What Supplements do YOU take?

Why no iron?

Whey concentrate with Casein
Whey isolate
Caffeine during cutting
Vitamin D because my level came back low despite multi and vitamins in all my supplements.

Why are people using creatine, flax, and fish oil? What difference did it make in your workout or progress? How do you know it is working?
Standard Multi
Bilberry (good for the eyes)
Why is that?

Why no iron?
Because most men get enough iron from their diets, so unless you have an iron deficiency, there is no need. Too much iron, however, can be a bad thing. The risks far outweight the benefits here.

Why are people using creatine, flax, and fish oil? What difference did it make in your workout or progress? How do you know it is working?
Creatine basically just floods your muscles with creatine, enablimg them to do more work. It's not a magic supplement and it doesn't directly produce any gains in muscle, but rather allows you to do it yourself. I haven't taken it yet. I want to, but I have a notoriously borderline high serum creatinine, so I'm kind of wary about taking it, especially because it's not going to make huge differences. Since I mentioned it, anyone have thoughts on that?

Flax is somewhat pointless, because as I have said before, a VERY minimal amount of it actually gets converted to EPA/DHA. Fish oil, however, has all of those benefits and helps to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, prevent against cancer, heart disease, etc. The fat loss effects are probably not there, but the health benefits certainly are :D

Let me mention that I, personally, would not recommend over 3-4 grams per day of EPA/DHA.
Creatine basically just floods your muscles with creatine, enablimg them to do more work. It's not a magic supplement and it doesn't directly produce any gains in muscle, but rather allows you to do it yourself.

I haven't taken it yet. I want to, but I have a notoriously borderline high serum creatinine, so I'm kind of wary about taking it, especially because it's not going to make huge differences. Since I mentioned it, anyone have thoughts on that?

The short answer is that adding creatinine is a very bad idea because of added stress to your kidneys and potential renal failure.

Creatine is contraindicated in people with renal dysfunction. If it isn't the added creatinine clearance stress, then it is the harm that it can cause from repeated episodes of dehydration associated with creatine use.

Your creatinine clearance generally reflects your kidney function. Have you had a thorough evaluation of your renal function including creatinine clearance, etc? What is your serum creatinine?

For someone with a normal creatinine, I've heard nutritionists say that the upper safe limit of protein intake is 1.5g/kg/day because of kidney damage, yet guys seem to take 1g/lb all the time and get away with it. How much protein are you taking daily?
This is a good read for some of the massive pill poppers on here. The whole suppliments industry is way out of control as people who think their suppliments give them a boost feel such a strong placebo effect that they start telling others about how important supps are and how great they make you feel
I take:

Whey Isolate (BulkFoodsDirect.com)

I have found that these three simple things keep me healthy and provide me with enough energy and stamina to complete my daily workouts.
The short answer is that adding creatinine is a very bad idea because of added stress to your kidneys and potential renal failure.

Creatine is contraindicated in people with renal dysfunction. If it isn't the added creatinine clearance stress, then it is the harm that it can cause from repeated episodes of dehydration associated with creatine use.

Your creatinine clearance generally reflects your kidney function. Have you had a thorough evaluation of your renal function including creatinine clearance, etc? What is your serum creatinine?

For someone with a normal creatinine, I've heard nutritionists say that the upper safe limit of protein intake is 1.5g/kg/day because of kidney damage, yet guys seem to take 1g/lb all the time and get away with it. How much protein are you taking daily?

Sorry I took so long to answer. No, I haven't had any extensive testing done because I'm not over the accepted limit. CC only reflects GFR, and even if GFR is elevated, that doesn't automatically mean renal dysfunction. It just means that more blood is flowing through the kidneys per unit time. But just like muscles adapt to a higher workload, kidneys can too. That's why some serious athletes have higher CC and GFR and have no ill effects. Theoretically, I don't see why that would be bad.

I can see dehydration being an issue, but that is easily fixed by drinking more water, obviously.

I shoot for about 1g/lb a day of protiein, but sometimes it's higher, sometimes lower. High protein does not cause kidney damage. There is not ONE study that shows that. It's only bad for people who already have kidney damage. But for those with healthy kidneys, high protein diets have only been positive.
Every Day (except Sundays):
Multi Vit
Multi Min
Fish Oil
Vit C

Some Days:
psyllium fiber

Some Months:
Omege III fatty acids/fish oil (900 to 1800 mg)
Multi Vitamin

That is it. Have thought about some protein shakes because my protein intake is low, but haven't decided on anything yet.
Vitamin world ultra man once a day, on occasion 2x a day like the bottle suggests.

Sams club Members Mark chocolate whey protein
one in the morning before or during shower
sometimes one right after work.

One right before workout
one right after workout

so at least 69 grams of whey a day. sometimes 92 grams on the days I take it right after work.
whey protein

and am currently on a 3 week cycle of animal stak... I'm prolly gonna take some NO supplement after this cycle
MultiVitamin, Whey Protien, Fish Oil, ZMA (before I go to bed), Complex B vitamin, White Flood (pre-workout), and I just started taking Vitamin D

Jason Salamone
I prefer Universal. The results are not so good, but after all are better than the other products I've tried ..like musashi. I also combine the protein with Omega III (because I don't eat fish often and I replace it with Omega III) and 3 times a week I take L-carnitin ..to burn fat.
Guys i'm sure all of you are aware of the whole Hydroxycut product recall thing, and i was curious about this. Are any of you still taking them? And do they really pose a threat to your health? I've taken them for about a month before and i didn't really notice any troubling symptoms on me.
GNC Whey Protein 4 scoops a day ..helps me lift more weight and helps recover them very quick
GNC NO Xplode two scoops a day..half an hour before workout ..it gives real good pumps and lot of energy
Flex Power..rubs them 10 minutes before workout and don't feel any pain
Mulivitamin offcourse :action11:
i just got back into training after being out for a long while due to too much work and i got pretty out of shape. i found that these sites were superb. ( change the word SPACE for http)


More on protein supplements. Fish oil and other multivitamin tablets. Kinda need them every to prolong my energy.:animal2
i take multivitamins and why protein supplement.