What's Sexy?

Reading through old threads

Here is my list of what makes a woman sexy:

First, the physical features:
The face. Not proportions or hair or anything that most people think of. It's the way that certain women can convey their emotions with an expression. A glare or excitement or idea, or surprise. These things are just so sexy when you can see right what a woman is feeling.

The body. No way is a perfect body the way to be sexy. Again it's how the body is dressed and how it moves. Movements of confidence and not just sitting there letting life pass you by. I remember seeing a belly dance show many years ago. There was a woman about 25 and looking very good and her teacher about 15-25 years older. Once they started the dance there was no comparison at all as to who was sexier. It was all the older more experienced one that stole the show.

Clothes that fit and allow a man to wonder just what more there is. Nothing that screams that you want to be something that just isn't there. A woman who wants to dress like her teenage daughter, or is wearing a the fashions of ten years ago; just not sexy. A woman who is wearing a pair of board shorts and a bikini top to the beach, certainly sexy. Knowing what to accentuate and what to keep secret.

More then anything else, a person is made up of everything that is non physical. Other people have mentioned confidence. I'll add that too, but capable has to go along with it. False confidence is not sexy. It shows weakness instead of strength. If you say you can do it, show it too.

Sense of adventure. Don't be afraid of trying something new. I was talking to this guy who traveled the world. Never tried any of the local foods or culture. There is so much out there, that if you aren't willing to grab it, you are going to let life pass you by. The people who grab a hold of a new experience and hold on for the ride, very sexy.

Commitment: I'm not talking about forever, but a woman who is committed to the man she is with at that moment, that's sexy. I remember seeing Angelina Jolie walking with Billy Bob Thornton. A beautiful woman with a guy who looks to me like he's been beat up a few times too many. It wasn't that she's so beautiful, but she was looking at him like he was the sexy one. That look is sexy. Even if you are not the one on the receiving end of it, it is sexy.

Intelligence. Sexy, yes, but not terribly. Lack of intelligence is so NOT sexy. I've met some people who are physically stunning and dumb as a stump and I find it so repulsive. That might be just me, but I'd rather be with a woman with brains any day.

Fortitude. This one is a little weird, but basically a woman who brings out the best in those around her is just such a winner. A milk toast who lets others do wrong even though she knows what is right. Not sexy. Stand up for what's right and make those around you better for it. Very sexy.

Sorry for the long post. Bored here and just thinking about going home to the woman who embodies all of this above.
Billy Bob Thornton. A beautiful woman with a guy who looks to me like he's been beat up a few times too many wasn't that she's so beautiful, but she was looking at him like he was the sexy one.
that's cuz he sorta is - or was - it's all about the voice.... just like sam eliot in Roadhouse... not pretty -but damn he could read the phonebook to me.. .and it'd be all good :)
Sure, that might have been what he had going for him, but for her, she looked at him like there was no other. Of course that was before she started looking at Brad Pitt that way.
Gah. I guess I am pretty easy to please.

I've never understood the whole "fetish" thing. I like feet. They are fine. But what the hell? Best part of a female body? The only good thing about feet is that sometimes if you rub them women will let you play with the good parts.
I have a friend who is a neck guy. What? Necks are nice. I much prefer a woman with one than without but once we were watching TV and this hot chick was on like Jessica Alba maybe. So shes all hot, and in a bikini and acting sexy and he says "Man, she has the sexiest neck!" I just don't get it.
oo fun...hm I love the bad boy look....or if you have the military look...lately it's been all about the shaved heads and nice arms...it's terrible and I have no problem objectifying random guys on the st apparently lol .....sigh.....
one of the perks/quirks I have in the office -is that I work witha bunch of boys who go for the crew cut look... and will always come over to me - freshly shorn - because I love to rub their heads.... yeah - it's a little weird... but - I don't get much pleasure during the day and crew cut rubbin' is just - well - fun :)

and the boys humor me so well...
one of the perks/quirks I have in the office -is that I work witha bunch of boys who go for the crew cut look... and will always come over to me - freshly shorn - because I love to rub their heads.... yeah - it's a little weird... but - I don't get much pleasure during the day and crew cut rubbin' is just - well - fun :)

and the boys humor me so well...

ah I'm officially jealous lol ah I haven't done that in far too long. I think that's why I go for the rough around the edges look...the industry I'm in the few straight guys are super polished and have better eyebrows than me.... I guess being surrounded by the "perfect" guys I just want them rough and dirty later
crew cut rubbin' is just - well - fun :)

Yup yup! :)