What Maketh The Man?

A real man knows he is a man...

Sounds simple enough and it is, i find when people tell me I'm a wuss because i didn't fight the guy who called me fat are the same people who didn't help me when i fought the guy who was messing around with a girl.

All these trivialities ( ? ) of opening doors and such are just common sense, where i live if a woman gets to a door before me she'll keep it open while i walk though, it's just common courtesy.

A weak man can be just as strong as a strong man ( lolz ) for example

I don't care what women say about not carrying if a man is strong/masculine, etc. If a couple is together and gets threatened in some way (a person in a bar, or out on the street, etc) - no woman is impressed when the guy cowers behind her for protection. lol

This can be turned, i doubt that same woman would be impresses if a strong man had no earning potential and didn't provide for his lady. Of coarse it would be brilliant if the world thought like this but sadly i guess a real man would be the stereotypical beefy guy who can "Hold it down for his woman"
Yea this is basically a stereotype thread. As we know, nobody has ALL those stereotypical qualities of a 'real man'.

Ive heard the sayin 'be a man and walk away'. from a fight. I dont really believe that saying. I couldnt walk away unless my life was at risk or i was about to get proper ****ed up.
Well as in my example i don't believe that fighting is really a solution in most matters. For example i am chunky and some kids in my school find it amusing to point this out. I personally don't care and some people may consider me a wuss for this, again don't care much. I find fighting only necessary when someone really needs help (i.e The girl situation in which i felt i had to fight) or some guy starts a fight for no reason. Otherwise i find it pointless... IMO of coarse ;)
I have and will continue to walk away from fights as much as possible. Fighting only leads to trouble. Too many idiots pulling guns, knives and what not these days. There have been a couple situations in my life where I had no choice and even then I didn't actually beat the crap out of the person. Instead I incapacitated them until either the police or a bar bouncer arrived.

Its just too much to risk unless absolutely necessary.

My favorite is when you get the drunk at a bar taking swings at you and you can basically put your hand on their forehead like in the cartoons. LOL
I know what you're saying 5pirit. What I was getting at, was not how often or quick a man gets in a fight - but whether or not he has the strength, courage, and ability to do so if necessary.

I truly cannot understand why it is so often considered a bad thing to acknowledge that there are certain qualities that are more inherently masculine or feminine. In a society where we are told to celebrate the differences in people, we are almost not allowed to celebrate the most natural difference of all - that of male and female.
Fighting solves a lot more than people claim. "Walking away" and "turning the other cheek" is not an end all solution. As the Dalai Lama said, "There are many kinds of violence and nonviolence, but one cannot distinguish them from external factors alone. If one's motivation is negative, the action it produces is, in the deepest sense, violent, even though it may appear to be smooth and gentle. Conversely, if one's motivation is sincere and positive, but the circumstances require harsh behavior, essentially one is practicing nonviolence. No matter what the case may be, I feel that a compassionate concern for others, not simply for one's self, is the sole justification for the use of force."
if you walk (or run) away when someone has pulled a knife on you they will stab you in the back. A lot of people don't think about the fact that you have to turn your face away from your opponent in order to run away. Everyone says to run first and only use force if you run into a dead end alley or something, but sometimes it is best to keep your eyes on the threat and stand your ground.
"Walking away" and "turning the other cheek" is not an end all solution.

In my experience turning the other cheek is the cause of 2 black eyes instead of one.

i doubt that same woman would be impresses if a strong man had no earning potential and didn't provide for his lady.

Again from my experience, women who place a high priority on earning potential are shallow, strippers, or both. Just a casual observation.

I can say that there have been times in my marriage when my wife made over 2X as much as me. There have also been times when I have made over 2X as much as her. In both situations neither of us cared. We both have goals and we both realize that income is going to change over our lifetime. It is not something we judge one another on.

I don't care what women say about not carrying if a man is strong/masculine, etc. If a couple is together and gets threatened in some way (a person in a bar, or out on the street, etc) - no woman is impressed when the guy cowers behind her for protection. lol

I concur. :D When something goes down (I say when because, at some point in time, it will happen) the guy better be able to put on his "bring it" face and figure out how to get safely out of a bad situation.

A knows what needs to be done when, can handle situations on the street and at his work.

Scratch that.

Being a real man is about respect. Showing respect to the people who deserve it, treating people they do not know with respect, and earning (not demanding) respect from others.
How come no one mentioned the most important male trait of them all...

teh ability to take on a bear empty-handed and defeat it.
I fought a crocodile once. I won obviously.

Well it was when my gf was 'wooly the sheep' and the croc was going to eat her. Couldnt allow that.

I pulled its teeth out 1 by 1, was fairly hardwork but thats just me i suppose.
I think because of modern day conveniences males have slowly gotten less muscular and there just ain't that many guys around that girls can truly find attractive so this whole guys act like girls thing has slowly developed to compensate and is now seen as whats attractive in "fashion". I'm pretty sure its like fact that if a girl was going to choose a guy for his looks alone and there was a metro sexual guy and a muscle guy the girl would chose the muscle guy. To be honest i like my girls on the plump side and hardly conform to what society thinks is attractive for girls.

don't worry...it will go back to normal eventually......maybe lol
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Yea this is basically a stereotype thread. As we know, nobody has ALL those stereotypical qualities of a 'real man'.

Ive heard the sayin 'be a man and walk away'. from a fight. I dont really believe that saying. I couldnt walk away unless my life was at risk or i was about to get proper ****ed up.

I would run/not fight if there was a gang of more then 2 or he had a knife but if i was with a girl i would do what was necessary to hold them off even if that means getting my ass beat...i think working out for as long as i have has made me much tougher when it comes to pain. Seriously....i feel like i have been in a fight most days any way from all my sore and stiff muscles
Hmmmm, you know what. I dont think working out (IMO) makes you much harder at all. Ok, youll be that extra bit stronger but i believe fighting is roughly 80% mentally. From many fights iv seen n sh1t anyone can beat anyone.

I noticed that was slightly off topic but :D
Hmmmm, you know what. I dont think working out (IMO) makes you much harder at all. Ok, youll be that extra bit stronger but i believe fighting is roughly 80% mentally. From many fights iv seen n sh1t anyone can beat anyone.

I noticed that was slightly off topic but :D

When I was really into martial arts I saw this little tiny Japanese dude, and a couple women who would tear anyone to shreds. I mean anyone. This one girl a blackbelt kicked a 200lb heavy bag, sent it to the ceiling then stopped it dead with another kick. It didn't even make her lose balance one bit.

This little 120 lb Japanese guy I watched throw a 6'-5" 250 plus guy across the floor with ease. Also watched him break cinder block after cinder block.

Just goes to show you that you really don't know who you're messing with sometimes.

I had to spar those 2 girls for a blackbelt test and got my ass rocked. These girls were flying all over the place. I ended up with a bloody nose, fat lip, bruises all over etc. I wouldn't want to tangle with them in a real fight ever.