What's Sexy?

We men are so bloody predictable that none of us dare post here for fear of ridicule ;)

Ok, I don't care. My personal choice? Women.
  • Face - pretty, not always in any conventional way
  • Eyes - sparkle, the lights are on at home
  • lips - sexy, glossy, smiling
  • legs - slim, long
  • breasts - full, firm, not overly big
  • waist - slim, feminine
  • skin - soft, feminine
  • bums (butts I believe is the American) - rounded, curvy but not overly big
  • personality - intelligent, independent, a little wild and unpredictable
  • scent - perfumed
  • back - curved, feminine
  • kneck - delicate.
  • Finally, last but not least - no hairy backs or chest please.
A little secret. Most men over the age of 14 don't lust after super models with huge assets - we often prefer the 'girl next door' look.

Wow...that is a big list. I have a (male)friend who has 2 requirements. Female and breathing (the female part is not a deal breaker)...:D

I have got to agree with most that is already posted. I love sexy eyes (a man not afraid to make serious eye contact), sense of humor is a must and I have a weakness for muscular legs (yum)
yah the male and breathing is pretty much the standard I've got these days -but alas - the fellas all have toothy's standards ... :(
ok so i think i broke my toe tonite but the eye candy was so worth it...

Tall... vived green eyes... wavy thick brown hair... tank top... and very sweaty muscles... his muscles had muscles and a 15 lb weight landed on my little toe as i graceless turned to watch and couldn't quite rack the weight correctly... Ouch - but dang he was F-I-N-E fine...

sweaty muscles are now a good thing :D
rotfl - need to sneak the phone into the gym and take pics of the eye candy :D
I like to lift heavier weights, it means i burn more calories and make muscle and most of all get to ogle the seriously nice looking guys :D:D:D

btw, i always seem to get the weights into the rack fine, as well as a few fingers underneath.... you're not the only one :D
this was my first foray into the weight room... it's gonna be scarey heading back in there - all that sweat and testesterone and beefcake.... I don't suppose that counts as cardio does it -having my heart race like that?
a little cockiness and arrogance can be a little hot actually - provided they actually have the goods to back it up --otherwise they just become chum and I turn into a shark :D

I have a very strong, bossy personality -some might say dominant (without the whips and chains though- I'll never reveal what's in my goodie drawer) I like someone who I cannot manipulate... Arrogance is sometimes a good thing.. :)

Ive beenr eferred to as dominant as well :O
I love a Lady being a lady when it's time to be a Lady.. but also like a Lady who can play like one of the boys.. Very first thing I EVER notice on a Lady.. is fingernails.. Love french manicures.. :rolleyes: *dreaming now.. *grin*
I am a bit odd, but the thing that i find the most attractive about any person is PASSION. I have a difficult time being around (let alone sleeping with) anyone who doesn't feel passionate about something. Is that wierd?

After that...

- a love of children
- an open mind
- a nice butt

We men are so bloody predictable that none of us dare post here for fear of ridicule ;)

Ok, I don't care. My personal choice? Women.
  • Face - pretty, not always in any conventional way
  • Eyes - sparkle, the lights are on at home
  • lips - sexy, glossy, smiling
  • legs - slim, long
  • breasts - full, firm, not overly big
  • waist - slim, feminine
  • skin - soft, feminine
  • bums (butts I believe is the American) - rounded, curvy but not overly big
  • personality - intelligent, independent, a little wild and unpredictable
  • scent - perfumed
  • back - curved, feminine
  • kneck - delicate.
  • Finally, last but not least - no hairy backs or chest please.
A little secret. Most men over the age of 14 don't lust after super models with huge assets - we often prefer the 'girl next door' look.

Lol, pretty much agree but I could have summarized that in a few words. Btw there's no 'K' in neck, it took me a while to figure out what you meant XD. I wholeheartedly agree though, models are hot, but girl next door is more... realistic I guess, better overall.

Personally, just clean, neat, good smelling. No stuck up or overly confident girls who think they have a lot of pazzaz or whatever the hell it's called,
just.... normal I guess. o_O

I'm not usually one to stereotype or generalize, but the majority of American girls have a tendency to make every sentence a question? Like this? Totally? Coming from Great Britain, the birthplace of the English language, it pisses me off to the fullest extent to hear them speak that way, and I can only suppress vomiting a little in my mouth for just a few minutes. Naturally, I don't think vomiting would go down well on a date, so I tend to steer clear of those with a retarded knowledge of punctuation placement.
they have to be tall. i'm only 4'9" but my husband is 6'5" and i joke with him that he just barely made the cut. :smilielol5: lucky for me he likes shorties.
I think sexy is also a matter of mind. If you feel sexy, no matter the size, I believe that one would pick up on that and find the attiude very attractive. you know?? I mean, you can have a 'sexy' thin woman who thinks she's ugly and has no self esteem...and then there is the bigger girls who love themselves and think that they are very attractive...thats sexy to me.
Physically, I like men who have nice voices and great personal hygiene.

However, I won't even consider a man who doesn't have these traits:
  • Moral fiber
  • Intelligence
  • Common sense
  • Awesome sense of humor
  • Religious compatibility
  • Self control
  • Maturity, but with the ability to act boyish from time to time
  • Respect for everyone
  • Confidence and overall happiness/contentment (I used to always end up talking to really depressed people, and it only made me depressed.. so now I don't even like having conversations with people who are always unhappy.)
  • Non-smoker, non-alcoholic (though the occasional drink won't bother me.. if he's over 21), non-drug user

It's not because I'm picky, it's because I don't really have a type.. but I do have standards.. and I don't see any point in beating around the bush or settling when I know that's not going to satisfy me.
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Proof that I've worked around too many men for too long...

You don't have a flat head do you? :D

don't worry, i hear all sorts of things. :sifone: