Why do you want to lose weight?


New member
I need your feedback.
What are the main reasons to lose weight?
How does it affect you your weight loss problem?
Honesty appreciated.
Thank you!
Probably so my heart doesn't explode? I mean my blood pressure is high enough without prescription medicine that it borders the explosion of a human heart. (picture 300/200)
When I read this post, it reminded me that I wrote down "reasons to lose weight" back in 08/10 and put it in the cover of my South Beach Diet book.. you made me go look for it :)... found it, and in no particular order, here is what I wrote:

- Fit into my clothes
1. work clothes/ suits
2. gym clothes
3. stylish clothes
-Not be ashamed of my weight
-Be able to snowboard
-Be able to jog
-Less knee pain
-Going to the beach with friends, and not be embarassed
-Going to Vegas, and partying at the pool

HAHA! Some of those are pretty funny, but it's what I thought at the time. It's nice to read these over 7 months later, and realize that I have accomplished all of the goals I set out. Now I am working on getting down to 160, so when I do have a weekend where I go "hog-wild", I only go up to around 165, which is still a great weight (where I am now)...
I want to lose weight because I actually want to see what I would look like when I look more fitter, also most of clothes don't suit me because of my muffin top and I want to feel confident
I want to lose weight because I don't want to die. As hard as this is for me to believe, people need me. And, I don't want to die on them.

Also, I'm tired of looking down in the shower and not being able to see my wei...feet.
I want to slim down to look good/better in clothing (and without) and I want to be healthy, not have an aching back, bad knees, high cholesterol and blood pressure, etc and diabetes when I'm older.
My main reason is to become healthy, my daughter, and my family. I'm the only daughter that is willing to be there for my parents and as they continue to age, I need to be healthy to take care of them.

and there are the selfish reasons...Look better in clothes, get a tan on the beach without being ashamed, just to feel comfortable in my own skin. I have this longing for people to like me.
My main reasons to lose weight are:

- Be comfortable in my own skin
- Not wanting to run away from cameras
- Like the stuff I wear, not just wear it because it fits and makes me look alright
- Be fit, like climbing three flights of stairs and feel fine not sweating and gasping for air
I just want to feel fitter, and look like I did five years ago. I felt bad then, but in comparison, it wasn't as bad as I am now.

Just to feel comfortable. Then again, all the time that I'm eating sensibly and getting a little exercise, I feel a lot better than I normally do.
Thank you so much to all of you!
I would love to sit with all of you and help you with my passion and experience in the weight loos industry.
I'll be 50 years old this year and decided to write a book. In this book I'll put the right answers taken from real people. There is so much pain behind the smiles of any of these women and men, just because of over weight issues. I'll keep you posted.
Losing weight and becoming a physical specimin is one of the last steps before I become a superman (in the sense of Shaw, not the comic book guy) and carry around a massive sledgehammer to bust up any loose cinderblocks that happen to be laying around.
My health. My weight has suddenly become something more than a annoying cosmetic problem, its starting to limit me physically and I cannot allow this to continue.
I fear my weight will inhibit me from having kids.
I want to look in the mirror and like what I see.
I dont want to be the fat pretty girl - I want to be smokin; ;)
I am 17 years old and I am 240lbs and 5'8 in height. I want to lose weight so I can fit back into nice without having to wear a hoodie over it because I am scared people are going to call me fat and grab my man boobs. I want to be able to have a chance with the girl I have always liked, and I want to be able to have muscles and a six pack.
I'm 18 years old and in college, so I want to look hot when I go clubbing, not be afraid to talk to boys, look good naked, etc.

Mostly I love clothes and want to buy amazing clothes, also I'd like to feel better about myself.
First and foremost, I want to be healthy. I don't want to put myself at risk of certain health conditions in the future, and I want to have energy and verve in my life (including mental clarity) which I know comes from fitness.

I'd like to feel better about myself too. I've always, always had self-esteem problems and, while it's been awhile since I've actively hated myself, I'm finally getting to a point where I don't just tolerate me, I actually like who I am. I'd like to get to a point where I don't just tolerate what I look like. (Although I'm aware that's as much psychological as physical)

Finally, and less importantly, I'm a university student. I don't have money pouring out of my ears, and I've put on a lot of weight since I've moved out of home. I don't fit a lot of the clothes I came to this country with at the moment, and I'd like to be able to get back into them rather than living with 1/4 of my wardrobe or needing to buy clothes. (Although I would like some nicer clothes as well and am saving to get some when the weight comes down)
I want to get pregnant, and my cycles are irregular due to my weight. My doctor said there was nothing she could do to help me if I wasn't willing to lose weight.

Talk about a wake up call...