I think part of the reason why we see so much more gun violence is because of the media making it appear as if it's the "only solution" to your problem.
Agree. I've read already that the kid that did this shooting was off his medications. It is the people, not the guns. The hard thing to deal with is that not all people can be "fixed". These senseless tragedies will always exist.
It's the same with everything, no(t) only just to gun violence. Obesity... "it's McDonalds fault, it's my parents fault, it's my environment's fault... not my fault..." is what you hear all the time. This crap needs to stop, and people need to start getting it together.
Again agree. I've been overweight my entire life (since around 7 years old). People have to take responsibility for themselves. I'm finally doing something about it and it feels great. I don't expect the government or any other person to pity me or "pay my way" into an average lifestyle (whether that be for weight issues, lack of money or any other thing I think is bad about me). I only wish others would take the same stance. If everyone would take care of themselves there'd be no one else to take care of.