be 100% comfortable around her.

So, I definitely agree with that feeling. I want to be happy with myself too.
My ex was very into fitness - very muscular, hardly any body fat...
So I felt inadequate.

Health of the body and mind cannot be viewed as two seperate entities. They are one in the same.
1. I do not want any more body aches.
2. I think that my "psuedo plantar fascittis" is from the weight gain and no weight loss. It sucks having pain!
3. I want to show my ex-boyfriend that I'm super hot now! TOO BAD SUCKER!
4. I want to run and wear high heel shoes. I think it's easier for skinny girls to wear high heels! Because my feet hurt so much now!
5. Gotta find a man, get a ring on this finger within 5 years. STAT.
Several reasons:

1. It's been a life-long dream to serve in the military. I still remember waking up on 9/11, a naive 10-yr old, and seeing my mother crying as we watched the two towers fall. The weeks following, as war was declared and everyone struggled to get things back together, the one constant thought in my mind was "I wish I was old enough to do something." Now that I'm older, I'm too fat to do anything. But, unlike back then, this is something I can, and WILL change.

2. My family has a history of diabetes and heart disease. I don't want to be the next one diagnosed. I have a lot of life left to live, and illness cannot stand in my way of living it.

3. I used to have severe depression, and I think part of it came from being so self-conscious about how I looked, and how I never had any energy or motivation to do anything about it. It was a very dark time, and I never, ever want to go back.

4. I'm a girl. I want new clothes. End of story.
Just to be more comfortable, I'm 6'1" and approx 250lbs, I have a huge tummy which basically gets in the way of being mobile, I'm tired of being so heavy and it being so much effort to move around, it makes me breath much more shallow as my chest is tighter and diaphram is probably pushing against my massive stomach.

I'm sure my sleep apnoea is linked mostly to weight I'm hoping a sensible mid section will make breathing easier at night and less flabby areas around my neck, face, nose etc will help stop snoring.

I couldn't care less about the vanity of looking thin, nor am I an outgoing or athletic person, so there's minimal benefit in being healthier in that regard other than to keep health problems at bay I guess.
So I'll hopefully feel better about myself and be more confident, be fitter and healthier!
Reasons to lose weight

Hi Everyone,
My reasons for losing weight are probably pretty similar to everyone else's.
#Set a good example for my daughter
#Live longer, and healthier
#Climb a flight of stairs without passing out:)
#Improve sleep apnea
#Feel better and look better.
^ This. I have lots of reasons, and I'm starting to enjoy my appearance and the confidence it brings, but it's a side effect rather than a direct benefit.